Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Preview of WYD-2013
The Shalom Band, above, is one of the first on the list of artists to perform at WYD-2013 in Rio. We selected two of its videos, one called Ready to WYD-2013 and the other Missionary Shalom, to give our readers a preview of the "high cultural level" the attendees can expect to receive at this "Catholic" event. Given that the WYD-2013 counts on the full approval of the Vatican, it is also a good sample of the so-called "New Evangelization" initiated by Benedict XVI.The lyrics of the first video repeat themselves - "My bags are packed and I'm ready to go to WYD" (Eu / estou / de malas / prontas) - until the moment when a blast of smoke - divine grace - enters the stage and heavy rock music starts.
The music of the performance blends primitive tribal beats with heavy rock tones and carnival jumps. To this revolutionary formula, "Catholic" lyrics are added with the name of Jesus, grace, divine mercy and the Holy Spirit. Actually, it is a way to incorporate all the musical advances of the Revolution into Catholic customs.
We all know that the World Youth Days, since they were founded by JPII, have been an adaptation of Catholic youth to the Woodstock hippie festival. Now we witness that to the camping free-love atmosphere, discotheque dance and music and Protestant-Pentecostal inspired lyrics have been added.
It makes a cocktail of bad tendencies that expresses well the abyss into which conciliar Progressivism is dragging the Catholic youth.
Photos from videos

Posted July 21, 2013