Traditionalist Issues
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Real Council & Virtual Council – IV
Pope Montini’s Activity after the Council
Omitted by Mattei
Prof. Roberto de Mattei is being promoted by certain middle-of-the-road circles as a rising star of traditionalism. I do not believe he is an authentic leader, but rather another of these Vatican-made “traditionalists” whose mission is to enter the arena to anesthetize the good reactions among Catholics so that Progressivism can go ahead with its agenda.
In a talk he gave in Krakow he sustained that the bad consequences of Vatican II should not be attributed to the Bishops and Popes who made the Council and enforced it. Mattei pretends, endorsing a statement of Benedict XVI, that all of the Council's harmful consequences resulted only from a bad interpretation made by the media and calls it a Virtual Council. So, with this scapegoat, he intends to save Vatican II along with the Conciliar Popes and Bishops.
I resolved to write this series of articles showing how absurd this pretension is. The two first focused on how John XXIII consciously promoted the Vatican II Revolution (here and here); the third focused on the role of Paul VI during the Council (here). Today, I will analyze Paul VI’s action after Vatican II to enforce it. God willing, I shall continue this series with less time lapsing between articles.
The role of Paul VI in enforcing the Council
After Vatican II, Paul VI would spend the next 13 years making sure that the Vatican II directives were implemented throughout the whole Church. For him, the Council was just the beginning of the ”reform.” As Cardinal Suenens comments:
“For his part Pope Paul VI wrote these far-reaching words that engage the future: ‘The Council’s decrees, more than a point of arrival, are a point of departure toward new goals. The spirit and the renewing wind of the Council must continue to penetrate deeply into the life of the Church. The seeds of life sown by the Council in Church soil must reach their full maturity.’“(1)
In an egalitarian move promoting the desacralization of the Papacy, Paul VI would stop wearing the papal tiara, would sell it (video here), and would wear a bishop’s miter only on special occasions. Also, the sedia gestatoria (papal throne carried on the shoulders of nobility) and the flabelli (ostrich feather fans) were almost never seen during his papacy.
To help ensure that the Council’s decrees would reach the people and “penetrate deeply into the life of the Church,” Paul VI would do the unthinkable: He altered the Holy Mass.
The reform of the Mass & liturgy
Most Catholics spend the majority of their time involved in the day-to-day concerns of this world: family, job, school, etc. The majority have little time (assuming they have the competence) to follow the great discussions concerning the Church. How many Catholics have even read the 16 documents of Vatican II?
But through the Mass, liturgy and activities of the local parish, directives given by Rome slowly but surely reach and influence the everyday life of the average Catholic. Every Catholic, to a greater or lesser degree, is involved in the life of the local church. There, he assists at weekly or daily events such as Masses, feast days and ceremonies of baptisms, funerals, and weddings, that do “penetrate deeply into his life.” The document of Vatican II used to establish changes in the lives of the everyday Catholic through the Mass and liturgy was Sacrosanctum Concilium.
In his work In the Murky Waters of Vatican II, Atila Guimarães notes:
“Sacrosanctum Concilium, the Constitution on Liturgy, was the first document to be discussed and approved by the Council (11/14/1962), promulgated by Vatican II (11/21/1963), and officially ratified by Paul VI (12/4/1963).” (2)
After the Council, to supervise the implementation of Sacrosanctum Concilium,
“Paul VI established a new commission to reform the liturgy of the Mass: the Pontifical Commission for the Application of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy. The commission was headed by Fr. Annibale Bugnini, and included Protestant observers. The fruit of these studies was the Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum of Paul VI, published on April 3, 1969.” (3)
In short, professed enemies of the Church were brought in, consulted and took an active part in the creation of the hereticizing Novus Ordo Mass. Paul VI immediately went about doing everything he could to impose the New Mass:
“On April 10, 1970, Paul VI received the commission that prepared the new Ordo Missae. As a picture of the audience was about to be taken, the Pontiff chose to appear at the side of the observers from 'non-Catholic ecclesial communities.' In the foreground, next to Paul VI, appears Protestant minister Max Thurian, of the community of Taizé.” (4)
Perhaps Mattei wants us to believe that a director of the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) was behind the camera and instructed Paul VI to stand next to the Protestants for the photo op... Sorry, but Mattei’s Virtual Council idea truly is ridiculous.
More than just “a window was opened” with Vatican II: The new forms of liturgy, which reached and affected all of the faithful, acted more like opening every window and every door in the Church, as well as ripping off its roof.
As Guimarães states, Paul VI welcomed the new openness:
“Four months after founding the ITC [International Theological Commission – 1969], Paul VI expressed his intent to establish greater tolerance, along the same lines of the program already being followed.
"He said: ‘We will have a period in the life of the Church and, consequently, in that of each one of her children, of greater liberty, that is, of fewer legal obligations and internal inhibitions. The former discipline will be reduced, arbitrary intolerance and despotism abolished, the prevailing laws simplified, and the exercise of authority tempered. That sense of Christian liberty, which so marked the first generation of Christians when they understood they were released from observing the Mosaic Law and the complicated ritual precepts, will be fostered (Gal 5:1).’” (5)
These new forms of worship, which were developed with the help of Protestants, were forced on the Church by Paul VI in opposition to traditional Catholic teachings. From the Pope, these reforms spread to the Vatican, to the National Conferences of Bishops, to the Archdioceses and Dioceses and, finally, to every local parish. The media did not play any essential role in this internal reform.
Promoting Communism
On April 27, 1966, five months after the closing ceremonies of Vatican II, Paul VI warmly received at the Vatican Andrei Gromyko, Minister of USSR Foreign Affairs. For the first time in fifty years of Communism, a Pope welcomed a representative of the Soviet Union.
On January 1967, less than 9 months later, Paul VI invited Nicholas Podgorny to the Vatican.
While Catholics were being murdered, the Church persecuted, and Catholic social doctrine on private property forbidden in the USSR and other countries under the Communist Regime, Podgorny, the chairman of the USSR Supreme Soviet, was warmly received by Pope Paul VI.
On March 1971, Paul VI greeted communist dictator Tito of Yugoslavia. The message sent to all Catholics during the post-conciliar period was quite clear: Stop Fighting Communism!
Profaning relics, promoting relativism & abandoning habits
On June 24, 1968 at the Vatican, Paul VI gave a relic to a Monophysite Copt delegation. It was the head of St. Mark the Evangelist that had been guarded in Venice as a treasure for centuries!
In St. Peter’s Basilica, on May 6, 1973, after a Mass commemorating the 1600th anniversary of the death of St. Athanasius, Paul VI gave a relic of that Saint to the chief of the Monophysite Copt sect of Egypt, Shenouda III.
On December 14, 1975, Paul VI kissed the feet of the Russian Metropolitan Meliton and refused to allow this heretical-schismatic Meliton to return the gesture.
Previously, in 1966 in Rome, Paul VI publically had given his ring to the leader of the Anglican sect Michael Ramsey. This was supposed to be a symbol of the Catholic Church's commitment to “marry” the Anglican sect, following the imagery of the groom who gives an engagement ring to his fiancée.
During the reign of Paul VI and under his close direction, the habits of religious man and women continued to change and eventually disappeared. Those beautiful, modest and dignified garments that symbolized a renunciation of the world and were unique for each religious order, became more and more similar to lay clothing until they were almost extinct. In the feminine orders hemlines were raised to the knee exposing the leg, and veils, which had covered everything but the face, started to reveal hair colors and styles.
Again, the media had essentially nothing to do with those reforms. Certainly the media organs were more than willing to applaud those changes, but the responsibility for them lies strictly upon the Conciliar Popes who directed the reforms and the Bishops who were the secondary parties responsible for applying them.
Therefore, Paul VI was the Pope who:
There is much more that could be presented, but I believe what was exposed here is sufficient to pose the serious question: Who in his right mind could even consider the theory that the news reports spread by the media were responsible for the
Conciliar Revolution?
The analysis of the papacy of Paul VI alone is sufficient to destroy this unsustainable position of the so-called historian Roberto de Mattei. His attempt to curry favor with Conciliar Popes and the Vatican, by presenting the media as a scapegoat for the disaster called Vatican II, is absurd and deserving of contempt.
In my next article, I shall present papal actions that furthered the Conciliar Revolution during the world-shockingly brief reign of John Paul I.
In a talk he gave in Krakow he sustained that the bad consequences of Vatican II should not be attributed to the Bishops and Popes who made the Council and enforced it. Mattei pretends, endorsing a statement of Benedict XVI, that all of the Council's harmful consequences resulted only from a bad interpretation made by the media and calls it a Virtual Council. So, with this scapegoat, he intends to save Vatican II along with the Conciliar Popes and Bishops.
I resolved to write this series of articles showing how absurd this pretension is. The two first focused on how John XXIII consciously promoted the Vatican II Revolution (here and here); the third focused on the role of Paul VI during the Council (here). Today, I will analyze Paul VI’s action after Vatican II to enforce it. God willing, I shall continue this series with less time lapsing between articles.
The role of Paul VI in enforcing the Council
After Vatican II, Paul VI would spend the next 13 years making sure that the Vatican II directives were implemented throughout the whole Church. For him, the Council was just the beginning of the ”reform.” As Cardinal Suenens comments:

Paul VI abolished the tiara and sabotaged the papal ceremonies that have the sedia gestatoria & fabelli
In an egalitarian move promoting the desacralization of the Papacy, Paul VI would stop wearing the papal tiara, would sell it (video here), and would wear a bishop’s miter only on special occasions. Also, the sedia gestatoria (papal throne carried on the shoulders of nobility) and the flabelli (ostrich feather fans) were almost never seen during his papacy.
To help ensure that the Council’s decrees would reach the people and “penetrate deeply into the life of the Church,” Paul VI would do the unthinkable: He altered the Holy Mass.
The reform of the Mass & liturgy
Most Catholics spend the majority of their time involved in the day-to-day concerns of this world: family, job, school, etc. The majority have little time (assuming they have the competence) to follow the great discussions concerning the Church. How many Catholics have even read the 16 documents of Vatican II?
But through the Mass, liturgy and activities of the local parish, directives given by Rome slowly but surely reach and influence the everyday life of the average Catholic. Every Catholic, to a greater or lesser degree, is involved in the life of the local church. There, he assists at weekly or daily events such as Masses, feast days and ceremonies of baptisms, funerals, and weddings, that do “penetrate deeply into his life.” The document of Vatican II used to establish changes in the lives of the everyday Catholic through the Mass and liturgy was Sacrosanctum Concilium.

Paul VI poses with the Protestants whom he invited to help write the New Mass
“Sacrosanctum Concilium, the Constitution on Liturgy, was the first document to be discussed and approved by the Council (11/14/1962), promulgated by Vatican II (11/21/1963), and officially ratified by Paul VI (12/4/1963).” (2)
After the Council, to supervise the implementation of Sacrosanctum Concilium,
“Paul VI established a new commission to reform the liturgy of the Mass: the Pontifical Commission for the Application of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy. The commission was headed by Fr. Annibale Bugnini, and included Protestant observers. The fruit of these studies was the Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum of Paul VI, published on April 3, 1969.” (3)
In short, professed enemies of the Church were brought in, consulted and took an active part in the creation of the hereticizing Novus Ordo Mass. Paul VI immediately went about doing everything he could to impose the New Mass:
“On April 10, 1970, Paul VI received the commission that prepared the new Ordo Missae. As a picture of the audience was about to be taken, the Pontiff chose to appear at the side of the observers from 'non-Catholic ecclesial communities.' In the foreground, next to Paul VI, appears Protestant minister Max Thurian, of the community of Taizé.” (4)
Perhaps Mattei wants us to believe that a director of the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) was behind the camera and instructed Paul VI to stand next to the Protestants for the photo op... Sorry, but Mattei’s Virtual Council idea truly is ridiculous.

Monophysite Kyrillos VI in Egypt carrying the head of St. Mark, which a delegation received from Paul VI
As Guimarães states, Paul VI welcomed the new openness:
“Four months after founding the ITC [International Theological Commission – 1969], Paul VI expressed his intent to establish greater tolerance, along the same lines of the program already being followed.
"He said: ‘We will have a period in the life of the Church and, consequently, in that of each one of her children, of greater liberty, that is, of fewer legal obligations and internal inhibitions. The former discipline will be reduced, arbitrary intolerance and despotism abolished, the prevailing laws simplified, and the exercise of authority tempered. That sense of Christian liberty, which so marked the first generation of Christians when they understood they were released from observing the Mosaic Law and the complicated ritual precepts, will be fostered (Gal 5:1).’” (5)
These new forms of worship, which were developed with the help of Protestants, were forced on the Church by Paul VI in opposition to traditional Catholic teachings. From the Pope, these reforms spread to the Vatican, to the National Conferences of Bishops, to the Archdioceses and Dioceses and, finally, to every local parish. The media did not play any essential role in this internal reform.
Promoting Communism

Paul VI warmly greets communist dictator Tito
On January 1967, less than 9 months later, Paul VI invited Nicholas Podgorny to the Vatican.
While Catholics were being murdered, the Church persecuted, and Catholic social doctrine on private property forbidden in the USSR and other countries under the Communist Regime, Podgorny, the chairman of the USSR Supreme Soviet, was warmly received by Pope Paul VI.
On March 1971, Paul VI greeted communist dictator Tito of Yugoslavia. The message sent to all Catholics during the post-conciliar period was quite clear: Stop Fighting Communism!
Profaning relics, promoting relativism & abandoning habits
On June 24, 1968 at the Vatican, Paul VI gave a relic to a Monophysite Copt delegation. It was the head of St. Mark the Evangelist that had been guarded in Venice as a treasure for centuries!
In St. Peter’s Basilica, on May 6, 1973, after a Mass commemorating the 1600th anniversary of the death of St. Athanasius, Paul VI gave a relic of that Saint to the chief of the Monophysite Copt sect of Egypt, Shenouda III.

Above, Paul VI kneels before the Schismatic Meliton & kisses his feet; below, a bronze sculpture reproduces the gesture

Previously, in 1966 in Rome, Paul VI publically had given his ring to the leader of the Anglican sect Michael Ramsey. This was supposed to be a symbol of the Catholic Church's commitment to “marry” the Anglican sect, following the imagery of the groom who gives an engagement ring to his fiancée.
During the reign of Paul VI and under his close direction, the habits of religious man and women continued to change and eventually disappeared. Those beautiful, modest and dignified garments that symbolized a renunciation of the world and were unique for each religious order, became more and more similar to lay clothing until they were almost extinct. In the feminine orders hemlines were raised to the knee exposing the leg, and veils, which had covered everything but the face, started to reveal hair colors and styles.
Again, the media had essentially nothing to do with those reforms. Certainly the media organs were more than willing to applaud those changes, but the responsibility for them lies strictly upon the Conciliar Popes who directed the reforms and the Bishops who were the secondary parties responsible for applying them.
Therefore, Paul VI was the Pope who:
- Reigned over the Council and its conclusion;
- Signed, sealed and delivered the final product of the Council to the faithful;
- Spent 13 years after the Council implementing its norms and ”spirit” which he fully understood;
- Changed the Mass and Liturgy to help spread the Conciliar Revolution to even the most remote parishes around the globe;
- Tore down or weakened the barriers against Communism and Socialism, and
- Commanded the desacralization of the Papacy and the entire religious world …

Paul VI gives his ring to Anglican Ramsey
The analysis of the papacy of Paul VI alone is sufficient to destroy this unsustainable position of the so-called historian Roberto de Mattei. His attempt to curry favor with Conciliar Popes and the Vatican, by presenting the media as a scapegoat for the disaster called Vatican II, is absurd and deserving of contempt.
In my next article, I shall present papal actions that furthered the Conciliar Revolution during the world-shockingly brief reign of John Paul I.
- Atila Sinke Guimarães, In The Murky Waters of Vatican II, p. 115
- Ibid p. 224
- Ibid p. 228
- Ibid p. 228
- Atila Sinke Guimarães, Animus Injuriandi I, Desire to Offend, p. 23

Posted February 25, 2015