Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Obscene dance at Australian ‘Catholic’ Youth Festival
Two weeks ago, we posted some pictures of the Prelates leading youth astray at the Australian Catholic Youth Festival, held December 7-9, 2017. Today, we expose the obscenity that was promoted at the festival, in which young women dressed in transparent attire danced immorally onstage. Pictured above is one of these young women, who performed a barefoot “interpretive dance” solo onstage, accompanied by the music of Salve Regina.Any sane Catholic who looks at these photos is rightly outraged: not only was there a complete absence of Catholic modesty, but, worse, the young woman performed her sensual dance for tens of thousands of people, including Prelates, who were complacently watching the erotic show from their front-row seats. The whole sexually provocative show at the sound of Salve Regina borders on blasphemy.
Prelates may argue: “Well, we must encourage the youth to pursue art. They glorify God in this way.” We can hardly call this art, let alone Catholic. There is nothing in these pictures that brings us to contemplate or glorify God – these dances seek to glorify the flesh and all the vices that come with it.
Once again, we have indisputable proof that Conciliar authorities are destroying all Catholicity in the souls of young people. Instead, they instill a progressivist “joy” where sensuality reigns supreme.
As we have mentioned before, prostitute in French translates to fille de joie, literally meaning “girl of joy,”. Such an infamous joy of the prostitution houses seems to be not too different from the “joy” the Prelates are teaching Catholic young people today.
Photos from the Internet

Posted December 31, 2017

Our Lady of La Salette,
restore the Holy Church.