Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Jesuit promotes ‘gay’ Jesus
Recently, Fr. James Martin, SJ, tweeted a picture of an effeminate “Jesus” driving the money-changers out of the temple, first row below left and last row. It has stirred up a lot of controversy and prompted LifeSiteNews to post an article about it (here). The image he chose to tweet is only one from a collection of paintings by homosexual artist Douglas Blanchard, used to illustrate a book titled: The Passion of Christ: A Gay Vision, which depicts Our Lord as a homo revolutionary.In Amazon's description of the book we read: "Meet Jesus as a gay man of today in a contemporary city with The Passion of Christ: A Gay Vision. In stunning new images, the modern Christ figure is jeered by fundamentalists, tortured by Marine look-alikes, and rises again to enjoy homo-erotic moments with God."
The complete collection of the blasphemous paintings, which can be found here, have homo-erotic depictions of Jesus and the Trinity. The Scourging depicts Our Lord completely nude from behind in a sadistic scene. The left picture above of the Ascension depicts Our Lord in an erotic embrace with an Angel kissing him and clutching his buttocks; above right, the Holy Spirit is depicted as a woman, and God the Father & Son as a homosexual couple holding hands.
Let us not forget that two years ago the Vatican named Fr. James Martin as communication consultant to the Holy See's Secretariat for Communications.