Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Blasphemous monstrance at WYD-2019
When seen from the distance, the bronze monstrance, above, looks like a thin long-legged woman wearing pants and standing with her legs slightlyapart. It is certainly an inconvenient, if not a blasphemous, way to depict Our Lady.
When seen without the monstrance, first row below, the front view looks like a nut-cracker utensil shaped in female form; to put the nut in to crack, the woman has to open her legs. We do not need to stress that this often seen nut-cracker shape is grossly immoral. It is obviously a blasphemous depiction when it is used in this way to represent Our Lady.
If you zoom in and look at the image’s face in detail, second row below, you will note an old woman with the features of a witch. It is another blatant impropriety to represent the perfect woman without original sin in this way.
To have chosen this statue to place on the main altar of the World Youth Day in Panamá shows a profoundly distorted soul with an affinity for horror, the occult and immorality. There is nothing here in common with the highly respectful past devotion to the Most Holy Virgin Mary. Instead, it reflects the mentality of Progressivism, which is no longer Catholic.
Nonetheless, Pope Francis felt perfectly at ease saying Mass and performing an adoration on that altar, as seen in the photos below on this page.
Birds of a feather flock together…