Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Who taught the WYD Bishops to rock'n roll?
Above, you see the Bishops who attended the WYD in Rio dancing at the closing Mass said by Pope Francis. It was soft-rock in honor of Francis sung and danced by all present at that Mass: Cardinals, Bishops, priests and lay people, the young and old, men and women. No one was left out of that Apocalyptic show in homage to a single man.But it was not a simple dance where each person is free to evolve as he pleases. It was a choreographed piece with coordinated movements. To teach and train that complicated performance the directors of WYD in Rio hired a professional choreographer nicknamed Fly, his actual name being Vagner Meneses Nascimento.
Below first row, you can see Fly in a green shirt teaching the Bishops to rock and sing; second row, he appears with ballerina Glaucia Geraldo, who designed the choreography, in a video posted online weeks before the event, teaching the steps of the performance. Based on it, the pilgrims were supposed to train and be prepared to dance together at the final Mass. In the third row, Fly appears in another training session along with Edson Erdmann, artistic director of WYD.
You can see that the WYD directors considered Fly a worthywhile person to be associated with.
Fly is also the choreographer of Globo, a powerful network of televisions and radio stations, magazines and newspapers. He became well-known in the world of dance. Perhaps for this reason, he was invited to pose on the cover of a "gay" publication, G Magazine, fourth row. It is a pornographic magazine habitually picturing men in full frontal nudity. Inside the magazine, indeed, Fly posed naked, fifth row. In the last row, he appears in flamboyant Aztec-style apparel.
This is the man who the Archbishop of Rio and the religious directors of WYD 2013 choose to choreograph the chief homage to Francis...
Internet photos

Posted August 18, 2013