NEWS: February 25, 2019
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Bird’s Eye View of the News
After writing an article on the Sadness of the Statute Our Lady of Good Success, describing her visage as I encountered it in Quito, I was furiously attacked by two SSPX representatives. One is the anonymous editor of Vox Catholica, who I suspect is a priest, and the other is Fr. B. Haenny. I gave a brief answer to the latter, postponing my reply. It will start now.
The “courageous” anonymous Vox Catholica editor attacked me indirectly in a brutal and disgusting physical threat against Miss Salwa Bachar, who is in charge of the TIA social media and had recommended my article to the readers of that media outlet. Both attacks revealed a total lack of self-control, which made me wonder if that arrogant intemperance is something common among SSPX priests.
I dispense myself from refuting each of those accusations, because a very competent reader, who I do not have the pleasure to know personally, spontaneously defended Miss Bachar and me, putting their false indictments to rest. His answers can be read here.
In this article I will expose some background data that may help my reader to understand better what is behind those accusations, the SSPX presence in Quito and more particularly in the Convent of the Immaculate Conception of the contemplative nuns.
Both attacks against me have a suspicious twist. I wrote that it was common talk in Quito that the SSPX had paid the debt incurred by Arch. Fausto Travez during Francis' visit in 2015. My aggressors instead of simply saying: “No, SSPX did not pass any money to Travez,” tried to divert the attention of their followers by pretending that to accuse Travez of receiving money would be absurd. That Prelate would be so good and so far above any suspicion that I would be committing a mortal sin by even suggesting that the Quito common talk could be true.
It is surprising that I have to prove to traditionalists that a progressivist Prelate can not be a saint… But since it is necessary, let me do so.
Travez, pedophilia & homosexuality
When I mentioned that two girls had been sexually abused by a priest on February 3, I was mistaken. The abuse that triggered the scandal took place on February 2, the same day of the feast of Our Lady of Good Success. This lends more gravity to the fact that the Franciscan priest who committed the abuse was one of the two who say Masses for the nuns. However, there is more.
That priest was Fr. Nestor Genaro Bustos, know in Quito only as Frey Bustos. He is a trusted friend of Arch. Travez and is constantly at his Palace, a well-informed university professor told me. Confirming this is the fact that Fr. Bustos was one of the few persons chosen by Travez to offer public Masses for the Feast day of Our Lady of Good Success at the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
I was actually present at the church when a man very similar to the one who appears in the photos at right started a Mass at 9:30 a.m. I left the church and returned at 11:30 a.m. and he was still at the altar saying a New Mass with his stentorian voice. I am not sure if he said just one Mass or two.
The other New Mass was said by a Bishop, who I believe, by comparing his photo with the Prelate I saw there, is the Auxiliary Bishop Rene Coba.
Fr. Bustos left that Mass and went to his parish in Guápulo where he abused a 14-year-old girl by touching her intimate parts and asking her to kiss him; before he tried to lure her with some candy. The parents of the girl were informed and learned that their other daughter, age 10, had also been abused by Bustos.
The news spread and the furious parents and a group of neighbors gathered to lynch the priest. He took refuge in the church but was caught by that group who beat him soundly. Good job! The police came after 20 minutes to arrest (and save) the criminal. The man is in jail and a 30-day investigation is in motion. (El Telegrafo, February 6, 2019, in Spanish, in English)
The Franciscan Province condemned the abuse committed by Frey Bustos and promised to collaborate with the civil authorities. The “good” Archbishop Travez, who is also a Franciscan, kept silent.
The dramatic blow of this scandal on the same day of Our Lady’s Feast of the Purification, perpetrated by the same priest that said her Mass at the Convent of the Immaculate Conception, seems symbolic to show us how rotten the whole situation of the clergy in Quito is.
A highly placed diplomat spontaneously told me that it is known everywhere in Quito that the Franciscan Monastery is infected with homosexuals. The “good” Travez, however, enlisted those same Franciscans to replace the Ecuadorian lay Catholics who for decades had been helping to transport the Statue of Our Lady from the Convent's upper choir to the church twice a year.
Curiously, in one of the sermons at the solemn Mass that the SSPX said in the Conceptionist Church on that same day, the English-speaking priest did not spare eulogies to both the “good” Arch. Travez and those Franciscan Friars…
There have been other cases of pedophilia in Ecuador, but it is not rare for the judicial suits to be dismissed by the civil authorities. Very well-informed sources told me that there is an agreement between the Catholic Hierarchy and the government: the recent communist governments – of Rafael Correa and, now, of Lenin Moreno – allegedly have a dossier with a large number of clerical scandals of pedophilia and homosexuality ready to be released. But, according to these sources, they made a deal with the Catholic Hierarchy to hold it back so long as the Bishops and clergy do not attack the communist agenda of the government. And, in fact, the Hierarchy is not attacking it.
This would be the reason why there are relatively few cases of clerical pedophilia and homosexuality reported and why the few that are disclosed are often dismissed.
Some furious priests of the SSPX could object: “You did not present direct evidence against the ‘good’ Arch. Travez.”
I list what I presented:
As we see, the strong suspicions about Archbishop Travez’ morality do not provide any guarantee of virtuous behavior. On the contrary, they induce any impartial observer to raise the possibility I raised.
Unfortunately, I am running out of space. I still need to address other points regarding the presence of SSPX in Quito. One of them is the agent it infiltrated into the Convent in order to poison the nuns and expel those good Catholics who used to provide assistance for the Feast day ceremonies. I plan to address this matter shortly.
The “courageous” anonymous Vox Catholica editor attacked me indirectly in a brutal and disgusting physical threat against Miss Salwa Bachar, who is in charge of the TIA social media and had recommended my article to the readers of that media outlet. Both attacks revealed a total lack of self-control, which made me wonder if that arrogant intemperance is something common among SSPX priests.
I dispense myself from refuting each of those accusations, because a very competent reader, who I do not have the pleasure to know personally, spontaneously defended Miss Bachar and me, putting their false indictments to rest. His answers can be read here.
In this article I will expose some background data that may help my reader to understand better what is behind those accusations, the SSPX presence in Quito and more particularly in the Convent of the Immaculate Conception of the contemplative nuns.
Both attacks against me have a suspicious twist. I wrote that it was common talk in Quito that the SSPX had paid the debt incurred by Arch. Fausto Travez during Francis' visit in 2015. My aggressors instead of simply saying: “No, SSPX did not pass any money to Travez,” tried to divert the attention of their followers by pretending that to accuse Travez of receiving money would be absurd. That Prelate would be so good and so far above any suspicion that I would be committing a mortal sin by even suggesting that the Quito common talk could be true.
It is surprising that I have to prove to traditionalists that a progressivist Prelate can not be a saint… But since it is necessary, let me do so.
Travez, pedophilia & homosexuality
When I mentioned that two girls had been sexually abused by a priest on February 3, I was mistaken. The abuse that triggered the scandal took place on February 2, the same day of the feast of Our Lady of Good Success. This lends more gravity to the fact that the Franciscan priest who committed the abuse was one of the two who say Masses for the nuns. However, there is more.
Fr. Nestor Genaro Bustos with his face blurred
I was actually present at the church when a man very similar to the one who appears in the photos at right started a Mass at 9:30 a.m. I left the church and returned at 11:30 a.m. and he was still at the altar saying a New Mass with his stentorian voice. I am not sure if he said just one Mass or two.
The other New Mass was said by a Bishop, who I believe, by comparing his photo with the Prelate I saw there, is the Auxiliary Bishop Rene Coba.
Fr. Bustos left that Mass and went to his parish in Guápulo where he abused a 14-year-old girl by touching her intimate parts and asking her to kiss him; before he tried to lure her with some candy. The parents of the girl were informed and learned that their other daughter, age 10, had also been abused by Bustos.
The news spread and the furious parents and a group of neighbors gathered to lynch the priest. He took refuge in the church but was caught by that group who beat him soundly. Good job! The police came after 20 minutes to arrest (and save) the criminal. The man is in jail and a 30-day investigation is in motion. (El Telegrafo, February 6, 2019, in Spanish, in English)
The Franciscan Province condemned the abuse committed by Frey Bustos and promised to collaborate with the civil authorities. The “good” Archbishop Travez, who is also a Franciscan, kept silent.
The dramatic blow of this scandal on the same day of Our Lady’s Feast of the Purification, perpetrated by the same priest that said her Mass at the Convent of the Immaculate Conception, seems symbolic to show us how rotten the whole situation of the clergy in Quito is.
The ‘good’ Arch. Travez with a girl on his lap
Curiously, in one of the sermons at the solemn Mass that the SSPX said in the Conceptionist Church on that same day, the English-speaking priest did not spare eulogies to both the “good” Arch. Travez and those Franciscan Friars…
There have been other cases of pedophilia in Ecuador, but it is not rare for the judicial suits to be dismissed by the civil authorities. Very well-informed sources told me that there is an agreement between the Catholic Hierarchy and the government: the recent communist governments – of Rafael Correa and, now, of Lenin Moreno – allegedly have a dossier with a large number of clerical scandals of pedophilia and homosexuality ready to be released. But, according to these sources, they made a deal with the Catholic Hierarchy to hold it back so long as the Bishops and clergy do not attack the communist agenda of the government. And, in fact, the Hierarchy is not attacking it.
This would be the reason why there are relatively few cases of clerical pedophilia and homosexuality reported and why the few that are disclosed are often dismissed.
Some furious priests of the SSPX could object: “You did not present direct evidence against the ‘good’ Arch. Travez.”
I list what I presented:
- There is direct evidence that Fr. Bustos was caught committing abuse and was almost lynched by the population;
- There is direct evidence that Arch. Travez chose him to say the Mass
on the Feast day of Our Lady, which is a great honor granted to that priest;
- There is a datum, easy to verify whether true or false, that Fr. Bustos is a trusted friend of the Archbishop. I do not know this for sure, but a very sound source gave me this information. Should it be confirmed, this would add to the responsibility of the Prelate in the behavior of that predator;
- The silence of the Archbishop regarding a case that is exploding in the press and setting the population on fire is an indirect proof of complacence;
- There is a common talk that the Franciscan Monastery in Quito is highly contaminated by homosexuals. The fact that Travez is a Franciscan and does not attack this vice is an indirect proof that he is complacent with it. This is further proved by the fact that Travez chose those same men to replace the upright Catholics
who were helping to transfer the Statue from the upper choir to the Church;
- Regarding a possible agreement between the Hierarchy and the government in Ecuador, the principle applies that when a hypothesis explains everything in a way that otherwise cannot be explained, it constitutes a strong circumstantial evidence in favor of its veracity.
As we see, the strong suspicions about Archbishop Travez’ morality do not provide any guarantee of virtuous behavior. On the contrary, they induce any impartial observer to raise the possibility I raised.
Unfortunately, I am running out of space. I still need to address other points regarding the presence of SSPX in Quito. One of them is the agent it infiltrated into the Convent in order to poison the nuns and expel those good Catholics who used to provide assistance for the Feast day ceremonies. I plan to address this matter shortly.
- The art of discovering the truth by means of raising hypotheses, a respected method attributed to Socrates.