The Sacred Heart
Litany to the Sacred Heart Offers Rich Meditations The Heart of Jesus, an abyss of supreme majesty and supreme humility
Enthronement to the Sacred Heart History & promises for those who enthrone Him in their homes
A Statue of the Sacred Heart Emitting Certainty Analysis of the supernatural traits of a pious statue
 | Devotion to the Sacred Blood of Jesus Christ Shed in the Passion Promise of Our Lord to St. Elizabeth of Hungary, St. Matilda & St. Bridget
 | Why Is the Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus So Important? It stimulates the noblest human sentiments & the noblest affections of Divintiy
 | Honoring Pictures of the Sacred Heart Words of St. Margaret Mary on this pious practice
 | Promises of the Sacred Heart to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque In a 1675 revelation Our Lord promised 12 privileges for the faithful
 | The Counter-Revolutionary Role of the Sacred Heart Devotion How this devotion should properly be understood
 | The Sacred Heart of Jesus: Symbol of Combativity An aristocratic devotion to form warriors and restore Christendom
 | Sacred Heart: The Sky of Lorraine and the Kingdom of Our Lord How Christ reigns over each individual, province and people
 | The Five First Saturdays & Nine First Fridays The conditions requested by Heaven to make them
 | Devotion & Novena to the Holy Face of Jesus Promises made to a Carmelite nun in the 19th century
 | The Heart of the Son Is Contained in the Heart of the Mother St. John Eudes, precursor to the Sacred Heart devotion
 | The Precious Blood of Jesus Christ The Blood of Christ is the fountain of salvation
 | The Devotions to Our Lady & Our Lord Are Inseparable A man is not a true Catholic without devotion to the Mother of God
 | The Origin of the Feast of Corpus Christi The mission of St. Juliana of Liege & role of the Miracle of Orvieto
The Holy Eucharist - Corpus Christi The marvelous means Our Lord chose to remain with men on earth
 | Series on the Eucharist
Part 1 - The Magnitude of the Gift of the Holy Eucharist Comments on a meditation of St. Ignatius of Loyola
Part 2 - Our Debt of Gratitude to the Holy Eucharist "How can you resist a God Who gives Himself to you?"
Part 3 - ‘Be Confounded by Your Ingratitude’ We should receive Our Lord abounding in confidence
Part 4 - Our Lord’s Affection in Giving Us the Eucharist The time & way Christ instituted it & the difficulties He experienced
Part 5 - The Value and Efficacy of the Holy Eucharist "After receiving this gift, how can I refuse You anything?"
 | The Christ Child Crucified on Mount Pichincha "You must be heroes in the terrible times to come"
Devotions to Our Lady
Slavery to Mary - 4: The Devil's Hatred of True Devotion to Mary A mysterious hand hides the manuscript & destroys part of it
Slavery to Mary - 3: The Rewards of Practicing Slavery to Mary 'The Holy Ghost will come in abundance to produce wonders of grace'
Slavery to Mary - 2: Our Lady Will be Queen of Hearts We must 'breathe Mary as the body breathes air'
Slavery to Mary - 1: The Wonderful Effects Our Lady Works in Souls What comes from Her lasts forever
The Wise & Immaculate Heart of Mary How Our Lady practiced the virtue of wisdom
Our Lady Help of Christians: A Second Victory with Napoleon Our Lady frees Pope Pius VII from captivity & converts the tyrant
Pray the Impossible Requests Novena Beginning on the Annuncation and ending on Christmas
The Purification - Its Mystery A prophecy fulfilled as Our Lord entered the Temple
 | A Visit to Our Lady of Belén Testimony of two pilgrims to Carmel Mission
 | Our Lady of Knock
Part 1 - The Silence Veils a Secret Report of the apparition
Part 2 - Our Lady of Knock & the Apparition at La Salette - 2 A comparison of two important 19th century Marian apparitions
Part 3 - Our Lady Appears at Knock during Her Crowning at La Salette Knock must be seen in light of La Salette's dire message
Part 4 - Our Lady of Knock & Our Lady of Lourdes Both confirm papal declarations
Part 5 - An Approaching Storm The Fatima warning prefigured by Our Lady of Knock
Part 6 - Knock, Mediatrix of All Graces & Immaculate Heart of Mary Knock foresees these two Marian devotions
Part 7 - St. John in the Apparition of Knock Why is the Apostle wearing a miter & carrying the Apocalypse?
Part 8 - The Living Bishop, St. John Is Knock telling us that the Apostle has a role to play in end times?
Part 9 - St. John Is Alive, According to Saints The faithful Bishop who confirms the Apostolic Succession
Part 10 - Popes & Hierarchy Oppose Our Lady’s Messages Common points in La Salette, Lourdes, Knock & Fatima
Part 11 - A Message Hidden & Defiled by Vatican II Hierarchy All is joy, peace and ecumenism at the Shrine...
Part 12 - The Lamb & Altar in the Knock Apparition The progressivists use Knock to promote the New Mass
 | The Heart of the Son Is Contained in the Heart of the Mother St. John Eudes, precursor to the Sacred Heart devotion
 | Devotion to Maria Bambina How this devotion was born in Milan & the miracles it worked
 | A Proposal to Sing the Salve Regina A brief history of the prayer that has enchanted the Catholic world
 | The Devotions to Our Lady & Our Lord Are Inseparable A man is not a true Catholic without devotion to the Mother of God
 | Mary, the Finder of Grace - Inventrix Gratiae Why the Church calls Mary 'our life, our sweetness and our hope'
 | Pius IX and the Immaculate Conception Her beauty, power and protection for sinners
 | Canon Bacci & Our Lady of Genezzano In gratitude for a great grace, he spreads her devotion
 | Our Lady of Prompt Succor, a Patroness for Americans Her miraculous protection at the Battle of New Orleans
 | The Virgin of the Dew - La Virgen del Rocio A million people honor Our Lady in a traditional Spanish procession - Slide show
 | Our Lady of Good Success Testimonies, articles, prayers and questions about Our Lady of Good Success
 | Our Lady of Fatima The Third Secret refers to the corruption of the Hierarchy
 | Fatima Issues A page dedicated to the apparitions of Our Lady at Fatima
 | The Immaculate Conception of Our Lady Her intransigence and combativeness are counterparts to her purity
 | The Nativity of Our Lady When the victory of the Devil was complete, she was born, sealing his destruction
 | The Presentation of Our Lady in the Temple In her life in the Temple, she began her preparation to be the Mother of Our Lord
 | The Annunciation and the Incarnation of the Word Jesus living in Mary's womb is a mystery that contains all the others
 | The Visitation of Our Lady The Magnificat refutes a sentimental piety that prevails in many Catholic circles
 | The Divine Maternity of Our Lady Since she is the Mother of God, she is also the Mother of all men - and our Mother
 | The Assumption of Our Lady The different joys Our Lady experienced in her Assumption and Coronation
 | The Queenship of Our Lady To follow the will of Our Lady on earth is to defend the Church in today's crisis
 | Our Lady Queen of the Angels Asking her to send her Angels to smash the demonic influence of the Revolution
 | Our Lady of the Rosary Rosary: a means of salvation & a powerful weapon against evil
 | Our Lady, Seat of Wisdom The greatest means to attain wisdom is through the devotion to the Our Lady
 | Our Lady of the Miracle The conversion of Ratisbonnne was a strong blow to the Revolution
 | Our Lady of Lourdes The great lesson of Lourdes is the acceptance of our sufferings
 | Our Lady of Good Counsel of Genazzano First impressions on standing before this picture of Mother and Son
 | Our Lady of Good Counsel and Pettrucia The unwavering hope of one woman is rewarded with a great miracle
 | La Macarena – Our Hope A photo-history of one of the most popular devotions of Holy Week in Seville
 | Our Lady Help of Christians Just as at Lepanto, Our Lady has a victory prepared for us today
 | Our Lady of Mount Carmel The Carmel Order and its link with the mystery of Fatima
 | Our Lady of Confidence Our Lady promised those who venerate this image special protection in crisis
 | Our Lady of the Abandoned Ones A majestic statue in Valencia who protects her abandoned children
 | Our Lady of Guadalupe The courtesy of Juan Diego in his dealings with Our Lady
 | Our Lady of Nazareth An important devotion that traveled from the Old world to the New
 | Our Lady of Las Lajas No scientist can explain how the marvelous picture is imprinted in the rock
 | Our Lady of Almudena, Patroness of Madrid The confidence of the Crusaders is rewarded by the discovery of her statue
 | Our Lady of Perpetual Help The rich symbolism of each part of the Byzantine painting
 | Mater Admirabilis - Mother Most Admirable A model ideal for young women and ladies in the world
 | La Conquistadora, Our Country's Oldest Devotion to Our Lady An important reminder of Our Lady's place in American history
 | Our Lady of Kazan and its Relation to the Fatima Message Russia has not converted and the Icon should not return to the Schismatics
 | The Rosary and the Scapular: Weapons against Pride and Sensuality Gifts from Out Lady to help us combat our revolutionary tendencies
Devotions to St. Joseph
The Humiliation of St. Joseph - Part 1 One refusal after another in Bethlehem
Finally, A Shepherd's Cave for Christ's Birth - Part 2 Rejected by friends & family, St Joseph recalls a grotto outside the city
The Great Night Draws Near - Part 3 Our Lady & St. Joseph prepare with great calmness & dignity
Christ Is Born in Light & Splendor - Part 4
The marvelous happenings of Christmas night
Going to St. Joseph in a Time of Chaos Increasing our devotion to the Patron of the Catholic Church
 | St. Joseph, an Undervalued Saint Our Lady advises us to have more recourse to this Great Saint
 | The Feast Day of St. Joseph His role taking care of Our Lord and Our Lady
 | With St. Joseph at Christmas: In a Sea of Peace A journey inside the soul of the great Patriarch a little before his Son was born
 | The Importance of Devotion to St. Joseph St. Teresa of Avila and St. Alphonsus Liguori pay homage to the great Saint
 | Prayer to St. Joseph To make our family a family of saints
 | The Great St. Joseph A book rich in data about the Patron of the Church
| Devotions to Special Saints
 | Ven. Antonio Margil: Apostle of New Spain and Texas The epic story of the Franciscan miracle worker of the Americas
 | St. Philippine Duchesne: Failures Became Her Success Her life was a series of failures; her perseverance & prayer earned her Heaven
 | St. Therese of the Child Jesus: Master of Her Temperament A visage that reveals grandeur, suffering and serenity
 | A Tribute to St. Philomena In thanksgiving for continual favors received