| Circumcision of Our Lord, January 1 - Elevated reasons why Our Lord obeyed the Jewish law - Prof. Plinio - December 31, 2019 |
Homo Urrutigoity protected by Galarreta, promoted by Williamson - SSPX covering for homo-pedo priests - Part 2 - Patrick Odou - December 30, 2019 |
Church Revolution in Pictures - Francis meets Eskimo shaman - December 29, 2019 |
Quand Dieu naquit à Noël - "When God was born at Christmas" - A French Christmas carol - Religious Hymns & Songs - December 28, 2019 |
Book review of In the Murky Waters of Vatican II - The Truth behind the Conciliar Crisis - Salwa Bachar - December 27, 2019 |
Greetings, Cross & Thank-You Cards - What People Are Commenting - December 26, 2019 |
The Mystery of Christmas - Sublime antitheses came to reality on December 25 - Dom Prosper Gueranger - December 25, 2019 |
 | The Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ, December 25 - The thoughts of Our Lady adoring the Child on Christmas night - Prof. Plinio - December 24, 2019 |
Christmas Greetings - TIA sends its best wishes to its faithful readers - December 23, 2019 |
Church Revolution in Pictures - Catholic University to sponsor LGBT event - December 22, 2019 |
Il Est un Petit Ange - 'He Is a Small Angel' - A Swiss Christmas carol about an Angel inviting a boy come to the Child - December 21, 2019 |
Preparing Soul and Body for Christmas - The authentic joys a Catholic should have & what should he avoid - Prof. Plino Corrêa de Oliveira - December 20, 2019 |
The Fundamental Error of Ecumenism - It is to deny the militant character of the Church - Prof. Plinio - December 19, 2019 |
A Christmas Request - TIA asks the help of its regular readers - December 18, 2019 |
Villainous, Previews of the Papacy & Confession - What People Are Commenting - December 17, 2019 |
 | The Expectation of Our Lady, December 18 - The antiphons are an appeal to the Infant to re-implant His Kingdom on earth - Prof. Plinio - December 17, 2019 |
Why Does SSPX Cover for Homo-Pedo Priests? - Galarreta’s complacency with homo seminarian Urrutigoity - Patrick Odou - December 16, 2019 |
Church Revolution in Pictures - When the innocents resist Progressivism - December 15, 2019 |
Santa Lucia - 'Saint Lucy' - An Italian song for St. Lucy's Day - December 14, 2019 |
How to Preserve Our Faith in the Present Crisis in the Church? - By discernment of spirits & comparing doctrine - Prof. Plinio - December 13, 2019 |
Birth Control, New Herod & Evolution - What People Are Commenting - December 12, 2019 |
The Feast of St. Lucy Inspires Charming Customs - Processions and 'crowns of light' in Italy and Sweden - Rachel Lozowski - December 11, 2019 |
Our Lady of Guadalupe, December 12 - Juan Diego's diplomacy in dealing with Our Lady - Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - December 11, 2019 |
Disciplining Children & the Man of Sin - What People Are Commenting - December 10, 2019 |
Freud’s Mechanistic Vision of the Human Psyche - 4 - Flaws in his materialistic vision of the soul - Prof. Ivan Rojas, M.D. - December 9, 2019 |
 | The Translation of the Holy House to Loreto - December 10 - The long chain of sacred events that occurred in that place - Prof. Plinio - December 9, 2019 |
Church Revolution in Pictures - Jesuit promotes ‘gay’ Jesus - December 8, 2019 |
Tous les Bourgeois de Châtres ("All the People of Châtres") - A Christmas carol describing the celebrations in the French village - December 7, 2019 |
The Immaculate Conception of Our Lady - December 8 - How purity generates intransigence and combativeness - Prof. Plinio - December 7, 2019 |
Leaving Yoga & Ecological Sin - What People Are Commenting - December 6, 2019 |
Restoring the Feast of St. Nicholas - St. Nicholas and his companion mete out rewards & punishments - Rachel Lozowski - December 5, 2019 |
None Can Go against the Traditional Teaching of the Church - Response to a question about Vatican II
- Prof. Plinio - December 4, 2019 |
Finding Peace, Veiled Virgin & Fundamentalists - What People Are Commenting - December 3, 2019 |
The Disappearing Family Farm - 'Get big or get out' - the new order from above - Organic Society - Marian T. Horvat - December 2, 2019 |
Church Revolution in Pictures - Lesbian ‘marriage’ in an Austrian church - December 1, 2019 |
 | Original in Portuguese - Three Letters, Guimarães responds to detractions against Prof. Plinio, perfidiously reignited by SSPX groups - November 30, 2019 |
Chile Hit by Urban Guerilla Vandalism - Another planned attack that leaves millions of dollars of damage - Patricio Padilla - November 29, 2019 |
Our Oldest City & First Thanksgiving - First Thanksgivings Were Catholic -
Reality & Myth regarding Thanksgiving - Dr. Horvat - November 27, 2019 |
Disney, Totem Staff, Good & Bad Saints - What People Are Commenting - November 26, 2019 |
The New Hero: The Villain - Review of the Disney show Villainous (2019) - Elizabeth Lozowski - November 25, 2019 |
Church Revolution in Pictures - Francis under a statue of Buddha... - November 24, 2019 |
Decorum in Discussing, Interrupting & Responding - St. de la Salle: Be good custodians over your tongues - November 23 2019 |
Urban Guerilla Warfare in Ecuador - A planned insurgence supported by the Church to serve the Revolution - Patricio Padilla - November 22, 2019 |
Middle-of-the-Road Hostility - What People Are Commenting - Hate Mail - November 21, 2019 |
Are the Documents of Vatican II Infallible? – V - Paul VI says it did not pronounce any dogma - Arnaldo Xavier da Silveira - November 20, 2019 |
The Presentation of Our Lady - November 21 - It was in the Temple that she prepared herself to be the Mother of God - Prof. Plinio - November 20, 2019 |
Warm Support, Desecration in France - What People Are Commenting - November 19, 2019 |
The Lion King: Tribalism in a Virtual Reality - The doctrine behind an ‘innocent’ movie - Salwa Bachar - November 18, 2019 |
Church Revolution in Pictures - Francis with an idolatrous staff - November 17, 2019 |
Jeronimo, the New Bishop of Pavia - How Our Lady chooses a Bishop to her liking - Gonzalo de Berceo - Stories & Legends - November 16, 2019 |
The Cuban Empire -The Threat Few See - Moscow-Beijing-Havana support communists in the Americas - Toby Westerman- November 15, 2019 |
Padre Pio, Proper Yard & Sheep Stealing - What People Are Commenting - November 12, 2019 |
Amazonian Rite & Other Synod Requests - Pulverizing the form of the Sacraments - Bird's Eye View - Atila S. Guimarães - November 13, 2019 |
Cupich, Newman & All Angels - What People Are Commenting - November 12, 2019 |
Martinstag Celebration in Germany - With its St. Martin's Day lanterns, procession and goose - Rachel Lozowski - November 11, 2019 |
Church Revolution in Pictures - Pope adheres to Tribalism - November 10, 2019 |
Ich geh’ mit meiner Laterne - 'I Go with My Latern' - A German song for St. Martin's Day - November 9, 2019 |
Saving Souls, a Goal Dismissed by the Conciliar Church - Making light of sins of the flesh and death - Homer Sweeney - November 8, 2019 |
 | Our Lady of Almudena - November 9 - There is always something irreversibly victorious in the causes of Our Lady - Prof. Plinio - November 8, 2019 |
Kumbaya, Marquess & Chinese Persecution - What People Are Commenting - November 7, 2019 |
Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces - November 8 - The immensity of graces she received overflows from her to men - Prof. Plinio - November 7, 2019 |
Book review of The Deluge & Pan Michael - The decisive Battle of Czestochowa
& the epopee of Jan Sobieski - Allan Royce - November 6, 2019 |
Assisted Suicide, Celtic Cross & Agreda - What People Are Commenting - November 5, 2019 |
Synod, Married Priests & Deaconesses - A look at final Synod Document - Bird's Eye View - Atila Sinke Guimarães -
November 4, 2019 |
Church Revolution in Pictures - Pact of the Catacombs for a Tribal Church - November 3, 2019 |
Progressivist Document of the Week - Catacomb Pact renewed: ‘For the Common House’ - November 2, 2019 |
Polish All Souls Day: Cemeteries Become Seas of Lights - A friend recalls the Catholic customs of her youth - Rachel Lozowski - November 1, 2019 |
Soul Cake Song - An English 'souling song' for All Souls' Day - October 31, 2019 |
The Deep State Wants Trump Impeached over Syria - Good reasons to leave the Marxist-feminist-terrorist state - Cliff Kincaid - October 30, 2019 |
Avengers, Synod & Thomist Philosophy - What People Are Commenting - October 29, 2019 |
Amazonia Synod - ‘Behold Your New Mother’ - More bad fruits: A pantheist prayer honoring Mother Earth - Marcos Munhoz, Brazil - October 28, 2019 |
Church Revolution in Pictures - Tribal ceremony in Vietnam - October 27, 2019 |
Unser Liebe Fraue - A German foot soldiers song in honor of Our Lady - Folk Songs - October 26, 2019 |
Christ the King, October 27 - Why Christ must reign over man in the spiritual and temporal spheres - Prof. Plinio - October 26, 2017 |
Genocide to Restore Balance to the Universe - Movie review of Infinity War - Elizabeth Lozowski - October 25, 2019 |
Three Questions about the Christ Child of Pichincha - A moving testimony by a reader - What People Are Asking - October 24, 2019 |
Two Women Who Entered Crusading History - One for a 16-year wait; the other for an indignant scolding - Hugh O'Reilly- October 23, 2019 |
Cheating Prelates, immigrant sculpture & Angels - What People Are Commenting - October 22, 2019 |
Book review of With Fire and Sword - An epic Poland, unknown to the West - Allan W. Royce - October 21, 2019 |
Church Revolution in Pictures - Fathers of Mercy engage in ‘New Evangelization’ - October 20, 2019 |
Faults against Decorum Regarding Charity Owed to Your Neighbor - St. de la Salle: Insults and mockery are grave offenses - October 19, 2019 |
Other Titles of Infallibility of the Ordinary Magisterium – IV - A first look at canonizations, Church laws & the liturgy - Arnaldo da Silveira - October 18, 2019 |
Lighthouses, Aborted Children & Mass Validity - What People Are Commenting - October 17, 2019 |
 | Now in English - Three Letters, Guimarães responds to detractions against Prof. Plinio, being perfidiously reignited by SSPX groups - October 16, 2019 |
Little People, Yacy & New Conversions - What People Are Commenting - October 15, 2019 |
Feast of the Translation of the Holy House Suppressed - Under a veiled implication that the miracle is a fable - Dr. Carol Byrne - October 14, 2019 |
Church Revolution in Pictures - Amazon Synod enthrones Mother Earth - October 13, 2019 |
Faults against Decorum Committed through Talk - St. John Baptist de La Salle: Avoid inconsiderate, thoughtless or useless words - October 12, 2019 |
Pope Embarrassed by Conversions to Catholicism - 'New evangelization' does not include converting heretics - Marian Horvat, Ph.D. - October 11, 2019 |
Our Lady Aparecida - October 12 - She listens to the smallest requests of the lower people - Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - October 11, 2019 |
 | NEW PAGE - Questions - The questions readers have sent to TIA over the course of 17 years are now ordered and easy to find - October 10, 2019 |
 | Divine Maternity of Our Lady - October 11 - Investigating the mysteries contained in this dogma - Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - October 10, 2019 |
An Invitation to a Gnostic & Evolutionary World View - Marvel Universe fans are being seduced into myths - Elizabeth Lozowski - October 9, 2019 |
Hatred for Our Lady of Good Success etc. - What People Are Commenting - Hate Mail - October 8, 2019 |
The Thirst for Souls Is the Key of the Apostolate - VII - Helping souls to fulfill their resemblance of God - Prof. Plinio - October 7, 2019 |
Church Revolution in Pictures - A foretaste of ‘a Church with an Amazonian face’ - October 6, 2019 |
Our Lady of the Rosary, October 7 - Rosary: the seal of a special liaison of the person with Our Lady - Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - October 6, 2019 |
Decorum & Civility Are Virtues that Refer to God - St. John Baptist de La Salle: Conduct should be wise & well-regulated - October 5, 2019 |
The Eco-Messianism of the Vatican Synod - Tribalism & Ecology presented as new models for the future - Patricio Padilla, Ecuador - October 4, 2019 |
Disneyland, Servant Class & ‘Rainbow Plague’ - What People Are Commenting - October 3, 2019 |
The Plague of Cohabitation - Lack of proper Church teaching leads to our modern marriage crisis - Francisco Gutierrez - October 2, 2019 |
Video, Anarchist Singer & Papal LGBT - What People Are Commenting - October 1, 2019 |
 | Popular Movements vs. Populism - Papal foreward for a book endorsing popular movements - Atila Guimarães - Bird's Eye View - September 30, 2019 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Anarchist singer performs on altar in Catalonia - September 29, 2019 |
My Last Cigar - A tobacco poem that became a college song - Folk Songs - September 28, 2019 |
 | The Marvel Universe: An Unreal & Dangerous World - Movie review of Infinity War (2018) and Endgame (2019) - Elizabeth Lozowski - September 27, 2019 |
 | Agreda, Sheep’s Smell & Time Zones - What People Are Commenting - September 26, 2019 |
 | NEW VIDEO ON YOUTUBE - Our Lady of Good Success: Prophecies for Our Times (Part 2) - A presentation by Dr. Marian Horvat - September 25, 2019 |
 | New ‘Martyrs,’ Cursive & Marxist Synod - What People Are Commenting - September 24, 2019 |
 | Infallibility & the Continuity of the Magisterium- III - When are Council teachings infallible? - Arnaldo Xavier da Silveira - September 23, 2019 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Monastery for living together in Germany - September 22, 2019 |
St. Sabinus Fights alongside the Lombard King - Miracle brings the Lombards to the Catholic Faith - Hugh O'Reilly - September 21, 2019 |
The Beauty of a Spiritual Soul - Thirst for Souls - VI - How souls are only things of true value in this world - Prof. Plinio - September 20, 2019 |
 | Glorious Times, Hollywood & Lay Celibacy - What People Are Commenting - September 19, 2019 |
 | Our Lady of La Salette, September 19 - The rejection of Our Lady's messages makes the chastisement unavoidable - Prof. Plinio - September 18, 2019 |
Lefèbvre, Franquerie & Maurras - ‘I am convinced Msgr. Lefebvre was not a Mason’: TIA responds - What People Are Commenting - September 17, 2019 |
 | Fourteen Other Feast Days Abolished - False pretexts given to cut many important ancient feasts - Dr. Carol Byrne - September 16, 2019 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Suor Cristina losing momentum - September 15, 2019 |
 | Our Lady of Las Lajas (Colombia) - September 16 - On the physiognomies in the picture painted by Angels - Prof. Plinio - September 15, 2019 |
Have You Forgotten? - 9/11 Tribute Song - Folk Songs - September 14, 2019 |
 | The Seven Sorrows of Our Lady - September 15 - Suffering is the highest gift God reserves for the elected ones - Prof. Plinio - September 14, 2019 |
 | What Is an Ex Cathedra Papal Pronouncement? - II - The four conditions that must be present - Arnaldo Xavier da Silveira - September 13, 2019 |
 | Exaltation of the Holy Cross, September 14 - A feast to humiliate the enemies of Our Lord - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - September 13, 2019 |
 | Muddy Devils, Fred Astaire & 9/11 - What People Are Commenting - September 12, 2019 |
 | Dos & Don'ts - Do Dress Well even When You Make Physical Effort - Fred Astaire sets a model for Americans - Elaine Jordan - September 11, 2019 |
How to Fight the ‘Toy Mentality’ with Babies at Mass- The tendency today to make babies the center of attention - Marian T. Horvat - September 10, 2019 |
Contemplation of a Spiritual Nature - Thirst for Souls - V - One human soul is worth more than all material things - Prof. Plinio - September 9, 2019 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Pope goes to Mozambique to support communist President - September 8, 2019 |
St. Peter of Verona & the Manicheans - The Saint exposes a false vision - Hugh O'Reilly - Stories & Legends - September 7, 2019 |
 | Nativity of Our Lady - September 8 - Her birth announced the fall of Paganism and the coming of Redemption - Prof. Plinio - September 7, 2019 |
 | Freud's Concept of Sexual Repression - 3 - The modern Sexual Revolution relies on Freud's wrong theories - Prof. Ivan Rojas, M.D. - September 6, 2019 |
 | Our Lady of Covadonga, September 7 - She demanded everything from her soldiers to win an impossible battle - Prof. Plinio - September 6, 2019 |
 | Credo, Shamans & Praying for Oceans - What People Are Commenting - September 5, 2019 |
Knocking Our Lady off Her Pedestal with Mary 2.0 - German movement presents Our Lady as a feminist - Elizabeth Lozowski - September 4, 2019 |
 | Addressing Priests, Aida & Manríquez y Zárate - What People Are Commenting - September 3, 2019 |
 | The Authority of Pontifical & Conciliar Documents - 1 - Defining the types of Magisterium - Arnaldo Xavier da Silveira - September 2, 2019 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - New Guinea tribes offer models for Church Tribalism - September 1, 2019 |
Debout les Gars - 'Arise, lads!' - A French counter-revolutionary song - Folk Songs - August 31, 2019 |
St. Rose of Lima: Lay Celibate by the Wish of Our Lady - Part 11 - Her virtue practiced at home inspires all of Peru - Rachel Lozowski - August 30, 2019 |
 | Trade War, Macron’s Evidence & Sheen - What People Are Commenting - August 29, 2019 |
 | The Pope & the AAA Corridor - A plan to usurp land from 8 nations to make a new 'pan-Amazonia' reality - Atila Guimarães -
August 28, 2019 |
 | Amazon Fire & Abortion in Australia - What People Are Commenting - August 27, 2019 |
Francis Helps Return Socialism to Argentina - Saving Peronism from another defeat - Patricio Padilla, Ecuador - August 26, 2019 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Tribalist marriage in Brazil preparing the future? - August 25, 2019 |
The Image Miraculously Spared by the Flames - From the manuscripts of the Mont St. Michel - Gonzalo de Berceo - Stories & Legends - August 24, 2019 |
 | Feast of St. John at the Latin Gate: Abolished - Another sacking of the Roman Rite by Bugnini - Dr. Carol Byrne - August 23, 2019 |
 | Resurrected Ones & Mother Cabrini - What People Are Commenting - August 22, 2019 |
 | Disordered & Ordered Way of Contemplating Nature - One leads to self-adoration, the other to admiration of the Creator - Prof. Plinio - August 21, 2019 |
 | The Immaculate Heart of Mary - August 22 - What does its triumph promised at Fatima mean? - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - August 21, 2019 |
 | Dresses, Martyrs & Babysitters - What People Are Commenting - August 20, 2019 |
Our Lady of Knock - August 21 - A series of articles analyzing unknown aspects of this apparition - Gregory Johnson - August 20, 2019 |
The Assumption Day Horse Race in Sienna - Il Palio di Sienna: A display of pageantry, color, daring courage - Rachel Lozowski - August 19, 2019 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Sensual performance at Catholic Convention in California - August 18, 2019 |
The Greedy Farmer - His custom to address Holy Mary releases him from the Devil's chains - Gonzalo de Berceo - Stories & Legends - August 17, 2019 |
 | Are Dinosaurs Equal to Humans? - Movie review of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018) - Elizabeth Lozowski- August 16, 2019 |
 | Tyrolean song, Albert Pike & Masonic Prelates - What People Are Commenting - August 15, 2019 |
The Divorce of the Cup & Saucer - A modern revolutionary trend in tableware to abandon the saucer - Mark J. Williams - August 14, 2019 |
 | Assumption of Our Lady - August 15 - All the joys she had were crowned with the Assumption - Prof. Plinio - August 14, 2019 |
Is Mourning in the Scriptures? Where? - There are many Old Testament references to Hebraic mourning customs - August 13, 2019 |
Nuns Close the Doors to New Applicants - Aging sisters cheerfully face the death of their Orders - Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D. - August 12, 2019 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Bergoglio & Boff: Old Acquaintances - August 11, 2019 |
Wenn Ich auf Hohen Bergen Steh' - A yodeling song from the mountains of Tyrol - Folk Songs - August 10, 2019 |
Types of Romantic Affection - Reflected differently in the German and Latino spirits
- The Thirst for Souls III - Prof. Plinio - August 9, 2019 |
 | Concordats, heretics & Third Orders - What People Are Commenting - August 8, 2019 |
Models of Lay Celibacy in History - Part 10 - Saints who prove the single state is not due to 'failed circumstances' - Salwa Bachar - August 7, 2019 |
 | Yodel, Catholic States & Holy Anger - What People Are Commenting - August 6, 2019 |
Famous German Doctor Attacks Ban to Heal Homosexuals - Homo Minister proposes plan to criminalize therapy - Dr. Maike Hickson - August 5, 2019 |
Transfiguration of Our Lord – August 6 - Fr. Alvarez - Transfiguration of Our Lord – August 6 - Fr. Sretenovic - August 5, 2019 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Lefebvre with topless women, in the light of Tradition - August 4, 2019 |
 | Our Lady of the Snow - August 5 - Legends speak to us of the power of Our Lady - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - August 4, 2019 |
Das Kufsteiner Lied - A Tyrolean song with its characteristic yodel - Folk Songs - August 3, 2019 |
 | The Mystery of the Disappearing Pope - The underlying cause for taking Pope St. Leo II from the Calendar - Dr. Carol Byrne - August 2, 2019 |
 | Zita, Ecological Conversion & In Vitro Babies - What People Are Commenting - August 1, 2019 |
 | Our Lady Queen of the Angels, August 2 - A needed devotion today when the Devil reaches the apex of his power - Prof. Plinio - August 1, 2019 |
Historical Precedents for Lay Celibacy - Part 9 - Saints who chose to be single & fight for the Church
- Salwa Bachar - July 31, 2019 |
 | Bernardin’s Crimes, Reiki & Skateboard - What People Are Commenting - July 30, 2019 |
Different Types of Egoism & Sociability - The interested man & the Calvinist -
The Thirst for Souls II - Prof. Plinio - July 29, 2019 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Francis wears a Naga tribal headgear - July 28, 2019 |
The Prior & Uberto the Sexton - A foulmouthed Prior saved for praying well his Office to Our Lady - Gonzalo de Berceo - Stories & Legends - July 27, 2019 |
The Brown Scapular & the Promise of Salvation - Our Lady appears to St. Simon Stock - Elaine Jordan - July 26, 2019 |
Objection: Arch. Léfèbvre Was Not a Mason - TIA demonstrates that the objectors offer no valid evidence or proof - July 25, 2019 |
Amazonia Synod - An Atomic Bomb inside the Church - The new concept of mission promotes Communism - Marcos Munhoz, Brazil - July 24, 2019 |
 | Lay Celibates, Katechon & St. Christopher - What People Are Commenting - July 23, 2019 |
 | Sigmund Freud & Catholic Morals - A wrong theory: Sexual desire is the main energy of man's actions - Prof. Ivan Rojas, M.D. - July 22, 2019 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Immoral & ecumenical carnival in Aachen - July 21, 2019 |
The Pilgrim Deceived by the Devil - St. James appeals to Our Lady to return a dead pilgrim to life - Gonzalo de Berceo - Stories & Legends - July 20, 2019 |
 | Dazzling & Sumptuous Revolutionary Ideas - Movie review of Crazy Rich Asians - Louise G. Fisher - July 19, 2019 |
Objection: TIA Is Fueling Terrorist Plots & White Supremacy - Paranoid fantasies of an anti-racist - July 18, 2019 |
Our Lady of Good Success Speaks to Us Today - Book review of Our Lady of Good Success: Prophecies for Our Time - Jonathan B. Coe - July 17, 2019 |
 | Quoting, Misquoting & Alabama - What People Are Commenting - July 16, 2019 |
 | St. Michael: An 'Unwanted' Feast for the Reformers - Bugnini dismisses its miraculous origins as 'not historical' - Dr. Carol Byrne - July 15, 2019 |
 | Our Lady of Mount Carmel, July 16 - Link between Our Lady of Mount Carmel and Our Lady of Fatima - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - July 15, 2019 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures Not for children - Homo orgasm celebrated in Montreal church - July 14, 2019 |
Le Navire de Bayonne - A traditional French sailor's song - Folk Songs - July 13, 2019 |
A Red Pope Frees a Red Criminal Ex-President - Francis intrudes into Brazilian judicial decision - Mark J. Williams - July 12, 2019 |
 | Our Lady’s Video, Moral Lesson & Relic - What People Are Commenting - July 11, 2019 |
Presuppositions to Understand the Thirst for Souls - Types of thirst for souls, types of egoisms
- Prof. Plinio - July 10, 2019 |
 | Fireworks, Cathinfo & No Bribes - What People Are Commenting - July 9, 2019 |
The Ideal Nun of Progressivism - An old hippie twirling a scarf & preaching One World Religion - Salwa Bachar - July 8, 2019 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - New Bishop of Pinerolo celebrates Ramadan- July 7, 2019 |
The Carmelite Order - I - Protected by Our Lady for centuries - Elaine Jordan - July 6, 2019 |
 | Toy Story 4 Promotes LGBT Agenda - A sip of poison served in popular Disney film - Martin M. Barillas - July 5, 2019 |
God Bless the USA - A popular American patriotic song - Folk Songs - July 4, 2019 |
Fourth of July Homage - TIA's prayer for the American nation - July 3, 2019 |
 | ‘I Tried to Investigate Lefebvre & Was Banned’ - What People Are Commenting - July 2, 2019 |
 | The Economy of Francis - A letter to young economists inviting them to join him at Assisi - Atila Sinke Guimarães - Bird's Eye View - July 1, 2019 |
 | The Visitation of Our Lady - July 2 - Magnificat, a canticle that is an artistic work of logic - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - July 1, 2019 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Retired Bishop of Pinerolo celebrates Ramadan - June 30, 2019 |
 | NEW VIDEO ON YOUTUBE - Our Lady of Good Success: Prophecies for Our Times (Part 1) - A presentation by Dr. Marian Horvat - June 29, 2019 |
Revolutionary Agenda of the Amazonia Synod - Prediction: 'Nothing will be as it was before' in the Church - Marcos Munhoz, Brazil - June 28, 2019 |
 | Lay Celibacy & New Antichrists - What People Are Commenting - June 27, 2019 |
 | Feast Days of Our Lord - Sacred Heart of Jesus - June 28 - Counter-Revolutionary Role of the Sacred Heart Devotion - Prof. Plinio - June 27, 2019 |
 | Feast Days of Our Lord - Sacred Heart of Jesus - June 28 - Symbol of Combativity & Restoration of Christendom - Guimarães & Horvat - June 27, 2019 |
‘Let's Not Wait for the Theologians’ - Francis spurns dogma & traditionalists on plane from Romania - Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D. - June 26, 2019 |
 | Our Lady of Perpetual Help, June 27 - Analysis of the symbolism of this classical picture - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - June 26, 2019 |
 | Saints, ‘Racist’ Bell & Viri Probati - What People Are Commenting - June 25, 2019 |
 | Dos & Don'ts - Don't Look like a Clown in Public - Prince Filiberto de Savoia impersonates Elton John - Elaine Jordan - June 24, 2019 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Francis honors Jeffrey Sachs at ecological meeting - June 23, 2019 |
Veni Sancte Spiritus - An exquisite and tender Pentecost hymn of the 12th century - Religious Hymns & Songs - June 22, 2019 |
 | Now in Portuguese - The book Servitudo ex Caritate by Atila Guimarães on the Holy Slavery to Our Lady taking Prof. Plinio as a mediator - June 21, 2019 |
 | Rome, Birds & Chinese Indoctrination - What People Are Commenting - June 20, 2019 |
 | Abolished to Please Protestants - The Finding of the Holy Cross feast day - Dr. Carol Byrne - June
19, 2019 |
Origin of the Feast of Corpus Christi - June 20 - Gregory Johnson - On the Eve of Corpus Christi, the Miracle at Metz - Fr. de Saint Martin - June 19, 2019 |
 | TIA Clarification of a Previous Post on Arch. Lefebvre - What People Are Commenting - June 18, 2019 |
 | Will Rome Be Destroyed? - II - The value of St. Malachi’s Prophecy - Homer Sweeney - June 17, 2019 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Jewish Passover celebrated at Brazilian Catholic Parish - June 16, 2019 |
Veni Creator Spiritus - A soul-stirring Pentecost hymn invoking the Holy Ghost - Religious Hymns & Songs - June 15, 2019 |
 | Freud – His Doctrines & Errors - An analysis of Freud's doctrine shortly after his death in 1939 - Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - June 14, 2019 |
 | Was Msgr. Lefèbvre a Freemason? - What People Are Commenting - June 13, 2019 |
 | NEW VIDEO ON YOUTUBE - Promo: Our Lady of Good Success - Prophecies for Our Times - A preview of our new video - June 12, 2019 |
 | Eliot, Naked Prince & Conservative Nuns - What People Are Commenting - June 11, 2019 |
Will Rome Be Destroyed? - The Apocalypse, the Conciliar Church & the Third Secret - Homer Sweeney - June 10, 2019 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Newark parish promotes a ‘pride Mass’ - June 9, 2019 |
The Devout Thief - Our Lady has mercy on her servant hanged for his crimes - Gonzalo de Berceo - Stories & Legends - June 8, 2019 |
A Feminist Revolt against the Natural Order - Movie review of Aladdin (2019) - Salwa Bachar - June 7, 2019 |
 | No Miserabilism, Notre Dame & ‘Father’ Title - What People Are Commenting - June 6, 2019 |
 | The Finding of the Holy Cross - The unjustified suppression of this feast in the Roman Calendar - Dr. Carol Byrne - June 5, 2019 |
 | Silence, Quito & St. Therese - What People Are Commenting - June 4, 2019 |
Childhood: The Principal Stage of St. Therese's Life - Part 3 - How would we react to this extraordinary soul?
- Prof. Plinio - June 3, 2019 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Francis preparing the Amazon Synod - June 2, 2019 |
The Charitable Pauper - Our Lady tells him: 'The time has come to collect your wages' - Gonzalo de Berceo - June 1, 2019 |
Mass of the Faithful - 17 - The Leonine Prayers - Abandoned in the New Mass - Dr. Remi Amelunxen, posthumous article - May 31, 2019 |
 | Sheen, Euthanasia & Fruits of the Council - What People Are Commenting - May 30, 2019 |
 | TFP in Quito: Final Balance - Response to an accusation - Atila Sinke Guimarães - Bird's Eye View - May 29, 2019 |
What to Do: A Daughter at Loyola & a Son at Home? - Dealing with older children without a strong CR formation - Marian T. Horvat - May 28, 2019 |
The Agony of Venezuela - The harsh toll of ‘21st Century Socialism’ - Toby Westerman - May 27, 2019 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Lesbian-like dance in Catholic high school - May 26, 2019 |
 | The Chasuble of St. Ildephonsus - How Our Lady rewards those who serve her well - Stories & Legends - Gonzalo de Berceo - May 25, 2019 |
 | SSPX in Quito: Final Balance - An internal plot to change the Convent's juridical status - Atila Sinke Guimarães - Bird's Eye View - May 24, 2019 |
 | Raoni, Amazonia & ‘Gay’ Arthur - What People Are Commenting - May 23, 2019 |
 | Our Lady Help of Christians, May 24 - How do we know that a help comes from Our Lady? - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - May 23, 2019 |
Francis Did Not Nix Possibility of Female Deacons - Vatican media official says pope is 'open to new development' - Dr. Maike Hickson- May 22, 2019 |
 | New Notre Dame, Alabama & Neruda - What People Are Commenting - May 21, 2019 |
The Personality of St. Therese of Lisieux - Part 2 - Her gaze hovers in a sphere much superior
to normal thoughts - Prof. Plinio - May 20, 2019 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Graphic photos - JPII style Easter Mass in Micronesia - May 19, 2019 |
 | NEW PAGE - Our Library - The book Servitudo ex Caritate by Atila Guimarães on the Holy Slavery to Our Lady taking Prof. Plinio as a mediator - May 18, 2019 |
In-Vitro Jewelry: A Step beyond Horrendous - A demonic 'art' that turns human embryos into trinkets - Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D. - May 17, 2019 |
 | Marrying Twice & Sr. Mary Elizabeth - What People Are Commenting - May 16, 2019 |
The Personality of St. Therese of Lisieux - Part 1 - First impressions from a photo at age 8
- Prof. Plinio - May 15, 2019 |
 | Rock, Hip Hop & Hosts for Black Masses - What People Are Commenting - May 14, 2019 |
The Precious Medieval Symbolism of the Mass - Each part has an elevated meaning - Emile Male - May 13, 2019 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Idolatrous Afro ritual in a Turin church - May 12, 2019 |
 | Our Lady of Fatima, May 13 - What should the content of the Third Secret be? - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - May 12, 2019 |
El Martes Me Fusilan - A Mexican song in honor of the faith & prowess of the Cristeros - Folk Songs - May 11, 2019 |
 | Our Lady of the Abandoned Ones, May 12 - Miraculous origin of a devotion from which we all benefit - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - May 11, 2019 |
Family, Marriage & Sublimity - Affective homogeneity & similarity of ideas create strong cohesion - Organic Society - Prof Plinio - May 10, 2019 |
Wrath from Miscellaneous Sources - What People Are Commenting - Hate Mail - May 9, 2019 |
Obituary of Rock – A Succession of Tragedies - Suicides and tragic deaths of many rockers - not a coincidence - Lorenzo Lazarotto - May 8, 2019 |
 | A ‘Gay’ Gregory, Amazon Synod & Rosary - What People Are Commenting - May 7, 2019 |
 | When the Saints Go Marching Out - John XXIII arbitrarily eliminates two more important feasts - Dr. Carol Byrne - May 6, 2019 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Banquet during Maundy Thursday Mass in Brazil - May 5, 2019 |
Why St. Anthony Is Invoked for Lost Things - A stolen manuscript is returned immediately - Joseph A. Keller - May 4, 2019 |
MassResistance – Taking Action against All Odds - Activists defeat a comprehensive sex-ed bill in Washington State - Salwa Bachar - May 3, 2019 |
What about the Recent Accusation of Francis Falling into Heresy? - Guimarães responds: What to praise and what to criticize - May 2, 2019 |
A Great Lie that Damages Souls - The 'beatification' of pseudo-martyr Bishop Angelelli in Argentina - Cosme Beccar Varela - May 1, 2019 |
 | Licitness, Transgenders & ‘Blessed’ Angelelli - What People Are Commenting - April 30, 2019 |
The Bursting Pomegranate: Symbol of the Resurrection - A deep-red fruit rich in meaning in the Old and New Laws - Margaret Galitzin - April 29, 2019 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Sr. Cristina sings for LGBT - April 28, 2019 |
The Church Praises Perfect Chastity for the Laity - Forgotten Truths - Pius XII: Strengthen your hold resolution and be faithful to it - April 27, 2019 |
Bishop Miñarro, a Revolutionary Like Francis - This beach-Mass Bishop promotes homo unions, abortion etc. - Salwa Bachar - April 26, 2019 |
 | Notre Dame, ‘Good’ Pharisees & Rock Nuns - What People Are Commenting - April 25, 2019 |
Maccabees Warriors Inspire the Crusaders - IV - The deaths of Eleazar and Judas Maccabeus win them everlasting glory - Marian Horvat - April 24, 2019 |
 | Our Lady of Good Counsel of Genazzano, April 25 & 26 - Psychological analysis of Our Lady and the Child in that picture - Prof. Plinio - April 24, 2019 |
 | Sandals, March for Life & El Matador - What People Are Commenting - April 23, 2019 |
Rasputin Was Supported by the Russian ‘Orthodox’ Church - VI - How he entered St. Petersburg court - Lucas J. Coletta - April 22 , 2019 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - African tribal dance at church in Cleveland - April 21, 2019 |
Easter Greetings - TIA greets its faithful friends, donors & readers - April 20, 2019 |
Why Saturday Is Dedicated to Our Lady - She was the only one who believed in His Resurrection - Prof. Plinio - April 19, 2019 |
 | Tenebrae Liturgy of Holy Saturday - Common Liturgy - Monastic Liturgy - The ceremony with songs by selected choirs - April 19, 2019 |
 | Honoring Our Lady at Holy Saturday- Listen to Stabat Mater Dolorosa - A hymn singing the sorrows of Our Lady during the Passion - April 19, 2019 |
 | Good Friday - Common Liturgy - Monastic Liturgy - Follow the ceremony with songs by selected singers & choirs - April 18, 2019 |
 | Good Friday Preparation - Three scenes to contemplate and special graces to request - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - April 18, 2019 |
 | Maundy Thursday - Common Liturgy - Monastic Liturgy - Follow the ceremony with songs by selected singers & choirs - April 18, 2018 |
 | Holy Week - Follow the ceremonies on our page - Maundy Thursday - April 17, 2019 |
 | TIA Article Produces Waves on Social Media - What People Are Commenting - April 2, 2019 |
The Legacy of Arch. Travez: Refusal to Fight against Corruption - Ecuador is orphan of a moral leadearship - Patricio Padilla - April 15, 2019 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Francis kisses the feet of Protestant politicians - April 14, 2019 |
The Cardinal of Lima Condemns Modern Dances as Immoral - No absolution for penitents who won't stop dancing the
mambo - April 13, 2019 |
 | Expelling the Feast of St. Peter in Chains - To please Protestants, John XXIII removes it from the Roman Calendar - Dr. Carol Byrne - April 12, 2019 |
 | Second Biennial Event: Windows into the Counter-Revolution - Photoset 3: Overview & close-ups of guests and presentations - April 11, 2019 |
The 2019 March for Life: An Ecumenical Woodstock - A Catholic critique of the 'sacred cow' event - Mark J. Williams - April 10, 2019 |
Blessed Antonio Pavoni – April 9 - An Inquisitor General, martyred by furious heretic Waldensians - Prof Plinio - April 9, 2019 |
Confused Language, Confused Thoughts - Behind the SSPX name change of Our Lady of Good Success - Atila Sinke Guimarães - April 8, 2019 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Deaconesses: a consummate fact in Germany - April 7, 2019 |
Sermon on the Rosary Works a Conversion - Assisted by Our Lady, a sinner perseveres in virtue to the end - St. Alphonsus de Liguori - April 6, 2019 |
The China-Vatican Betrayal - 4 - Crackdown escalates after the deal - Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D. - April 5, 2019 |
 | Second Biennial Event: Windows into the Counter-Revolution - Photoset 2: Guests enjoy a warm convivium in the Grand Ballroom - April 4, 2019 |
Pope St. Julius I – April 12 - The anti-ecumennical Pontiff defended his flock from Arianism - Prof Plinio - April 3, 2019 |
 | Good Success, SSPX, Quito etc. - What People Are Commenting - April 2, 2019 |
The Family: Vital Principle of the Guilds - The spirit of family imbued all the institutions of a society - Prof Plinio - April 1, 2019 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Voodoo ritual at a Catholic church in Brazil - March 31, 2019 |
Through Our Lady, a Heretic Converts - A Scotsman abjures his error & enters the Company of Jesus - St. Alphonsus de Liguori - March 30, 2019 |
The Three Forms of Baptism - Constant Church teaching on Baptisms of Water, Blood and Desire - Fr. Paul Alvarez Norton - March 29, 2019 |
 | Second Biennial Event: Windows into the Counter-Revolution - Photoset 1: TIA team sets up, dedication, speakers & guests - March 28, 2019 |
New Papal Game: Pull Back the Hand before It Is Kissed - Francis shocks visitors at the Holy House of Loreto - Marian T. Horvat - March 27, 2019 |
 | Xi, Danneels & Scala Santa - What People Are Commenting - March 26, 2019 |
An SSPX Agent in Quito - One result: an awkward 'official' name change - Bird's Eye View of the News - Atila Sinke Guimarães - March 25, 2019 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Satanist crucifix-clock in Innsbruck - March 24, 2019 |
 | Annunciation of the Angel & Incarnation of the Word, March 25 - Two mysteries related to Holy Slavery to Our Lady - Prof. Plinio - March 24, 2019 |
Sins Cancelled, Book Becomes White - Through the intercession of Our Lady - St. Alphonsus de Liguori - March 23, 2019 |
Heavy Metal: Origin & Main Bands - Steeped in an occult and Satanist 'spirituality' - Lorenzo Lazarotto - March 22, 2019 |
 | NEW VIDEO ON YOUTUBE - Update on TIA's Counter-Revolutionary Action - Atila Guimarães speaks about past & upcoming projects - March 21, 2019 |
 | Our Lady of Bethlehem, Pius XII & JPII - What People Are Commenting - March 20, 2019 |
 | NEW VIDEO ON YOUTUBE - Introduction to Our Media Channel - March 19, 2019 |
 | How the 1962 Missal Acquired Its Calendar Reform - Chair of Peter feast wiped out for ecumenical purposes - Dr. Carol Byrne - March 18, 2019 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Frenetic youth adoration in Brazil - March 17, 2019 |
Progressivist Document of the Week - Pius XII was a necessary bridge to reach Vatican II - March 16, 2019 |
Stalinism in Brazil - II - From Prestes to Lula, mirroring the Russian scenario - Nereu Ganter Peplow, Brazil - March 15, 2019 |
 | NEW PAGE - Windows into the Counter-Revolution - Video of Our Lady of Good Success & the Crisis in the Church - March 14, 2019 |
12,000 Objections against Pro-Abortion Bills - Illinois laws propose removing all protections for babies in the womb - Anna Reynolds - March 13, 2019 |
 | ‘62 Mass, Beach Bishop & Ape Church - What People Are Commenting - March 12, 2019 |
Vatican Sex Abuse Summit Kicks the Can Down the Road - Bishops dawdle as anger mounts & the scandal festers - Phil Lawler - March 11, 2019 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Church in Montreal supports LGBT - March 10, 2019 |
Progressivist Document of the Week - Agatha Christie Appeals to Paul VI: Do Not Change the Tridentine Mass - March 9, 2019 |
Nuns Join the Feminist Strike - Spanish Dominicans tweet support for radical feminism - Margaret C. Galitzin - March 8, 2019 |
 | Amazon Synod, Infanticide & Valid Absolution - What People Are Commenting - March 7, 2019 |
 | Our Lady of Good Success or Our Lady of Buen Suceso? - What People Are Commenting - March 6, 2019 |
 | Our Lady of Nazaré, March 6 - When only a remnant remains faithful, she restores everything from it - Prof. Plinio - March 5, 2019 |
Painting of a Human Soul - Versus a deformed modern depiction of man - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - March 4, 2019 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Carnival in a Dutch Catholic Church - March 3, 2019 |
Bien Me Deüsse Targier - A troubadour crusader song on the morality of the nobles - Folk Songs - March 2, 2018 |
The Aristocrat and the Jetsetter - A modern social elite that hides its distinction - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - March 1, 2019 |
 | Francis in JPII’s Footsteps & ‘Saint’ Paul VI - What People Are Commenting - February 28, 2019 |
The Maccabees & the Crusaders - III - Two heavenly interventions that lead the Maccabees to victory - Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D. - February 27, 2019 |
Benedict’s Fan Rage & Protestant Non-Sense - What People Are Commenting - Hate Mail - February 26, 2019 |
The 'Good' Archbishop Travez - First response to two SSPX attacks - Bird's Eye View of the News - Atila Sinke Guimarães - February 25, 2019 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Communist Fr. Cardenal absolved by Francis - February 24, 2019 |
Progressivist Document of the Week - Francis lifts the sanction on Marxist activist Fr. Ernesto Cardenal - February 23, 2019 |
Irreverent Play on Our Lady at WYD Panama - A rapping archangel Gabriel dances with a modern Mary - Salwa Bachar - February 22, 2019 |
 | Arsonist Ratzinger, McCarrick & Valtorta - What People Are Commenting - February 21, 2019 |
Why I'm Embarrassed to Invite Non-Catholics to Mass - It's hard to take today's clownish Catholicism seriously - Mary Carroll - February 20, 2019 |
 | Witches, Dancing & Quito Controversy - What People Are Commenting - February 19, 2019 |
Russian ‘Orthodox’ Church's Complicity with the Bolshevik Revolution - V - The role of Fr. Georgy Gapon - Lucas J. Coletta - February 18, 2019 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - The beach Mass of Bishop Minarro - February 17, 2019 |
Ave Regina Caelorum - A Marian chant antiphon sung from February 2 to Holy Week - Religious Hymns & Songs - February 16, 2019 |
 | The 1962 Canon Precipitated a Crisis - Eliminating the Communion Confiteor leads to serious doctrinal consequences - Dr. Carol Byrne - February 15, 2019 |
Links between Our Lady of Good Success in Quito & Madrid? - What People are Asking - Marian T. Horvat - February 14, 2019 |
Saving Benedict XVI - Schizophrenia or Hypocrisy? - Delusional trads ignore Benedict's own words - Fr. Paul Alvarez Norton - February 13, 2019 |
 | Two Proofs of SSPX’s ‘Temperance’ - What People Are Commenting - February 12, 2019 |
Family Affection, the Foundation for a State - A city, a region and a State depends on this essential sentiment - Prof Plinio - February 11, 2019 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Francis kisses Imam to seal the Panreligion - February 10, 2019 |
 | Our Lady of Lourdes, February 11 - Lessons about suffering, miracles of generosity and resignation - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - February 10, 2019 |
Miracles of the Crusades - II - An army from Heavens assists the Crusaders at Antioch - Hugh O'Reilly- February 9, 2019 |
The Sadness of Our Lady of Good Success in Quito 2019 - And possible reasons for her grievance - Atila S. Guimarães
- February 8, 2019 |
 | Persecution Increases under China-Vatican Deal - What People Are Commenting - February 7, 2019 |
Free-Love & Agnostic Rockstar Praised by Vatican Newspaper - Vatican eulogizes Van Morrison and his music - Salwa Bachar - February 6, 2019 |
 | Austria, Ukraine & Ireland - What People Are Commenting - February 5, 2019 |
Applying Mistrust, Vigilance and Pugnacity toward Others - The Reign of Mary will be short-lived if there is no vigilance - Prof. Plinio - February 4, 2019 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Blasphemous monstrance at WYD-2019 - February 3, 2019 |
Miracles of the Crusades - The discovery of the Holy Lance in the Battle of Antioch - Hugh O'Reilly- February 2, 2019 |
The Prophetic Mission of Mother Mariana - When all seems lost, Our Lady will intervene & save the Church - February 2, 2019 |
Mass of the Faithful - 16 - From the Ablutions to the Last Gospel - Dr. Remi Amelunxen, posthumous article - February 1, 2019 |
Our Lady of Good Success and the Purification - February 2 - Understanding these invocations in relation to our fight - Prof. Plinio - February 1, 2019 |
 | Guaidó, Dolan & Burke - What People Are Commenting - January 31, 2019 |
 | Novena of Our Lady of Good Success - Day Nine - To be said on February 1 - Posted Jan 31, 2019 |
Head of Latvian ‘Orthodox’ Church Is a KGB Agent - From the recently released files of Latvian National Archives - Lucas J. Coletta - January 30, 2019 |
 | Novena of Our Lady of Good Success - Day Eight - To be said on January 31 - Posted January 30, 2019 |
 | St. Ignatius in the Canon & transgender girls - What People Are Commenting - January 29, 2019 |
 | Novena of Our Lady of Good Success - Day Seven - To be said on January 30 - Posted January 29, 2019 |
The Lack of Vigilance and the Role of 'White Heresy' - Applying the trio of counter-revolutionary virtues to oneself first - Prof. Plinio - January 28, 2019 |
 | Novena of Our Lady of Good Success - Day Six - To be said on January 29 - Posted January 28, 2019 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Mexican Bishop says Mass for LGBT group - January 27, 2019 |
 | Novena of Our Lady of Good Success - Day Five - To be said on January 28 - Posted January 27, 2018 |
Prinz Eugen, der edle Ritter - The brave Prince Eugene defeats the Muslims in Belgrade - Folk Songs - January 26, 2018 |
 | Novena of Our Lady of Good Success - Day Four - To be said January 27 - Posted January 26, 2019 |
 | NEW VIDEO ON YOUTUBE - Our third video on the Collection on Vatican II -Progressivism explained - January 25, 2019 |
 | Novena of Our Lady of Good Success - Day Three - To be said January 26 - Posted January 25, 2019 |
 | What Is the Internal & External Glory of God? - The two ways God receives glory - Guimarães - What People Are Asking - January 24, 2019 |
Novena of Our Lady of Good Success - Day Two - To be said January 25 - Posted January 24, 2019 |
St. Emerentiana, Virgin and Martyr - January 23 - Still a catechumen, she was 'baptized in her own blood’ - Margaret Galitzin - January 23, 2019 |
 | Novena of Our Lady of Good Success - Invitation, Introduction and Day One - Novena from January 24 to February 2, her feast day. Are you short on time? Start the short novena - January 23, 2019 |
 | NEW VIDEO ON YOUTUBE - Watch the 2-minute TRAILER for the Video on Vol. 3 of Guimarães' Collection on Vatican II - January 22, 2019 |
 | Change in the '62 Canon Presaged the Novus Ordo - Dialogue Mass 81 - Personal devotion, excuse to break tradition - Dr. Byrne - January 21, 2019 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Priest enters church riding a bull - January 20, 2019 |
Priests Belong to the Learning Church - Parente, Piolanti & Garofalo: A common error made today - Forgotten Truths - January 19, 2019 |
 | Our Lady of the Miracle, January 20 - How she converted the Jew Alphonse Ratisbonne - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - January 19, 2019 |
Spain’s Fervor in the Civil War & Its Decadence - The zeal rekindled by the Spanish Civil War - Prof. Plinio - January 18, 2019 |
 | Viganò & Homo-Progressivist Mafia - What People Are Commenting - January 17, 2019 |
The Expensive Trips of the Poor Pope - Irish faithful must pay off $5 million debt - View of the News - Atila Sinke Guimarães - January 16, 2019 |
 | Our Lady of Peace - January 17 - True peace demands a means to defend order against those who want to destroy it - Prof. Plinio - January 16, 2019 |
 | Wife’s Role & Trust in Clergy Plunges - What People Are Commenting - January
15, 2019 |
Women Introduce Legislation to Defund Planned Parenthood - Unabashed voices defend the rights of the unborn - Stephen Ertelt - January 14, 2019 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Polish Bishop dances the tango - January 13, 2019 |
Progressivist Document of the Week - Vatican celebrates the 60th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution - January 12, 2019 |
Balancing Work for Men & Women in the Home - The feminine man and masculine woman - how did it happen? - Marian T. Horvat - January 11, 2019 |
Obtuse Nazi Frenzy & Papaist Ire - What People Are Commenting - Hate Mail - January 10, 2019 |
Stalinism in Brazil - I - An overview of its early terrorist character - Nereu Ganter Peplow,
Brazil - January 9, 2019 |
 | A Standing Francis & Self-Defense - What People Are Commenting - January 8, 2019 |
The Union of the Three ‘Orthodox’ Ukrainian Churches - Fear the Ukrainian people could convert spurs the action - Lucas J. Coletta - January 7, 2019 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Bergoglio spinning a soccer ball - January 6, 2019 |
Reges Tharsis - The Magi offer their gifts in this solemn Epiphany chant - Religious Hymns & Songs - January 5, 2019 |
 | Epiphany of Our Lord, January 6 - Representation of fidelity in different eras of History - Prof. Plinio - January 5, 2019 |
Mere Physical Comfort vs. Moral Well-Being - To nourish the spirit is more than mere comfort of body - Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - January 4, 2019 |
 | St. Joseph in the Canon & SSPX Chapel - What People Are Commenting - January 3, 2019 |
 | St. Joseph in the Canon - Dialogue Mass 80 - An Innovation of John XXIII to break tradition - Dr. Carol Byrne - January 2, 2019 |
 | Knights of Columbus & Peter Damian - What People Are Commenting - January 1, 2019 |