What People Are Commenting
Ecumenical Service in San Diego
Good afternoon,
I wanted to send you information about an ecumenical prayer service that happened in the diocese of San Diego.
Here’s a quote from the article in The Southern Cross:
“Before offering a traditional Native American blessing that involved the burning of white sage, which he described as ‘medicine from our Creator for the healing of our mind, body and soul...”
The offering was not offered by someone outside the church but rather by a deacon! Notice how this happens while Bishop McElroy watches in the background.
The “blessing” was offered by Deacon Andy Orozco in the presence of Bishop McElroy at Mission San Diego de Alcalá. You can read about it in the Southern Cross here.
Thanks for the work you do!
I wanted to send you information about an ecumenical prayer service that happened in the diocese of San Diego.
Here’s a quote from the article in The Southern Cross:
“Before offering a traditional Native American blessing that involved the burning of white sage, which he described as ‘medicine from our Creator for the healing of our mind, body and soul...”
The offering was not offered by someone outside the church but rather by a deacon! Notice how this happens while Bishop McElroy watches in the background.
The “blessing” was offered by Deacon Andy Orozco in the presence of Bishop McElroy at Mission San Diego de Alcalá. You can read about it in the Southern Cross here.
Thanks for the work you do!

Many More to Be Defrocked
Dear TIA,
Regarding the recent news on defrocking ex-cardinal McCarrick, below is a news report that expresses well my thoughts: to be consistent, many others bishops and cardinals should be defrocked.
What is curious is that Pope Francis only took action against McCarrick after the scandal became known to the public. This has been the rule in his pontificate. By the way, it was the same policy adopted by the previous Vatican II popes. They all knew the man was corrupt but promoted him to the highest ranks.
They have no concern for morality; what counts for them is just to save their personal prestige.
So, I believe that the request mentioned below will not have any effect until other scandals hit the fan.
Anti-abuse group calls for five “more McCarricks” to be defrocked
Christopher White and Inés San Martín
ROME - Feb 18, 2019 – A leading U.S. organization dedicated to documenting the clergy sex abuse crisis believes there are “many more McCarricks” and has publicly named five bishops they believe should face the same fate as the disgraced former cardinal archbishop of Washington, D.C.
At a press conference outside of St. Peter’s Square on Sunday, Bishop Accountability made their case for the laicization of Archbishop John Nienstedt of St. Paul-Minneapolis, Minnesota; Archbishop Anthony Sablan Apuron of Agaña, Guam; Bishop Aldo di Cillo Pagotto of Paraiba, Brazil; Bishop Roger Joseph Vangheluwe of Bruges, Belgium; and Bishop Joseph Hart of Cheyenne, Wyoming.
These men, according to Bishop Accountability’s co-president Anne Barrett Doyle, have been removed from their former posts and also should be removed from the clerical state.
“It is an insult to the Catholics of the world to hold forth McCarrick’s laicization as accountability,” she said. “We are past the stage of confusing a fired bishop as accountability. We haven’t even begun yet.”
Original here
Regarding the recent news on defrocking ex-cardinal McCarrick, below is a news report that expresses well my thoughts: to be consistent, many others bishops and cardinals should be defrocked.
What is curious is that Pope Francis only took action against McCarrick after the scandal became known to the public. This has been the rule in his pontificate. By the way, it was the same policy adopted by the previous Vatican II popes. They all knew the man was corrupt but promoted him to the highest ranks.
They have no concern for morality; what counts for them is just to save their personal prestige.
So, I believe that the request mentioned below will not have any effect until other scandals hit the fan.
Christopher White and Inés San Martín
ROME - Feb 18, 2019 – A leading U.S. organization dedicated to documenting the clergy sex abuse crisis believes there are “many more McCarricks” and has publicly named five bishops they believe should face the same fate as the disgraced former cardinal archbishop of Washington, D.C.
At a press conference outside of St. Peter’s Square on Sunday, Bishop Accountability made their case for the laicization of Archbishop John Nienstedt of St. Paul-Minneapolis, Minnesota; Archbishop Anthony Sablan Apuron of Agaña, Guam; Bishop Aldo di Cillo Pagotto of Paraiba, Brazil; Bishop Roger Joseph Vangheluwe of Bruges, Belgium; and Bishop Joseph Hart of Cheyenne, Wyoming.
These men, according to Bishop Accountability’s co-president Anne Barrett Doyle, have been removed from their former posts and also should be removed from the clerical state.
“It is an insult to the Catholics of the world to hold forth McCarrick’s laicization as accountability,” she said. “We are past the stage of confusing a fired bishop as accountability. We haven’t even begun yet.”
Original here
Catholic School & TLM
Good afternoon, God bless.
I'm struggling with the idea of sending my 5 year old and 9 year old to our local Catholic school. What would you recommend? I've looked at their curriculum and I found they do not teach the youth reverence towards our lord, (at least from what I've seen on pictures) they also celebrate Halloween by allowing children to dress-up with any type of costumes.
Also how can I request a Latin mass in my parish?? is this something that the Bishops has to approve?
Best regards,
TIA responds:
Good evening,
We believe the way to keep your children protected and well-formed today is through homeschooling or a traditional Catholic school that has a solid curriculum (Baltimore Catechism, discipline, respect for authority, etc.). The diocesan Catholic schools are as bad or even worse than public schools.
For more on the formation of children we suggest reading articles here or purchasing our Family Series CDs here.
In principle, a priest can say the Traditional Latin Mass (1962 Missal) without the permission of the bishop, according to Summorum Pontificum. So, if you find one of these priests, you can attend his Mass. The Fraternity St. Peter, Institute of Christ the King and Society of St. Pius X say these Masses.
You may also ask the permission of your Bishop for a Latin Mass to be said in your area. Be aware that you may receive a stubborn refusal, because most of the American Bishops neither favor nor allow it. In case your Bishop allows it, there are some requirements he will ask you to meet, which include presenting a petition signed by a certain number of the faithful who are also interested.
You can be read more on this topic here and here.
TIA correspondence desk
I'm struggling with the idea of sending my 5 year old and 9 year old to our local Catholic school. What would you recommend? I've looked at their curriculum and I found they do not teach the youth reverence towards our lord, (at least from what I've seen on pictures) they also celebrate Halloween by allowing children to dress-up with any type of costumes.
Also how can I request a Latin mass in my parish?? is this something that the Bishops has to approve?
Best regards,
TIA responds:
Good evening,
We believe the way to keep your children protected and well-formed today is through homeschooling or a traditional Catholic school that has a solid curriculum (Baltimore Catechism, discipline, respect for authority, etc.). The diocesan Catholic schools are as bad or even worse than public schools.
For more on the formation of children we suggest reading articles here or purchasing our Family Series CDs here.
In principle, a priest can say the Traditional Latin Mass (1962 Missal) without the permission of the bishop, according to Summorum Pontificum. So, if you find one of these priests, you can attend his Mass. The Fraternity St. Peter, Institute of Christ the King and Society of St. Pius X say these Masses.
You may also ask the permission of your Bishop for a Latin Mass to be said in your area. Be aware that you may receive a stubborn refusal, because most of the American Bishops neither favor nor allow it. In case your Bishop allows it, there are some requirements he will ask you to meet, which include presenting a petition signed by a certain number of the faithful who are also interested.
You can be read more on this topic here and here.
TIA correspondence desk
Toss Valtorta Overboard
Re: Valtorta’s Poem of the Man God
I am so glad that Dr. Horvat has tackled this terrible book, so often hailed as a great work on the life of Christ. It is an absurd account, filled with fantastical imaginings by the author, M. Valtorta. I read it and discarded it into the trash where it belongs. There are just so many things that ring untrue, that border on blasphemous, about this book, it would be hard to put it all down on paper.
I read anti-articles concerning Dr. Horvat’s assessments of this book, and they were long and arduous, but don’t hold water.
Forgetting the many things wrong with it, if you just took the one sentence where she says that Our Lord Jesus says to St. Peter, “You have corrupted my mother,” one would be compelled to toss it overboard. This is just preposterous. Our Lord would never say that, and He knew as nobody else could have possibly known that there is no possibility that anyone or anything could corrupt Our Lady. The two concepts, corrupt and the Blessed Virgin would never come from His mouth. Even the demons flee from her in terror. This woman [Valtorta] was not a Catholic soul, had no devotion or respect for either Christ or His most Holy Mother.
Her visions and revelations about the life of Christ were all delusions of the enemy and an over-active imagination. This soap opera version of the Holy of Holies is simply ridiculous and offensive. Our Lord had no superfluous use of speech, as He was perfect. He did not use slang. He was not just one of the guys. He was respected by his disciples and had closeness to them, but not a bantering familiarity with anyone.
This off-the-cuff garbage speech is so degradingly common in so many of her rotten narratives, I really feel, if anything, Dr. Horvat was far too kind in what she says about it. I found it offensive to my Faith. I found it offensive towards both the Lord and the Blessed Virgin and the Apostles. It smacks of Humanism, among other things. So, thank you Dr. Horvat.
Please, keep up the good work.
Re: Valtorta’s Poem of the Man God
I am so glad that Dr. Horvat has tackled this terrible book, so often hailed as a great work on the life of Christ. It is an absurd account, filled with fantastical imaginings by the author, M. Valtorta. I read it and discarded it into the trash where it belongs. There are just so many things that ring untrue, that border on blasphemous, about this book, it would be hard to put it all down on paper.
I read anti-articles concerning Dr. Horvat’s assessments of this book, and they were long and arduous, but don’t hold water.
Forgetting the many things wrong with it, if you just took the one sentence where she says that Our Lord Jesus says to St. Peter, “You have corrupted my mother,” one would be compelled to toss it overboard. This is just preposterous. Our Lord would never say that, and He knew as nobody else could have possibly known that there is no possibility that anyone or anything could corrupt Our Lady. The two concepts, corrupt and the Blessed Virgin would never come from His mouth. Even the demons flee from her in terror. This woman [Valtorta] was not a Catholic soul, had no devotion or respect for either Christ or His most Holy Mother.
Her visions and revelations about the life of Christ were all delusions of the enemy and an over-active imagination. This soap opera version of the Holy of Holies is simply ridiculous and offensive. Our Lord had no superfluous use of speech, as He was perfect. He did not use slang. He was not just one of the guys. He was respected by his disciples and had closeness to them, but not a bantering familiarity with anyone.
This off-the-cuff garbage speech is so degradingly common in so many of her rotten narratives, I really feel, if anything, Dr. Horvat was far too kind in what she says about it. I found it offensive to my Faith. I found it offensive towards both the Lord and the Blessed Virgin and the Apostles. It smacks of Humanism, among other things. So, thank you Dr. Horvat.
Please, keep up the good work.

Posted February 21, 2019
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The article Saving Benedict XVl was a good showing that Ratzinger, for years, was hard to beat when it came to playing his cards close to his chest.
Perhaps the late Rev Fr. Gommar DePauw gave us the long story short saying: he is an arsonist turned fireman.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.