What People Are Commenting
Every Time I Read This Site I Find Conversion & Peace
Dear TIA, (from Facebook)
Re: Publication of Three Letters in Portuguese
I printed out the English translation a couple of months ago. I haven’t read it but only looked through it. I may never read it.
I saw how thoroughly sourced and meticulous every statement was which is far beyond my abilities.
I have chosen to go on human trust concerning all of TIA. After coming upon TIA I have spent much time reading many different subject matters within the site. I have ordered all of the civility books for my daughter and her young family. EVERY time I read within this site I find conversion and peace.
I believe the reason for this has nothing to do with personalities or the actual authors. They are human and I may or may not like them in real life.
What is presented is TRADITION! Well researched and proven TRADITION. Because of this I also tend to trust the current event opinions/perspectives TIA presents to us.
May God silence anyone from anywhere who may detract souls from what is most needful in our time. May enemies of TRADITION fall by the wayside or be converted.
Re: Publication of Three Letters in Portuguese
I printed out the English translation a couple of months ago. I haven’t read it but only looked through it. I may never read it.
I saw how thoroughly sourced and meticulous every statement was which is far beyond my abilities.
I have chosen to go on human trust concerning all of TIA. After coming upon TIA I have spent much time reading many different subject matters within the site. I have ordered all of the civility books for my daughter and her young family. EVERY time I read within this site I find conversion and peace.
I believe the reason for this has nothing to do with personalities or the actual authors. They are human and I may or may not like them in real life.
What is presented is TRADITION! Well researched and proven TRADITION. Because of this I also tend to trust the current event opinions/perspectives TIA presents to us.
May God silence anyone from anywhere who may detract souls from what is most needful in our time. May enemies of TRADITION fall by the wayside or be converted.
Veiled Virgin
Dear TIA,
This is on display at the Bonnet House in Ft. Laud. The photo doesn’t do it justice. When you shine a light on the eyes through the “veil” - carved in marble - it is amazing.
Isn’t this Beautiful!
This is on display at the Bonnet House in Ft. Laud. The photo doesn’t do it justice. When you shine a light on the eyes through the “veil” - carved in marble - it is amazing.
Isn’t this Beautiful!

The Veiled Virgin by Giovanni Strazza (1818-1875)
Pope Francis Should Repent
I just received this from a friend.
Monsignor Charles Pope is calling for a formal act of repentance for Pachamama worship in the Vatican. Please do not let this wise and brave man's words vanish, consider passing along the link below to your pastor and bishop.
Most bishops do not have a posted email address, but they do have a secretary and a vicar general and a whole cast of other helpers. If you have time let them all know of Monsignor's Pope's concern, which should be ours as well, thanks.
Feel the need to be grateful for courageous and needed stands? Give the good Monsignor a well deserved thumbs-up, here is the contact page: https://msgrpope.com/contact
Watch the short interview here.
I just received this from a friend.
Monsignor Charles Pope is calling for a formal act of repentance for Pachamama worship in the Vatican. Please do not let this wise and brave man's words vanish, consider passing along the link below to your pastor and bishop.
Most bishops do not have a posted email address, but they do have a secretary and a vicar general and a whole cast of other helpers. If you have time let them all know of Monsignor's Pope's concern, which should be ours as well, thanks.
Feel the need to be grateful for courageous and needed stands? Give the good Monsignor a well deserved thumbs-up, here is the contact page: https://msgrpope.com/contact
Watch the short interview here.
Book on Devils Available at Markets
For parents looking to introduce their kids to devil worship, Walmart and Amazon are now selling a new children’s book entitled: A Children’s Book of Demons.
In the ‘about’ section, the publishers try to turn the act of summoning demons into a kid-friendly activity saying: “Summoning demons has never been so much fun.”
Check here
For parents looking to introduce their kids to devil worship, Walmart and Amazon are now selling a new children’s book entitled: A Children’s Book of Demons.
In the ‘about’ section, the publishers try to turn the act of summoning demons into a kid-friendly activity saying: “Summoning demons has never been so much fun.”
Check here
Jesuit University Gives Award to Terrorist
Dear TIA,
On 2 December [yesterday], the Universidad Iberoamericana ( IBERO ) of Mexico City, led by the Jesuits, will award, at a public ceremony, an honorary doctorate to José Mujica. See poster below. The winner is none other than ex- Tupamaro terrorist and former President of Uruguay (March 2010 - March 2015).
The Tupamaro movement was a communist group of Uruguayan terrorists promoting urban guerrilla, robbery, arson, kidnap and assassination.
In its press release, the Jesuit University acknowledges that Mujica "promoted the legalization of abortion, same-sex marriage and marihuana."
News report in French here.
On 2 December [yesterday], the Universidad Iberoamericana ( IBERO ) of Mexico City, led by the Jesuits, will award, at a public ceremony, an honorary doctorate to José Mujica. See poster below. The winner is none other than ex- Tupamaro terrorist and former President of Uruguay (March 2010 - March 2015).
The Tupamaro movement was a communist group of Uruguayan terrorists promoting urban guerrilla, robbery, arson, kidnap and assassination.
In its press release, the Jesuit University acknowledges that Mujica "promoted the legalization of abortion, same-sex marriage and marihuana."
News report in French here.

Traditionalists = Fundamentalists = Plague
Hello TIA,
Receiving a group of Argentinian leaders of various false religions, Pope Francis called fundamentalists a plague. Now, in Argentina there isn't any expressive Muslim fundamentalism. Therefore, he was not referring to terrorism. The only people who the Argentinian Pope hates in his country are Traditionalist Catholics.
He had called Traditionalists Pelagians, Rigorists, Clericalists & Fundamentalists among many other such expressions of despise. Now, we received another label: we are a plague.
If to be fundamentalist is to love the past doctrine of the Catholic Church and try to rigorously apply it to our lives, then, the Saints did precisely these two things. Consequently Pope Bergoglio should also consider them as fundamentalists and a plague.
Well, the least we can say is that we are in good company.
Please, read the news report below.
Religious fundamentalism is a plague, pope says
'We must beware of fundamentalist groups; each religion has its own'
Interreligious dialogue can counter fundamentalist groups as well as the unjust accusation that religions sow division, Pope Francis has said.
Meeting members of the Argentine Institute for Interreligious Dialogue Nov. 18, the pope said that in "today's precarious world, dialogue among religions is not a weakness. It finds its reason for being in the dialogue of God with humanity."
Recalling a scene from the 11th-century poem, The Song of Roland, in which Christians threatened Muslims "to choose between baptism or death," the pope denounced the fundamentalist mentality.
"We must beware of fundamentalist groups; each (religion) has its own. In Argentina, there are some fundamentalist corners there," he said. "Fundamentalism is a plague and all religions have some fundamentalist first cousin."
The Institute for Interreligious Dialogue was founded in Buenos Aires in 2002 and was inspired by the then Cardinal, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, to promote understanding among men and women of different religious traditions in the world.
To see the dangers of fundamentalism, Christians must also reflect on their own history, he said.
The Thirty Years' War began in 1618 as a conflict between Catholic and Protestant states, and the massacre of 1572 saw the targeted assassination of the Huguenots by Catholic mobs in France, the pope said. "A bit of history should frighten us," he said.
Members of the institute assembled in Rome to reflect on the document on "human fraternity" and to improve Christian-Muslim relations, as agreed between Pope Francis and Sheikh Ahmad el-Tayeb, the grand imam of al-Azhar and a leading authority in the Sunni Muslim thought.
The document, the pope explained, aims at adopting a "culture of dialogue" while respecting each other's unique identity.
"This is key: Identity cannot be negotiated because if you negotiate your identity, there is no dialogue, there is submission. Each (religion) with its own identity is on the path of dialogue," he said.
The "complex human reality" of brotherhood, the pope continued, can be seen in the scripture when God asks Cain about the whereabouts of his brother.
Original here.
Receiving a group of Argentinian leaders of various false religions, Pope Francis called fundamentalists a plague. Now, in Argentina there isn't any expressive Muslim fundamentalism. Therefore, he was not referring to terrorism. The only people who the Argentinian Pope hates in his country are Traditionalist Catholics.
He had called Traditionalists Pelagians, Rigorists, Clericalists & Fundamentalists among many other such expressions of despise. Now, we received another label: we are a plague.
If to be fundamentalist is to love the past doctrine of the Catholic Church and try to rigorously apply it to our lives, then, the Saints did precisely these two things. Consequently Pope Bergoglio should also consider them as fundamentalists and a plague.
Well, the least we can say is that we are in good company.
Please, read the news report below.
'We must beware of fundamentalist groups; each religion has its own'
Interreligious dialogue can counter fundamentalist groups as well as the unjust accusation that religions sow division, Pope Francis has said.
Meeting members of the Argentine Institute for Interreligious Dialogue Nov. 18, the pope said that in "today's precarious world, dialogue among religions is not a weakness. It finds its reason for being in the dialogue of God with humanity."
Recalling a scene from the 11th-century poem, The Song of Roland, in which Christians threatened Muslims "to choose between baptism or death," the pope denounced the fundamentalist mentality.
"We must beware of fundamentalist groups; each (religion) has its own. In Argentina, there are some fundamentalist corners there," he said. "Fundamentalism is a plague and all religions have some fundamentalist first cousin."
The Institute for Interreligious Dialogue was founded in Buenos Aires in 2002 and was inspired by the then Cardinal, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, to promote understanding among men and women of different religious traditions in the world.
To see the dangers of fundamentalism, Christians must also reflect on their own history, he said.
The Thirty Years' War began in 1618 as a conflict between Catholic and Protestant states, and the massacre of 1572 saw the targeted assassination of the Huguenots by Catholic mobs in France, the pope said. "A bit of history should frighten us," he said.
Members of the institute assembled in Rome to reflect on the document on "human fraternity" and to improve Christian-Muslim relations, as agreed between Pope Francis and Sheikh Ahmad el-Tayeb, the grand imam of al-Azhar and a leading authority in the Sunni Muslim thought.
The document, the pope explained, aims at adopting a "culture of dialogue" while respecting each other's unique identity.
"This is key: Identity cannot be negotiated because if you negotiate your identity, there is no dialogue, there is submission. Each (religion) with its own identity is on the path of dialogue," he said.
The "complex human reality" of brotherhood, the pope continued, can be seen in the scripture when God asks Cain about the whereabouts of his brother.
Original here.

Posted December 3, 2019
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I just spotted a minor mistake in your recent "Church Revolution in Pictures" article titled "Lesbian 'marriage' in an Austrian Church."
The article says the place where this happened is "Wolfsburg, Austria." However, that town in Lower Carinthia is named WOLFSBERG, not Wolfsburg (the latter being the industrial city in Lower Saxony, Germany, where the Volkswagen plant is located). To be even more precise, that lesbian "wedding" took place in the parish church of St. Margarethen im Lavanttal, which is part of the district of Wolfsberg: a small church, but nevertheless a jewel, still built in the Gothic style of the Middle Ages and later outfitted with Baroque interior in the 17th and 18th centuries.
What a devilish affront to hold such a wedding ceremony, or whatever that was, in such a beautiful house of God!
All my best wishes,
O.R., Europe
TIA responds:
Dear O.R..
Thank you for correction.
We have already followed your instructions as you can check here.
TIA correspondence desk