Favorite Prayers
Prayer to St. Joseph to Make Our Family
a Family of Saints
Confident, humble and persevering prayer is infallible, as the Church teaches us. What better prayer to pray daily than a prayer to St. Joseph asking him to save all the members of our family so that we might be a family of saints in Heaven one day?
Glorious Saint Joseph! Thou to whom God confided the care of the two persons He most loved on earth, forget not that we too have been entrusted to thy care.
Thou who art our protector and our father, deign to take our interests into thy own hands, but above all, watch over all that concerns our souls.
O virtuous guardians of the Holy Family, by thy powerful intercession, make us a family of saints. And since to merit thy favors, we must strive to imitate thy virtues, obtain for us all a sincere will to walk in thy footsteps and to be like thee, full of love for Jesus and Mary and faithful to all our other duties.
Thou art too jealous of the glory of God and our salvation to refuse to receive our prayers.
O beloved head of the Holy Family, graciously hear us.
“Whenever we say the Our Father devoutly, our venial sins are forgiven.” – St. Augustine
The gate of Heaven will be open to all who confide in devotion to Mary.”
– St. Bonaventure
Posted January 19, 2004

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