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Photo of the Week

Francis watches circus performers 1

Pope admires immorally dressed performer

In his first general audience of the year on January 8, 2014, Pope Francis admired circus performances. Among the performers, a young female juggler stood out, above. She was wearing a skin-colored tight leotard that revealed most of the contours of her body. For some unwary viewers she might appear nude, below first row.

Far from being upset over this breach of Catholic Morals in his presence, Francis euphorically applauded her act, second row, performed with other fellow-jugglers, as shown in this video.

He commented: "These people were great. Congratulations. I invite them, as they travel from city to city, to feel like messengers of joy and brotherhood in a society that needs these things so much." (news report here)

Francis watches circus performers 2Francis watches circus performers 3

Photos from the Internet & Rome Reports video


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Posted January 12, 2014

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