Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Lesbian ‘art’ promoted in Vienna Cathedral
On September 29, 2018, the Cathedral of St. Stephen in Vienna hosted a photo exposition in its sacristy titled Against Gravity. The exhibit is a collection of photos of women taken by photographer August M. Zoebl. Among them was one, reproduced above, showing two women kissing with the aim of promoting lesbianism.The photo is called "The West meets the East" – read the artist's explanation in the picture third row below – alluding to the protection Europe is giving the massive wave of immigration coming from the East.
The symbol of the welcome of Western society to the immigrants could not be more inappropriate, since this is the most immoral and anti-natural way to welcome anyone. The author would have better named his collection Against Nature, which seems to be the real meaning of Against Gravity.
Nonetheless, this atrocity is promoted by the progressivist religious authority. In the fourth and fifth rows below, we see, at left, Fr. Anton Faber presenting the author August Zoebl, fourth row center, at a cocktail party for members of the cultural elite of Vienna.
Fr. Faber is the spokesman of Card. Christoph von Schönborn, Cardinal Archbishop of Vienna, a great friend of both Popes Francis and Benedict XVI.
The text above reads: “The West meets the East: The protector angel kisses the Sphinx
This picture received an award in the photo competition
for the 800th anniversary
celebration of the Diocese of Graz-Seckau,
and was displayed for over a month in the Cathedral of Graz.”
Photos from the Internet first seen in Catapulta

Posted November 18, 2018