Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Immoral acrobat performs for the Pope
In provocative and immoral poses more appropriate to be performed for the clients of “gentleman's clubs” rather than for the Pope, a female acrobat exhibited herself on February 7, 2018, at Paul VI Hall in the Vatican.Wearing a transparent or skin-colored leotard – we leave the question of what kind of dress this is to be answered by the reader – the intimate parts of her body were hardly covered, as showed in the photo above left. Even more shocking is that this photo was taken directly from the Vatican's official website (here, under their photos column, third row left)
The fact that a Pope permits performances like this for him and his Curia demonstrates that the sense of morality has completely vanished from the post-Vatican II Church. Any person still awaiting a healthy moral orientation to come from the present-day Papacy gives proof of an extraordinary naïveté.
Unless God stops the general apostasy of the Conciliar Church by a divine intervention, its moral corruption only tends to increase.
Photos from a
video by the CTV (starts at 53:00)

Posted February 25, 2018