What People Are Commenting
Pro-Abortion Candidates &
Sacred Blood of Jesus
Thinking of Sending Your Girls to a Convent?
Dear TIA,
I know several traditionalist ladies who dream with sending one of their daughters to convents. In principle this is good. In practice, given today’s general apostasy, it is almost certain that they will become part of the game.
To make my point, I invite you to watch the video below where you see what kind of internal life the “conservative” nuns are having.
Best regards,
I know several traditionalist ladies who dream with sending one of their daughters to convents. In principle this is good. In practice, given today’s general apostasy, it is almost certain that they will become part of the game.
To make my point, I invite you to watch the video below where you see what kind of internal life the “conservative” nuns are having.
Best regards,
Putin & Trump
Thank you for posting my mail about Putin and Trump and answering it. It was really insightful.
Thank you for posting my mail about Putin and Trump and answering it. It was really insightful.
Secure Sites for Families
Re: Sources to Protect the Family
Thanks for doing your part to raise awareness on these crime-related resources !
Your updated page looks great! I hope that the information gets to those in need.
Re: Sources to Protect the Family
Thanks for doing your part to raise awareness on these crime-related resources !
Your updated page looks great! I hope that the information gets to those in need.
Sex Ed & Papal Monarchy
Dear TIA,
It is excellent to read Phillip Mericle. [The Vatican’s Depraved Sex-Ed Program for Youth] He has not only eyesight, but vision.
There is only one purpose for sexual education, and that is to prevent birth. Men and women need no education to engage in conjugal relations. The elites are breaking their brains in the pursuit of mega-death. Their task is to demonstrate a socially acceptable method to eradicate roughly 7,000,000,000 children of God. The depravity of Man without God is boundless.
Both of the present CEOs of the Church do not equal one Saint Pius X.
Jorge’s abandonment of the magnificent and eternal Papal Monarchy is almost complete. The smoke of Satan would suffocate everyone if Our Lord would permit this endless apostasy to continue. It is such a joy to realize that no mere mortals will ever suffocate Almighty God.
J.S., Ph.D.
It is excellent to read Phillip Mericle. [The Vatican’s Depraved Sex-Ed Program for Youth] He has not only eyesight, but vision.
There is only one purpose for sexual education, and that is to prevent birth. Men and women need no education to engage in conjugal relations. The elites are breaking their brains in the pursuit of mega-death. Their task is to demonstrate a socially acceptable method to eradicate roughly 7,000,000,000 children of God. The depravity of Man without God is boundless.
Both of the present CEOs of the Church do not equal one Saint Pius X.
Jorge’s abandonment of the magnificent and eternal Papal Monarchy is almost complete. The smoke of Satan would suffocate everyone if Our Lord would permit this endless apostasy to continue. It is such a joy to realize that no mere mortals will ever suffocate Almighty God.
J.S., Ph.D.
Paglia Promoted
Thank you for your excellent analysis of the new sex education program put out by the Vatican.
Check this news report. Archbishop Vicenzo Paglia, who was the one in charge of producing the Sex Ed Program for youth that you just analyzed, was awarded by Francis with a new position in the Holy See.
Tell me who you like and I will tell you who you are…
Archbishop who supports Communion for remarried divorcees
to head Pontifical Academy for Life, JPII Institute
“... as head of the Pontifical Council for the Family, Paglia oversaw the publication of a book embracing the “Kasper proposal” to admit to Holy Communion those living in what the Church considers an active state of adultery. In 2015, he seemingly praised the pro-homosexual television show Modern Family as sparking a dialogue about “the family” and invited same-sex couples to the World Meeting of Families.
Most recently, the Pontifical Council for the Family under his leadership has come under criticism for promulgating a sex-ed program for youth that includes explicit sexual imagery, leaves aside the Church’s teaching on sin, and envisions being taught outside the bosom of the family. Critics warn that the program violates norms previously promulgated by the very same pontifical council."
Original here
Thank you for your excellent analysis of the new sex education program put out by the Vatican.
Check this news report. Archbishop Vicenzo Paglia, who was the one in charge of producing the Sex Ed Program for youth that you just analyzed, was awarded by Francis with a new position in the Holy See.
Tell me who you like and I will tell you who you are…
to head Pontifical Academy for Life, JPII Institute
“... as head of the Pontifical Council for the Family, Paglia oversaw the publication of a book embracing the “Kasper proposal” to admit to Holy Communion those living in what the Church considers an active state of adultery. In 2015, he seemingly praised the pro-homosexual television show Modern Family as sparking a dialogue about “the family” and invited same-sex couples to the World Meeting of Families.
Most recently, the Pontifical Council for the Family under his leadership has come under criticism for promulgating a sex-ed program for youth that includes explicit sexual imagery, leaves aside the Church’s teaching on sin, and envisions being taught outside the bosom of the family. Critics warn that the program violates norms previously promulgated by the very same pontifical council."
Original here
Devotion to the Sacred Blood of Jesus Christ Shed in the Passion
Dear TIA,
You and your readers certainly will be interested to know and benefit from this important devotion.
Devotion to the Drops of Blood Lost by Our Lord Jesus Christ
on His Way to Calvary
St. Elizabeth, Queen of Hungary, with St. Matilda and St. Bridget, wishing to know something of the Passion of Jesus Christ, offered fervent and special prayers, upon which Our Lord revealed to them the following..
“To all the faithful who shall recite for 3 years, each day, 3 “Our Fathers”, 3 “Hail Marys” and 3 “Glory Bes”, in honor of the drops of Blood I lost, I will concede the following 5 graces:
Please keep this prayer card with others that you say daily to remind you to recite these prayers.
Please record the date you started.
You and your readers certainly will be interested to know and benefit from this important devotion.
on His Way to Calvary
St. Elizabeth, Queen of Hungary, with St. Matilda and St. Bridget, wishing to know something of the Passion of Jesus Christ, offered fervent and special prayers, upon which Our Lord revealed to them the following..
“To all the faithful who shall recite for 3 years, each day, 3 “Our Fathers”, 3 “Hail Marys” and 3 “Glory Bes”, in honor of the drops of Blood I lost, I will concede the following 5 graces:
- The plenary indulgence and remittance of your sins;
- You will be free from the pains of Purgatory;
- If you die before completing the said 3 years, for you it will be the same as if you had completed them;
- It will be upon your death the same as if you had shed all your blood for the Holy Faith;
- I will descend from Heaven to take your soul and that of your relatives, until the fourth generation.”
Please keep this prayer card with others that you say daily to remind you to recite these prayers.
Please record the date you started.
I am sending you this news report on a Catholic priest who affirms Catholics have a moral duty to fight and defeat Islam. He also argues that pacifism is immoral.
It is so rare to find a priest saying this today that I could not fail to pass this on to you.
Viva Cristo Rey y La Virgen de Guadalupe
I am sending you this news report on a Catholic priest who affirms Catholics have a moral duty to fight and defeat Islam. He also argues that pacifism is immoral.
It is so rare to find a priest saying this today that I could not fail to pass this on to you.
Viva Cristo Rey y La Virgen de Guadalupe

Posted September 1, 2016
Crux commentator Charles C. Camosy laments the "faulty" position taken by Knights of Columbus head Carl Anderson, who rightly declared Catholics have an unwavering moral obligation never to vote for a pro-choice candidate.
He is right, says Camosy, because abortion is an important issue, it is the slaughter of innocents.
Camosy pretends he is wrong, however, to claim Catholics have a moral obligation to avoid voting for a pro-abortion candidate.
To prove his point, Camosy quotes Benedict XVI, who, in his previous role as head of the CDF, said: “When a Catholic does not share a candidate’s stand in favor of abortion and/or euthanasia, but votes for that candidate for other reasons, it is considered remote material cooperation [with evil], which can be permitted in the presence of proportionate reasons.”
Please, fellow traditionalists, don't swallow the myth that Benedict was not a progressivist. He wrote the doctrine for John Paul II and paved the way for Francis...
May Our Lord and Our Lady continue to bless TIA's courageous work.