Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Erotic-lesbian performance for the Pope
When Pope Francis met with about 35,000 youth from the parishes of Rome at the Circus Maximus last August 11, 2018, he was entertained with a performance that seemed to be yet another immoral show in the long list of this type of erotic dances and acrobatics that are taking place in the presence of the Conciliar Popes.This one, however, had a special and "sublime" note. Indeed, the main artist, Nicoletta Tinti, had been a rhythmic gymnastics performer until 2008, when she lost the use of her legs due to a spine injury. Today, however, she is able to perform again – as she did for the Pope – due to her collaboration with fellow dancer Silvia Bertoluzza.
In the performance at the Circus Maximus, there was a trompe-l'oeil – optical illusion – because the torso of Tinti was moving with Bertoluzza's legs. In fact, the latter was lying underneath Tinti, to give the impression that they were a single person. In the fourth row below, Bertoluzza started to separate from Tinti's torso as she slipped out from underneath it at the end of the show.
None of us is opposed to helping a handicapped woman develop her artistic skills. However, when it comes to immoral performances, there is a clear limit. Catholic Morals teaches us that women should observe modesty in their performances. So, this show for the Pope is censurable, especially when we consider the full approval he gave to it.
In this case, however, there is more. The fact that, objectively speaking, Tinti appears in public touching and caressing Bertoluzza's legs with great affection puts a lesbian connotation on the performance. The fond exchange of looks the two give each other and the embraces they exchange at the end of the performance confirm this impression.
Now, this lesbian note adds another dimension to the event. It is Francis' virtual approval of lesbian relations under the pretext of appreciating art and helping the disabled.
We see that Pope Francis does not lose one single opportunity to foster the Revolution and destroy Catholic doctrine. He appears much more like an enemy of Christ than His Vicar on earth...
Photos from a video by San Giuseppe Cupertino

Posted September 9, 2018