Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Pope endorses indecent circus performances
Framed by the legs of women performing acrobatics, Benedict XVI enjoyed circus performances on December 3, 2012. Under the pretext of supporting the "apostolate" of those who work in circus jobs, what we actually saw was an ensemble of indecent performances at the Paul VI Hall.
Above at left we notice a woman with her head down, completely exposing her open legs as a homage to the Pope; in front of Benedict, only two steps away from him, is another womandisplaying her dexterity by raising one of her legs over her head. These are poses more suitable for the cabarets Folie Bergere and Moulin Rouge than for performances at the Vatican in the presence of the Vicar of Christ.
Below at left, we see a woman doing splits on the floor while another one beside her - legs in the air - does a handstand; to her right a third, in a still more indecent position, contorts her body into a back bend, also exposing her opened legs to the Pope. Above him, another acrobat twirls around a bar showing her legs as well.
It is quite difficult not to see in the papal participation in this spectacle a tacit endorsement of every other situation where women display their legs - mini-skirts, beach apparel, flashy dancing, etc.
If we compare this attitude of the Pope with the complaint of Our Lady in Fatima about how the worldly fashions of 1917 were sending souls straight to Hell, we understand how far from God's path the authorities of the Conciliar Church are today.
To watch the video from Rome Reports click here./500_Circus04.jpg)