What People are Commenting
No Vaccine, WWW & Stocking Pills
The WWW & the New Egalitarian Era
Hello TIA,
Interesting. This year marks the 35th anniversary of the invention of the World Wide Web and the 30th anniversary of its global establishment.
I remember I encountered the World Wide Web at my university early, because my communist masters degree advisor (he was once a card carrying communist during the McCarthy era ) insisted all his students get an email. Why? Because he believed the WWW would be the best “equalizing” tool for society. Everyone’s opinion has equal weight on the WWW. A way to break “elitisi,” and old “morals,” because new ideas would have free reign to spread.
Well, he was right. Welcome to the amoral and equalizing world of the WWW, where a 15 year old ‘Influencer” can have more prestige than a Doctor at a University...
Of course, the Vatican II Church celebrates this victory also.
Read here.
Interesting. This year marks the 35th anniversary of the invention of the World Wide Web and the 30th anniversary of its global establishment.
I remember I encountered the World Wide Web at my university early, because my communist masters degree advisor (he was once a card carrying communist during the McCarthy era ) insisted all his students get an email. Why? Because he believed the WWW would be the best “equalizing” tool for society. Everyone’s opinion has equal weight on the WWW. A way to break “elitisi,” and old “morals,” because new ideas would have free reign to spread.
Well, he was right. Welcome to the amoral and equalizing world of the WWW, where a 15 year old ‘Influencer” can have more prestige than a Doctor at a University...
Of course, the Vatican II Church celebrates this victory also.
Read here.
Bergoglio Entangled in Criminal Action
Dear TIA,
The process in which a Vatican Tribunal found Card. Angelo Becciu guilty of embezzlement in the buying/selling of an expensive estate in London is having unpleasant consequences for Pope Francis.
Indeed, along with the Cardinal who was condemned to 5 ½ years in prison, was the English businessman Rafaelle Mincione, his associate who received the same penalty. Now, Mincione lawyers founded out that Pope Francis, in order to compromise Card. Becciu, had authorized wire-tapping the phone calls of those involved in the case. Now, wire-tapping someone’s phone calls is against the law. So, here is Francis having to face the accusation before a London court of law…
Mincione alleges the Vatican Tribunal does not have jurisdiction to condemn him, an English citizen. Probably Pope Bergoglio’s lawyers will allege that the London tribunal also cannot condemn a head-of-state, the Pope.
Will these juridical technicalities have effective consequences? Let us wait and see.
Read more here.
Keep up the good work.
The process in which a Vatican Tribunal found Card. Angelo Becciu guilty of embezzlement in the buying/selling of an expensive estate in London is having unpleasant consequences for Pope Francis.
Indeed, along with the Cardinal who was condemned to 5 ½ years in prison, was the English businessman Rafaelle Mincione, his associate who received the same penalty. Now, Mincione lawyers founded out that Pope Francis, in order to compromise Card. Becciu, had authorized wire-tapping the phone calls of those involved in the case. Now, wire-tapping someone’s phone calls is against the law. So, here is Francis having to face the accusation before a London court of law…
Mincione alleges the Vatican Tribunal does not have jurisdiction to condemn him, an English citizen. Probably Pope Bergoglio’s lawyers will allege that the London tribunal also cannot condemn a head-of-state, the Pope.
Will these juridical technicalities have effective consequences? Let us wait and see.
Read more here.
Keep up the good work.
Stockpiling Anti-Conception Pills
In case you missed this:
Democrat Gov. Jay Inslee (D-Wash.) has “secured a large enough supply of mifepristone pills to preserve access for women in his state through a second Trump administration,” the Times wrote. The supply of the medication is reportedly locked away at a state warehouse.
Inslee joins five other Democrat governors who “have established stockpiles of mifepristone to guard against the possibility of any Trump administration using federal power to stop its interstate distribution.”
Govs. Kathy Hochul (D-NY), Gavin Newsom (D-CA), Tina Kotek (D-OR), and Maura Healey (D-Mass.) have also begun to bank supplies of mifepristone in the (very likely) case Trump secures the White House.
“We have it physically in the state of Washington, which could stop him and his anti-choice forces from prohibiting its distribution," Inslee told the NYT. "It has a life span of five or six years. If there was another Trump Administration, it’ll get us through.”
Earlier this year, Trump walked back previous comments where he initially supported a 15-week ban on the procedure. However, he has since changed his views and said the issue should be left up to the states.
Inslee said that the FDA could potentially rescind its approval of mifepristone. If that happens, he would argue that the agency “lacked authority to restrict the use of the existing stockpiles if the pills did not cross state lines.”
My reply on Townhall's site:
I have heard of stockpiling food and water, both pro-life supplies. But, "It has a life span of five or six years. If there was another Trump Administration, it’ll get us through.”
Get 'us' through to what? Lord Inslee is of the diabolic. He probably pours these pills through his hands at night like misers do to gold coins. He actually plans evil for the future in case the means to it aren't available.
Like stocking cyanide just in case you want to kill anyone later on. The darkness of this man's soul would suck up the sunlight on a bright summer day.
In case you missed this:
Democrat Gov. Jay Inslee (D-Wash.) has “secured a large enough supply of mifepristone pills to preserve access for women in his state through a second Trump administration,” the Times wrote. The supply of the medication is reportedly locked away at a state warehouse.
Inslee joins five other Democrat governors who “have established stockpiles of mifepristone to guard against the possibility of any Trump administration using federal power to stop its interstate distribution.”
Govs. Kathy Hochul (D-NY), Gavin Newsom (D-CA), Tina Kotek (D-OR), and Maura Healey (D-Mass.) have also begun to bank supplies of mifepristone in the (very likely) case Trump secures the White House.
“We have it physically in the state of Washington, which could stop him and his anti-choice forces from prohibiting its distribution," Inslee told the NYT. "It has a life span of five or six years. If there was another Trump Administration, it’ll get us through.”
Earlier this year, Trump walked back previous comments where he initially supported a 15-week ban on the procedure. However, he has since changed his views and said the issue should be left up to the states.
Inslee said that the FDA could potentially rescind its approval of mifepristone. If that happens, he would argue that the agency “lacked authority to restrict the use of the existing stockpiles if the pills did not cross state lines.”
My reply on Townhall's site:
I have heard of stockpiling food and water, both pro-life supplies. But, "It has a life span of five or six years. If there was another Trump Administration, it’ll get us through.”
Get 'us' through to what? Lord Inslee is of the diabolic. He probably pours these pills through his hands at night like misers do to gold coins. He actually plans evil for the future in case the means to it aren't available.
Like stocking cyanide just in case you want to kill anyone later on. The darkness of this man's soul would suck up the sunlight on a bright summer day.
Fr. Battler’s Translation on The Mystical City of God
Good morning,
I am about a third of the way through Book 1 of the Mystical City of God. I have to take it slow in order to absorb more.
I read your article from 2020 on the history of the books and hoped you could answer a question.
Often there are references to Scripture passages in parenthesis. Some of the Bible book abbreviations are not clear to me. One was abbreviated Joan, which was the Gospel of John. But one is Sap. another Sophon. Also there are many that are identifiable.
I am reading from the TAN Books in English.
Any guidance you might have on deciphering the biblical references would be helpful.
Thank you
TIA responds:
The abbreviation Sap should stand for Sapientia in Latin which is the Book of Wisdom; the abbreviation Sophon should be a reference to the Prophecy of Sophonias or Zephaniah.
If you want to avoid these problems, we recommend to you another translation of the Mystical City of God by Ven. Maria de Agreda. We believe this is more reliable than the one you are using.
It is the New English Edition made by Mr. Timothy Duff, which you may download for free here or purchase here.
Or, you could simply check the discrepancies with his online translation to find the correct references.
Mr. Duff worked 8 years in correcting and re-translating innumerable passages. Other advantages of his work can be found in a message he sent to Dr. Horvat, explaining it.
Regarding the translation made by Fr. Blatter, which is the one you have, he made this comment:
Finally, I have nothing but the deepest respect and gratitude for Rev. Blatter for his monumental accomplishment. After decades of research my final conclusion is that he never had his manuscript proofread; he worked alone and had to hasten publication due to the order of his superiors to finish the work.
We hope this will assist you with your reading.
TIA desk
I am about a third of the way through Book 1 of the Mystical City of God. I have to take it slow in order to absorb more.
I read your article from 2020 on the history of the books and hoped you could answer a question.
Often there are references to Scripture passages in parenthesis. Some of the Bible book abbreviations are not clear to me. One was abbreviated Joan, which was the Gospel of John. But one is Sap. another Sophon. Also there are many that are identifiable.
I am reading from the TAN Books in English.
Any guidance you might have on deciphering the biblical references would be helpful.
Thank you
TIA responds:
The abbreviation Sap should stand for Sapientia in Latin which is the Book of Wisdom; the abbreviation Sophon should be a reference to the Prophecy of Sophonias or Zephaniah.
If you want to avoid these problems, we recommend to you another translation of the Mystical City of God by Ven. Maria de Agreda. We believe this is more reliable than the one you are using.
It is the New English Edition made by Mr. Timothy Duff, which you may download for free here or purchase here.
Or, you could simply check the discrepancies with his online translation to find the correct references.
Mr. Duff worked 8 years in correcting and re-translating innumerable passages. Other advantages of his work can be found in a message he sent to Dr. Horvat, explaining it.
Regarding the translation made by Fr. Blatter, which is the one you have, he made this comment:
Finally, I have nothing but the deepest respect and gratitude for Rev. Blatter for his monumental accomplishment. After decades of research my final conclusion is that he never had his manuscript proofread; he worked alone and had to hasten publication due to the order of his superiors to finish the work.
We hope this will assist you with your reading.
TIA desk
Posted June 25, 2024

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
A great victory for all the people of good sense who did not take the vax! A court judging a contention between the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) and some plaintiffs, ruled that the injection to prevent Covid-19 did not match the definition of a vaccine, since it did not cure it, but only deleted some of its symptoms.
The case went to court when LAUSD placed a deadline on its employees to comply with the mandatory order that all must take the vax.
You may read the full news report here