What People Are Commenting
Bergoglio’s New Gospel
Our Lord told His Apostles to go everywhere and convert all peoples. Now, Pope Francis told Catholics of Morocco to not convert Muslims. Read here.
Do people not see that the Conciliar Church is something different from the Catholic Church? What else should Francis say to convince them?
Our Lord told His Apostles to go everywhere and convert all peoples. Now, Pope Francis told Catholics of Morocco to not convert Muslims. Read here.
Do people not see that the Conciliar Church is something different from the Catholic Church? What else should Francis say to convince them?
Divine Mercy & Faustina
Please, send me the documentation from Pope John XXIII, condemning Divine Mercy Sunday, and not to venerate or display, the Divine Mercy Picture.
TIA responds:
You may find the documentation you requested in these two articles posted on our website.
TIA correspondence desk
Please, send me the documentation from Pope John XXIII, condemning Divine Mercy Sunday, and not to venerate or display, the Divine Mercy Picture.
TIA responds:
You may find the documentation you requested in these two articles posted on our website.
- Church Reasons to Condemn the Divine Mercy Devotion by Msgr. Patrick Perez;
- Br. Theodore Roriz Refutes Michael Hihborn on Divine Mercy.
TIA correspondence desk
Amazon Synod & LGBT
Dear TIA,
Please, read and spread the news report below. It opens new perspectives on the Synod of Amazon.
So far, we are expecting married priests and feminine deacons to come from it as another step of the Bergoglio's Revolution.
Now, this German Bishop insinuates that more is to come: a more explicit approval of LGBT. I wonder whether or not it is possible to have more explicit approval of these anti-natural vices than we already have with Pope Francis.
Keep up the good work.
In Christ Jesus,
Pro-LGBT German bishop: ‘Nothing will be the same’ in Church after Amazon Synod
"ESSEN, Germany, May 3, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – A pro-homosexual German bishop has predicted that sweeping changes to the Catholic Church regarding sexual morality, the male priesthood, and priestly celibacy will follow the next Vatican-run meeting of bishops planned for later this year.
Read more here
Please, read and spread the news report below. It opens new perspectives on the Synod of Amazon.
So far, we are expecting married priests and feminine deacons to come from it as another step of the Bergoglio's Revolution.
Now, this German Bishop insinuates that more is to come: a more explicit approval of LGBT. I wonder whether or not it is possible to have more explicit approval of these anti-natural vices than we already have with Pope Francis.
Keep up the good work.
In Christ Jesus,
"ESSEN, Germany, May 3, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – A pro-homosexual German bishop has predicted that sweeping changes to the Catholic Church regarding sexual morality, the male priesthood, and priestly celibacy will follow the next Vatican-run meeting of bishops planned for later this year.
Read more here
Catherine of Siena on the Crisis in the Church
Hello TIA,
A friend me sent me this information taken from the Letters of St. Catherine of Siena. May be it will be useful for your readers.
Catherine Benincasa died heartbroken; yet in the depths of her consciousness was joy, for God had revealed to her that His Bride the Church, "which brings life to men," "holds in herself such life that no man can kill her."
• On St. Catherine of Siena and the Papal Schism:
"Neither the scorn of Dante, nor the eloquence of Petrarch, nor the warnings of holy men, had prevailed on the popes to return to Italy, and make an end of the crying scandal which was the evident contradiction of the Christian dream. Meantime, the city of the Caesars lay waste and wild; the clergy was corrupt almost past belief; the dreaded Turk was gathering his forces, a menace to Christendom itself. The times were indeed evil, and the "servants of God," of whom then, as now, there were no inconsiderable number, withdrew for the most part into spiritual or literal seclusion, and in the quietude of cloister or forest cell busied themselves with the concerns of their own souls."
A friend me sent me this information taken from the Letters of St. Catherine of Siena. May be it will be useful for your readers.
Catherine Benincasa died heartbroken; yet in the depths of her consciousness was joy, for God had revealed to her that His Bride the Church, "which brings life to men," "holds in herself such life that no man can kill her."
• On St. Catherine of Siena and the Papal Schism:
"Neither the scorn of Dante, nor the eloquence of Petrarch, nor the warnings of holy men, had prevailed on the popes to return to Italy, and make an end of the crying scandal which was the evident contradiction of the Christian dream. Meantime, the city of the Caesars lay waste and wild; the clergy was corrupt almost past belief; the dreaded Turk was gathering his forces, a menace to Christendom itself. The times were indeed evil, and the "servants of God," of whom then, as now, there were no inconsiderable number, withdrew for the most part into spiritual or literal seclusion, and in the quietude of cloister or forest cell busied themselves with the concerns of their own souls."
A Convert & the Rosary
Dear Fr. Sretenovic,
I was touched by your reply and hence I write.
I refer to the response to this objection: It's Bad Advice to Pray when Driving
I forget which Pope said so but I quote "The only Rosary badly prayed is the Rosary not prayed at all"
I say this in the spirit of what your reply so beautifully summarizes. We are so poor even with our prayers and yes often our Rosary isn't as beautiful as we would like them to be, but our Lady understand our weakness and accepts even our poor rosary. I am but a humble slave of my mama Mary she knows how imperfect my prayers are.
I am a convert from a non Christian background, and in 2007 had an encounter with the Lord and became a Christian, with much persecution and against my family’s desires. Not knowing the difference between a Catholic and Protestant in those days I went to join a born again evangelical church. ( the group I went was more of a cult).
Having studies the gospel for myself and not taking everything the pastor taught, I realized the Gospel I was being taught was the prosperity gospel and soon in 2009 I left that group to find the full truth and the real gospel of the crucified Christ.
I was in an amazing way led to the Catholic Church in 2009 though Catholic was the last church I would have ever considered in my own human wisdom. However it was to this Church God himself led me and in spite of my resistance.
Finally, I little by little surrendered and in 2010 was baptized in the Catholic Church.
Since then I have been shown to spread the devotion of the Rosary. The Rosary has been my weapon. I was led to pray the entire Rosary and do so when driving. Sometimes the Rosary I offer is deep prayer with contemplation sometimes I fail short of this beautiful but I pray it best I can .
Thank you for this beautiful reply.
Hope you will read my e mail and pray for me.
P.V., India
I was touched by your reply and hence I write.
I refer to the response to this objection: It's Bad Advice to Pray when Driving
I forget which Pope said so but I quote "The only Rosary badly prayed is the Rosary not prayed at all"
I say this in the spirit of what your reply so beautifully summarizes. We are so poor even with our prayers and yes often our Rosary isn't as beautiful as we would like them to be, but our Lady understand our weakness and accepts even our poor rosary. I am but a humble slave of my mama Mary she knows how imperfect my prayers are.
I am a convert from a non Christian background, and in 2007 had an encounter with the Lord and became a Christian, with much persecution and against my family’s desires. Not knowing the difference between a Catholic and Protestant in those days I went to join a born again evangelical church. ( the group I went was more of a cult).
Having studies the gospel for myself and not taking everything the pastor taught, I realized the Gospel I was being taught was the prosperity gospel and soon in 2009 I left that group to find the full truth and the real gospel of the crucified Christ.
I was in an amazing way led to the Catholic Church in 2009 though Catholic was the last church I would have ever considered in my own human wisdom. However it was to this Church God himself led me and in spite of my resistance.
Finally, I little by little surrendered and in 2010 was baptized in the Catholic Church.
Since then I have been shown to spread the devotion of the Rosary. The Rosary has been my weapon. I was led to pray the entire Rosary and do so when driving. Sometimes the Rosary I offer is deep prayer with contemplation sometimes I fail short of this beautiful but I pray it best I can .
Thank you for this beautiful reply.
Hope you will read my e mail and pray for me.
P.V., India

Posted January 15, 2019
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Well here is how the great zero tolerance" leader of the Catholic Church during the 2002 breakout of the clergy sex abuse scandal, Archbishop Wilton Gregory, puts into effect his mandates...
He placed a priest removed for homosexual crimes back into active ministry.
Now Archbishop Gregory has been appointed to replace Cardinal Wuerl in Washington DC, where he will like also get the cardinal title. That is the reward for his cover-ups.
What should we expect?
As Church Militant points out,