What People Are Commenting
Protestants, ‘Gay’ Diocese &
Dining with Heretics
Global Warming
In this video you see the Weather Channel Founder saying clearly that man-made global warming is “baloney.”
It is good to see that little by little the ice is finally breaking regarding speaking against global warming. I wish other lies, such as the myth evolution, would also be blown up.
In this video you see the Weather Channel Founder saying clearly that man-made global warming is “baloney.”
It is good to see that little by little the ice is finally breaking regarding speaking against global warming. I wish other lies, such as the myth evolution, would also be blown up.
Synod Comment – Request
Dear TIA,
The Rome Synod is proving to be a “mini-Vatican II” with the liberal Cardinal Walter Kaspar making sure that the voices of traditional bishops, especially from Third World countries such as in Africa, are not heard. And Pope Francis is apparently aiding and abetting this further example of revolution in the Church.
Please provide your readers with a comprehensive commentary on the synod when it is concluded.
The Rome Synod is proving to be a “mini-Vatican II” with the liberal Cardinal Walter Kaspar making sure that the voices of traditional bishops, especially from Third World countries such as in Africa, are not heard. And Pope Francis is apparently aiding and abetting this further example of revolution in the Church.
Please provide your readers with a comprehensive commentary on the synod when it is concluded.
Synod Comment – Thank You
Dear TIA,
Thank you for Mr. Guimaraes' analysis of the recent Roman Synod, “The Family Synod in Perspective,” (TIA 10/31/14.)
TIA continues to be the best source for information about what is really happening to the Church.
Thank you for Mr. Guimaraes' analysis of the recent Roman Synod, “The Family Synod in Perspective,” (TIA 10/31/14.)
TIA continues to be the best source for information about what is really happening to the Church.
Hospital Gowns
Thank you for the article on hospital gowns.
I ordered one for my daughter in law, whose 8th baby is due in the spring.
Thank you for the article on hospital gowns.
I ordered one for my daughter in law, whose 8th baby is due in the spring.
Nice Celtic Music
Here you have some beautiful Celtic music.
The first selection is “Skellig” and the second is “Penelope's Song.” Beautiful music, song, photography, and Celtic artwork. Turn up your volume and go full screen.
Hope you enjoy it.
Here you have some beautiful Celtic music.
The first selection is “Skellig” and the second is “Penelope's Song.” Beautiful music, song, photography, and Celtic artwork. Turn up your volume and go full screen.
Hope you enjoy it.
Archdiocese of Atlanta in ‘Gay Parade’ October 2014
You may or may not be surprised to learn that Archbishop Wilton Daniel Gregory, former President of the UCCB and current Archbishop of Atlanta, has authorized the use of The Shrine of the Immaculate Conception and support for participating in the secular Gay Pride Parade.
A Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Atlanta promotes the Gay Pride Parade in their weekly Bulletin. (See below)
Several years ago in Atlanta, the late Archbishop Lyke did the same thing, but he was confronted by some of the parish Priests who objected. He told them if they didn't like his decision, then he would consider placing them in psychological counseling, which he and they knew would or could jeopardize their current or future status as a Pastor. Lyke died within six months of his errant decision.
This needs to be exposed for what it is: ...another misguided compromise with those who are sexually disordered in the false name of charity. It is sinful for an Archbishop to make such a compromise with evil and allow this despicable secular event to use The Shrine of the Immaculate Conception!
You may or may not be surprised to learn that Archbishop Wilton Daniel Gregory, former President of the UCCB and current Archbishop of Atlanta, has authorized the use of The Shrine of the Immaculate Conception and support for participating in the secular Gay Pride Parade.
A Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Atlanta promotes the Gay Pride Parade in their weekly Bulletin. (See below)
Several years ago in Atlanta, the late Archbishop Lyke did the same thing, but he was confronted by some of the parish Priests who objected. He told them if they didn't like his decision, then he would consider placing them in psychological counseling, which he and they knew would or could jeopardize their current or future status as a Pastor. Lyke died within six months of his errant decision.
This needs to be exposed for what it is: ...another misguided compromise with those who are sexually disordered in the false name of charity. It is sinful for an Archbishop to make such a compromise with evil and allow this despicable secular event to use The Shrine of the Immaculate Conception!

Dinning with Heretics
Dear TIA,
I am writing to gain clarity about the issue of sharing meals with people outside our immediate family. Somewhere along the line, I was advised that we should not dine with people of a different faith (i.e., Protestants, etc.,).
Given the state of the Church, and the divisiveness that is created in extended families by those who are members of the New Church and have fallen for all the heresies, as opposed to those who are trying to adhere to the traditional teachings of the church until Vatican II, I have to wonder if it is acceptable or unadvisable for traditional Catholics to dine with members of their families during holidays or any other time of year, for that matter, who are members of the New Church, or worse yet, those members of the family who will likely be seated at the table who have become apostates. Please advise.
Thank you for all of the guidance you provide all of us who are trying to remain intransigent in the face of so much ambiguity and “tolerance” for others.
Trust in our prayers for you and all of your intentions each day!
E.M.S., PhD
TIA responds:
Dear Dr. E.M.S.,
Thank you for your prayers and consideration for our work at TIA.
In principle and in a simple way, the advice you received not to have meals with Protestants and other heretics is correct. Also, in principle, it is better to avoid having close contact with Novus Ordo Catholics, who can only be harmful to you and other members of your family.
When it comes to the practical application, however, you may find difficult to follow it since the obligation to dine with close relatives on certain occasions may be a social imperative. Your absence at those ceremonies could be understood as fanaticism and cause more harm to the good Catholic principles you represent than your presence when you follow pre-determined rules.
So, when these social imperatives arise, here are some guidelines to help you:
Supposing that your parents, siblings or children are or became Protestants or adhered to other heresies: If you cannot avoid dining with them at Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years or other such commemorations, you may:
TIA correspondence desk
I am writing to gain clarity about the issue of sharing meals with people outside our immediate family. Somewhere along the line, I was advised that we should not dine with people of a different faith (i.e., Protestants, etc.,).
Given the state of the Church, and the divisiveness that is created in extended families by those who are members of the New Church and have fallen for all the heresies, as opposed to those who are trying to adhere to the traditional teachings of the church until Vatican II, I have to wonder if it is acceptable or unadvisable for traditional Catholics to dine with members of their families during holidays or any other time of year, for that matter, who are members of the New Church, or worse yet, those members of the family who will likely be seated at the table who have become apostates. Please advise.
Thank you for all of the guidance you provide all of us who are trying to remain intransigent in the face of so much ambiguity and “tolerance” for others.
Trust in our prayers for you and all of your intentions each day!
E.M.S., PhD
TIA responds:
Dear Dr. E.M.S.,
Thank you for your prayers and consideration for our work at TIA.
In principle and in a simple way, the advice you received not to have meals with Protestants and other heretics is correct. Also, in principle, it is better to avoid having close contact with Novus Ordo Catholics, who can only be harmful to you and other members of your family.
When it comes to the practical application, however, you may find difficult to follow it since the obligation to dine with close relatives on certain occasions may be a social imperative. Your absence at those ceremonies could be understood as fanaticism and cause more harm to the good Catholic principles you represent than your presence when you follow pre-determined rules.
So, when these social imperatives arise, here are some guidelines to help you:
Supposing that your parents, siblings or children are or became Protestants or adhered to other heresies: If you cannot avoid dining with them at Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years or other such commemorations, you may:
- Go, but do not bring your children with you so that they cannot be influenced by
the ideas and examples of their relatives or think it “natural” to be present at such meetings;
- Go only with your spouse and be as urbane and polite as necessary, maintaining a certain distance without too much intimacy, which would send the wrong message your Catholic Faith is secondary to the joy of being together with the family.
- Avoid as much as possible joining in common prayers. If a Protestant says some prayer aloud before the meal, do not answer. After he finishes, silently say your own Catholic grace before meals, standing, so that it becomes clear that you did not follow his lead.
- Keep the conversation on amiable generalities. Avoid controversial topics. Normally speaking, this is not the right time or place to engage in arguments to make them change their minds.
- After the meal, as soon as it is socially possible, leave the gathering under a real and good pretext: “My daughter is sick and needs my help;” or “We still have to pass by the party of Mr. and Mrs. X, who invited us and we don’t want to arrive too late.”
- Do not commit to other gatherings. Follow these rules only for those exceptional situations. Normally, do not dine with them.
TIA correspondence desk

Posted November 6, 2014
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Just in case you thought the Reformation in England was over, take a look at the Bonfire night celebrations last night in Lewes in England. November 5th “celebrations” are to keep punishing the Catholics for Guy Fawkes “alleged” crime. The anti Catholic activities include burning effigies of the Pope, etc (still carried out in North Ireland on different dates, 11th August)
Incidentally, Sussex, in particular this town of Lewes, has the highest incidence of Satanism in England. So troublesome is the Occult that the Department of Education in the area has banned all mention of Halloween from the schools.
From By What Authority, R.H. Benson:
”Especially had Tiviotdale suffered. Altogether it was calculated that Sussex had burned 300 villages and blown up 50 castles, and 40 more “strong houses,” some of these latter, however, being little more than border peels. Mr. Stewart's accounts were the more moving in that he spoke in a quiet delicate tone, and used little picturesque phrases in his speech.” (Sussex is the Lord Sussex here)
From the same book, regarding the protestants glee at the putting down of the Northern Rebellion against the crushing of the Faith:
“Then as men's hearts grew lighter the tale of chastisement began to be told, and was not finished till long after Isabel was home again. Green after green of the windy northern villages was made hideous by the hanging bodies of the natives, and children hid their faces and ran by lest they should see what her Grace had done to their father.”
In fact this book, and the others by Benson on the Reformation are, I believe, amongst the finest ever written in English Literature about the Faith.
Crosses being burned upon, in remembrance of all the Rood Crucifixes burned in England circa 1500's, can be seen here.
Effigies of a Catholic Pope and Guy Fawkes are made to be burned. Remember that after Fawkes was captured, King James (a necromancer and demonologist) had 500 of English Catholic Nobility put to death, thus ending the hopes of a Catholic resurgence at that time.