What People are Commenting
Foul Language & Ex Cathedra Canonizations
Papal Foul Language
Dear TIA,
Francis is now using the f-word in his speeches. It happened some days ago when he addressed seminarians from Barcelona visiting Rome. Please, check here.
I wondered how we can consider this Pope a model for Catholics given that every day he adds more to his displays of non-Catholic habits.
Keep up the good work.
Francis is now using the f-word in his speeches. It happened some days ago when he addressed seminarians from Barcelona visiting Rome. Please, check here.
I wondered how we can consider this Pope a model for Catholics given that every day he adds more to his displays of non-Catholic habits.
Keep up the good work.
Is the Pentagon behind the Covid/Vax Impositions?
I am not sure whether this is just fake-news to bring more confusion to the surface, but take a look at this one: The Pentagon was/is behind the entire Covid/Vax impositions since the beginning.
You may watch this interview and reach your own conclusions…
I am not sure whether this is just fake-news to bring more confusion to the surface, but take a look at this one: The Pentagon was/is behind the entire Covid/Vax impositions since the beginning.
You may watch this interview and reach your own conclusions…
Are Canonizations Ex Cathedra Statements?
Good morning,
Does the process of canonization differ from the actual act of declaration [that the person is a saint]?
If the pope speaks as Pope and states the candidate is in Heaven is this not an ex cathedral statement?
TIA responds:
Good afternoon P.M.,
The normal process of canonization supposes the final declaration of the person to be a Saint. So, the declaration is the final coronation of the process, that is, included in it, not separate from it.
Until the Conciliar Popes and the 1983 Code of Canon Law, the declaration of a person as Blessed and especially as a Saint was considered infallible. That person was presented by the Catholic Church as a model of life and one completely faithful to doctrine who should be imitated by all her children. Therefore, with the canonization the Church was indirectly teaching about Faith and Morals, which are the fields where infallibility applies, even though she did not issue an ex cathedra pronouncement with the declaration.
The Conciliar Popes made these processes relative in three different ways:
We will have to wait for better times in the Church when the present day processes will have to be reviewed. Many of these hasty and careless "canonizations" will be annulled and the old exacting and rigorous legal demands will return in full force.
TIA correspondence desk
Does the process of canonization differ from the actual act of declaration [that the person is a saint]?
If the pope speaks as Pope and states the candidate is in Heaven is this not an ex cathedral statement?
TIA responds:
Good afternoon P.M.,
The normal process of canonization supposes the final declaration of the person to be a Saint. So, the declaration is the final coronation of the process, that is, included in it, not separate from it.
Until the Conciliar Popes and the 1983 Code of Canon Law, the declaration of a person as Blessed and especially as a Saint was considered infallible. That person was presented by the Catholic Church as a model of life and one completely faithful to doctrine who should be imitated by all her children. Therefore, with the canonization the Church was indirectly teaching about Faith and Morals, which are the fields where infallibility applies, even though she did not issue an ex cathedra pronouncement with the declaration.
The Conciliar Popes made these processes relative in three different ways:
- By removing from the Roman Martyrology several Saints who had been canonized by the Church before the process was installed in the 16th century. During all that time the persons
been considered Saints because of their fame of virtue and miracles. Paul VI took from the list of Saints St. Christopher,
St. George, St. Philomena, St. Simon of Trent, to mention just a few.
- By eliminating 141 canons that regulated the process of beatification and sanctification from the 1917 Code of Canon Law.
- By declaring persons blessed or saints who obviously were not, but were partisans of their progressivist current of thoughts. Many of the “blessed” and “saints” made in the last 50 years – Rosmini, Newman, John XXIII,, Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II among many – were not blessed or saints. To attain these titles the processes were rushed, the rigorous demands of the past disregarded, and steps of the process burned in order to declare whomever the reigning Pope so desired a “blessed” or a “saint.” The canonizations and beatifications declared since Vatican II have been so proliferous that they have been called the "saint factory."
We will have to wait for better times in the Church when the present day processes will have to be reviewed. Many of these hasty and careless "canonizations" will be annulled and the old exacting and rigorous legal demands will return in full force.
TIA correspondence desk
Alternatives to Ecumenism
Dear TIA Desk,
I had made lots of friends with non believers such as pagans, schismatics and Protestants before I read about Traditional Catholicism.
With ecumenism being condemned by scripture and Pre Vatican II teaching, how do I connect with them instead of doing ecumenism?
TIA responds:
Dear R.R.,
We are pleased you are taking the doctrine of the Catholic Church seriously and trying to follow her good tenets.
A similar question to yours has been addressed in this article. However, we offer you a few more considerations.
The first question you must ask yourself is how your friends are influencing you. If some of your pagan, schismatic or Protestant friends are causing you to act with less dignity or to make concessions to heresy (such as participating in their prayers), or to do things you know to be wrong for Catholics to do, it would be best to break with them. However, if you have an influence over your friends and find them acting better when they are around you, there is a hope that they are open to conversion.
It is important to understand that the friends you made before learning about traditional Catholicism are not true friends in the proper sense of the word, as you may read in this article. Only when the same ideals are shared can a true friendship rooted in God form. When you acknowledge this, your goal should be to do apostolate with them in order to bring them closer to the Truth.
This does not mean that you have to preach to them every time you see them. However, your objective in spending time with them and continuing the friendship should be to convert them to Catholicism.
An example of this kind of friendship can be found in the life of Alphonse Ratisbonne, a Jew who became Catholic after a miraculous conversion. In these three articles, (here, here, and here) you can see how the kindness, patience and, most of all, fidelity to the Catholic Faith of his friends eventually won his conversion. They did not exclude religion from their conversations, but neither did they refuse to have any social intercourse with him after realizing his firm stances against the Faith. Rather, they treated him with Catholic cordiality and were zealous to save his soul.
Keep the salvation of souls before your mind in all of your social relations, and it is unlikely that you will fall into the error of ecumenism. Listed below are a few general guidelines that may help you to discern how to act around your old friends.
First, do not call your protestant and schismatic friends Christians (here). If the topic of religion arises in conversation, you should make your stance clear that they need to convert to the Catholic Church in order to be saved.
Second, greet your friends with the cordial greeting of acquaintances rather than with the more familiar embrace (see here).
Third, gradually lessen the time you spend with your friends if they do not show any signs of good will. As they realize your newfound stances based on firm principles, the relationship will naturally become more distant, as it should.
TIA correspondence desk
I had made lots of friends with non believers such as pagans, schismatics and Protestants before I read about Traditional Catholicism.
With ecumenism being condemned by scripture and Pre Vatican II teaching, how do I connect with them instead of doing ecumenism?
TIA responds:
Dear R.R.,
We are pleased you are taking the doctrine of the Catholic Church seriously and trying to follow her good tenets.
A similar question to yours has been addressed in this article. However, we offer you a few more considerations.
The first question you must ask yourself is how your friends are influencing you. If some of your pagan, schismatic or Protestant friends are causing you to act with less dignity or to make concessions to heresy (such as participating in their prayers), or to do things you know to be wrong for Catholics to do, it would be best to break with them. However, if you have an influence over your friends and find them acting better when they are around you, there is a hope that they are open to conversion.
It is important to understand that the friends you made before learning about traditional Catholicism are not true friends in the proper sense of the word, as you may read in this article. Only when the same ideals are shared can a true friendship rooted in God form. When you acknowledge this, your goal should be to do apostolate with them in order to bring them closer to the Truth.
This does not mean that you have to preach to them every time you see them. However, your objective in spending time with them and continuing the friendship should be to convert them to Catholicism.
An example of this kind of friendship can be found in the life of Alphonse Ratisbonne, a Jew who became Catholic after a miraculous conversion. In these three articles, (here, here, and here) you can see how the kindness, patience and, most of all, fidelity to the Catholic Faith of his friends eventually won his conversion. They did not exclude religion from their conversations, but neither did they refuse to have any social intercourse with him after realizing his firm stances against the Faith. Rather, they treated him with Catholic cordiality and were zealous to save his soul.
Keep the salvation of souls before your mind in all of your social relations, and it is unlikely that you will fall into the error of ecumenism. Listed below are a few general guidelines that may help you to discern how to act around your old friends.
First, do not call your protestant and schismatic friends Christians (here). If the topic of religion arises in conversation, you should make your stance clear that they need to convert to the Catholic Church in order to be saved.
Second, greet your friends with the cordial greeting of acquaintances rather than with the more familiar embrace (see here).
Third, gradually lessen the time you spend with your friends if they do not show any signs of good will. As they realize your newfound stances based on firm principles, the relationship will naturally become more distant, as it should.
TIA correspondence desk

Posted January 19, 2023
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Re: Weaving a Tapestry of Diversity
I grew up not far from an Italian church, a German Church, an Irish church, a Polish church, a Slovak church, and a Ukrainian church. Yet, these people have no problem reducing us all to "white".
How is that inclusive?