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When L'Osservatore Romano becomes indecent
Today's edition of the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano, dated March 2, 2014, prints the quarter-page ad shown above on its page 11. It advertises an art exhibition that will be open to the public at the Palazzo Reale in Milan from March 12 to July 13, 2014.The ad announces the exhibition - called: "Klimt: The Origins of a Legend" - and then lists the visiting hours for the public. To wit:
Monday: 14:30 to 19:30
Tuesday / Wednesday / Friday / Sunday: 9:30 to 19:30
Thursday / Saturday: 9:30 to 22:30
Gustav Klimt, an Austrian artist (1862-1918), has art works of various genres, but is principally known for his erotic paintings of the naked female body. Commissioned in 1900 to paint three murals for the ceiling of the University of Vienna's Great Hall, his works - titled Philosophy, Medicine and Jurisprudence - were strongly criticized as "pornographic."
It is, therefore, surprising that L'Osservatore Romano, an organ that was founded to prevent the gates of Hell from prevailing over the Church - this is the paper's motto printed under its masthead - is now promoting such an immoral artist by inviting its readers to visit an exhibition featuring his paintings and printing in the ad one of his erotic works, Judith II.
One sees that, by printing such an indecent painting, the Vatican's newspaper enters a new phase of anti-Catholic propaganda, which can only raise the wrath of God.
Below first row, the whole page 11, where the ad was published; third row, the first page of today's issue.
Photos from the Vatican website

Posted March 2, 2014