What People Are Commenting
Waiting with Bated Breath
Hello, my friends of TIA,
I'm happy to see you again! P.J. keeps me informed somewhat; things are certainly a lot different, eh what?
I'm just waiting with Rosary and bated breath to see what God has in mind for his out-of-control children who never seem to learn they are NOT evolved, but created!
Love and prayers to you all,
I'm happy to see you again! P.J. keeps me informed somewhat; things are certainly a lot different, eh what?
I'm just waiting with Rosary and bated breath to see what God has in mind for his out-of-control children who never seem to learn they are NOT evolved, but created!
Love and prayers to you all,
Police Rainbow Car
On June 24, 2019, the Chicago Police Department unveiled a rainbow-decorated Ford Explorer in advance of Sunday’s Pride Parade - Chicago Sun-Times.
I'm sure someone in the doghouse will be driving that thing.
On June 24, 2019, the Chicago Police Department unveiled a rainbow-decorated Ford Explorer in advance of Sunday’s Pride Parade - Chicago Sun-Times.
I'm sure someone in the doghouse will be driving that thing.

Gregorian Masses
Is it possible to order Gregorian Masses for someone who was Lutheran and died many years ago? Let's say 50-60 years ago?
Thank you
TIA responds:
Hello M.W.,
The 30 Gregorian Masses said without interruption for a soul in Purgatory has the power to free that soul and bring it to Heaven, by a decision of St. Gregory the Great.
Since we do not know who is in Heaven, Purgatory or Hell, these Masses are ordered conditionally, leaving it to God to apply to the person for whom we asked them or for someone else in need.
If you believe that your acquaintance who was a Protestant converted before dying and has a chance to be in Purgatory, you can order those Masses. If he or she is not in Purgatory, God will use those Masses for someone else who will be freed and will be eternally grateful to you.
TIA correspondence desk
Is it possible to order Gregorian Masses for someone who was Lutheran and died many years ago? Let's say 50-60 years ago?
Thank you
TIA responds:
Hello M.W.,
The 30 Gregorian Masses said without interruption for a soul in Purgatory has the power to free that soul and bring it to Heaven, by a decision of St. Gregory the Great.
Since we do not know who is in Heaven, Purgatory or Hell, these Masses are ordered conditionally, leaving it to God to apply to the person for whom we asked them or for someone else in need.
If you believe that your acquaintance who was a Protestant converted before dying and has a chance to be in Purgatory, you can order those Masses. If he or she is not in Purgatory, God will use those Masses for someone else who will be freed and will be eternally grateful to you.
TIA correspondence desk
Wonderful Talk
Dear Dr. Horvat,
Thank you so much for speaking at the EMSD meeting on Our Lady of Good Success.
It was the second time that I heard you speak and it was simply wonderful.
You remind us all that Catholics must lead by example and get back to our beautiful basics. I could listen to you for hours!
Enclosed is a donation.
Thank you so much for speaking at the EMSD meeting on Our Lady of Good Success.
It was the second time that I heard you speak and it was simply wonderful.
You remind us all that Catholics must lead by example and get back to our beautiful basics. I could listen to you for hours!
Enclosed is a donation.
Are Lay Celibates Due to ‘Failed Circumstances’?
Dear Editors,
I greatly enjoyed your articles on the lay single state. It's been a while since they were the featured articles of the day, but I wanted to get your take on something I just heard on one of Father Chad Ripperger's videos.
Father said that God's will is that people either enter the religious life or marry. And that if they don't marry, it's due to failed circumstances.
I had actually thought that it was God's will that some people remain in the lay single state so that, although remaining "in the world," they could focus on Him more single-mindedly as well as be a witness to Him.
Is it your understanding that the lay single state is due to "failed circumstances"?
Thank you in advance for your thoughtful answer.
TIA responds:
Dear S.D.,
No, we do not agree that the lay celibacy is due to “failed circumstances.” This is a false theological argument aimed at filling the seminaries and noviciates with persons who do not have religious vocations and to sabotage the lay celibacy.
Having many persons without real vocations inside the clergy and religious orders was one reason why, in the times preceding Vatican II, they were psychologically ready to receive the Council’s motto “We need to adapt to the world.” This situation constituted a strong factor to foster the general apostasy in the clergy and religious orders that came after the Council. Such persons should have never entered religious life, but remained in the world as lay celibates.
So, in the dusk of the Constantinian Church from Benedict XV to Pius XII, many second-class theologians appeared preaching the false alternative you mentioned: either religious vocations or marriage.
The doctrine of the Church, however, is quite clear praising lay celibacy, as is proved in many texts of the Fathers and Magisterium, as for example:
TIA correspondence desk
I greatly enjoyed your articles on the lay single state. It's been a while since they were the featured articles of the day, but I wanted to get your take on something I just heard on one of Father Chad Ripperger's videos.
Father said that God's will is that people either enter the religious life or marry. And that if they don't marry, it's due to failed circumstances.
I had actually thought that it was God's will that some people remain in the lay single state so that, although remaining "in the world," they could focus on Him more single-mindedly as well as be a witness to Him.
Is it your understanding that the lay single state is due to "failed circumstances"?
Thank you in advance for your thoughtful answer.
TIA responds:
Dear S.D.,
No, we do not agree that the lay celibacy is due to “failed circumstances.” This is a false theological argument aimed at filling the seminaries and noviciates with persons who do not have religious vocations and to sabotage the lay celibacy.
Having many persons without real vocations inside the clergy and religious orders was one reason why, in the times preceding Vatican II, they were psychologically ready to receive the Council’s motto “We need to adapt to the world.” This situation constituted a strong factor to foster the general apostasy in the clergy and religious orders that came after the Council. Such persons should have never entered religious life, but remained in the world as lay celibates.
So, in the dusk of the Constantinian Church from Benedict XV to Pius XII, many second-class theologians appeared preaching the false alternative you mentioned: either religious vocations or marriage.
The doctrine of the Church, however, is quite clear praising lay celibacy, as is proved in many texts of the Fathers and Magisterium, as for example:
- St. John Chrisostom: Virginity Is Higher than Matrimony
- St. Jerome: Comparing Marriage & Virginity
- Pius XII: The Church Praises Perfect Chastity for the Laity
- Pius XII: Virginity Is Embraced for the Kingdom of Heaven
- Pius XII: Virginity Frees from the Divided Heart that Comes with Marriage
- Pius XII: Virginity Confers to the Soul the Noblest & Highest Moral Dignity
- Pius XII: Virginity Develops a Man’s Personality Much More than Marriage
TIA correspondence desk
New Antichrists
In his book The End of the Present World the Rev. Armingon states that St. Paul informs us that Christ will not return until we enter into the "Great Apostasy" and that this Apostasy will surpass all that has been seen in previous times. That the AntiChrist (AntiChrists) will magnify against (with) every god. He will persecute … Jews, Schismatics, Heretics, deists … with the result in the disappearance of all religions … Freemasonry, Carbonarism, Illuminism, and all the subversive societies.
They will have assisted unintentionally in bringing about that reign of unity foretold by the Apostles. Now, all of us know now, that the Rev. Armingon was referring to the Vatican II Council, and that the Council came about through these Catholic Popes who no matter what anyone says were all Catholic priests. The point is that AntiChrist has to be a priest, a Roman catholic priest, bishop and or pope.
Just as the First true AntiChrist was identified by St. John the Apostle as the High Priest of the Jewish faith as Caiaphas.
Just as St. John the Baptist was the precursor of the Messiah, Pope John XXIII was the precursor of the first AntiChrist Paul VI, now even though from Paul VI on, these popes lost their authority which caused the Church to go into the wilderness (Apoc. 12). But they are still bishops or at least priests, if you have no priests you have no AntiChrists.
So, my friends, the Lord’s return has to be immediate or we will run out of AntiChrists who again brought all or most of the Religions to abandon their own Orthodoxy, which, by the way, once you abandon your Orthodoxy you have abandoned your faith for the Religion of AntiChrist.
In as much the interfaith Gospel and Religions, wipes out all the sects of power but not necessarily out of existence as the Scriptures indicate and as the Rev. Armingon and countless others have pointed out all through the centuries.
My parentheses indicate corrections in Rev. Armingon's findings.
Grace be with you, In Christ,
In his book The End of the Present World the Rev. Armingon states that St. Paul informs us that Christ will not return until we enter into the "Great Apostasy" and that this Apostasy will surpass all that has been seen in previous times. That the AntiChrist (AntiChrists) will magnify against (with) every god. He will persecute … Jews, Schismatics, Heretics, deists … with the result in the disappearance of all religions … Freemasonry, Carbonarism, Illuminism, and all the subversive societies.
They will have assisted unintentionally in bringing about that reign of unity foretold by the Apostles. Now, all of us know now, that the Rev. Armingon was referring to the Vatican II Council, and that the Council came about through these Catholic Popes who no matter what anyone says were all Catholic priests. The point is that AntiChrist has to be a priest, a Roman catholic priest, bishop and or pope.
Just as the First true AntiChrist was identified by St. John the Apostle as the High Priest of the Jewish faith as Caiaphas.
Just as St. John the Baptist was the precursor of the Messiah, Pope John XXIII was the precursor of the first AntiChrist Paul VI, now even though from Paul VI on, these popes lost their authority which caused the Church to go into the wilderness (Apoc. 12). But they are still bishops or at least priests, if you have no priests you have no AntiChrists.
So, my friends, the Lord’s return has to be immediate or we will run out of AntiChrists who again brought all or most of the Religions to abandon their own Orthodoxy, which, by the way, once you abandon your Orthodoxy you have abandoned your faith for the Religion of AntiChrist.
In as much the interfaith Gospel and Religions, wipes out all the sects of power but not necessarily out of existence as the Scriptures indicate and as the Rev. Armingon and countless others have pointed out all through the centuries.
My parentheses indicate corrections in Rev. Armingon's findings.
Grace be with you, In Christ,

Posted June 27, 2019
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Thank you for the very good information you provide on your website.
You have taught us very important information for which I am grateful.
I am a newsletter subscriber, and follow your updates.
We will continue to pray and to thank Our Lord for your help to us.