Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
The Pope amuses himself
As the saying goes: Like takes pleasure in like, or, in Latin, similis simile gaudet. We understand, therefore, that Francis, himself being a circus man, enjoys admiring circus performers.This is why on January 27, 2016, he delighted in viewing a circus show in St. Peter's Square. Above, we see two young women following the contortionist performance of a little girl. The women, dressed in aqua leotards with magenta skirts, wear conch-shaped hats and shell brassieres – also in magenta – which are evocative of the sea, which appears to be the theme of the spectacle. Below first two row, we see the same artists in their quite indecent shell bikini tops, making delicate gestures.
An even less decent costume could be seen on the four women octopuses in purple. Indeed, the boldness of their dress was shocking, with the eyes of the octopus placed in a most indecorous place, as the viewer can see below, rows 3-6. This shameless display of eyes on their bosoms made the performers not only indecent, but also grotesque.
Notwithstanding, the Pope, who cares very little about morality, greatly appreciated the jugglers – to the point of greeting each one personally.
He ended the spectacle by declaring that the circus clowns and acrobats – the grotesque octopuses included – are disseminators of beauty that did a good for his soul...
Video available here
Photos from the video & Internet

Posted January 31, 2016