What People Are Commenting
Mexican Folk Dancing
Dear TIA,
Per your articles noting that the Catholic Church has condemned ballroom dancing (here and here), but allows modest folk dancing, would some Mexican Folkloric Dancing be appropriate? There are classes in my area. From the pictures I’ve seen, their women’s costumes are modest dresses, and their dancing appears to be joyful, not sensual.
I have read your articles on the criteria for acceptable dancing and some of the Mexican Folkloric Dancing appears to meet the criteria, especially ones that were done to honor Catholic patron saints.
I thought I would check with you if you have any further knowledge about Mexican Folkloric Dancing. (I realize that some of the forms are from pagan influences, and would not be appropriate, but other forms appear to be from Spanish Catholic influences.)
Thank you very much.
TIA responds:
Dear S.G.,
Thank you for your consideration.
We at TIA are principally concerned in providing our readers with the general Catholic principles on dance, which we did in the articles you mentioned (here, here and here). We leave to our readers to apply those principles to the concrete situations they face.
We are not familiar with all the types of Mexican folk dances, but we have no difficulty in believing that some are very innocent, as you pointed out.
Just as a caution, we suggest you to take into consideration the objection one of our priest friends, Fr. Paul Alvarez Norton, made to the Spanish Sevillanas, here. This may give you some criteria to evaluate whether or not the Mexican dances to which you refer are influenced in this way.
TIA correspondence desk
Per your articles noting that the Catholic Church has condemned ballroom dancing (here and here), but allows modest folk dancing, would some Mexican Folkloric Dancing be appropriate? There are classes in my area. From the pictures I’ve seen, their women’s costumes are modest dresses, and their dancing appears to be joyful, not sensual.
I have read your articles on the criteria for acceptable dancing and some of the Mexican Folkloric Dancing appears to meet the criteria, especially ones that were done to honor Catholic patron saints.
I thought I would check with you if you have any further knowledge about Mexican Folkloric Dancing. (I realize that some of the forms are from pagan influences, and would not be appropriate, but other forms appear to be from Spanish Catholic influences.)
Thank you very much.
TIA responds:
Dear S.G.,
Thank you for your consideration.
We at TIA are principally concerned in providing our readers with the general Catholic principles on dance, which we did in the articles you mentioned (here, here and here). We leave to our readers to apply those principles to the concrete situations they face.
We are not familiar with all the types of Mexican folk dances, but we have no difficulty in believing that some are very innocent, as you pointed out.
Just as a caution, we suggest you to take into consideration the objection one of our priest friends, Fr. Paul Alvarez Norton, made to the Spanish Sevillanas, here. This may give you some criteria to evaluate whether or not the Mexican dances to which you refer are influenced in this way.
TIA correspondence desk
Statue Changed Her Face
Dear Marian,
Re: Sadness of Our Lady in Quito
Her face looks so different from the way it appeared in 2011.
I was happy to read about how she became so heavy that the SSPX priests could not lift her. I’m eager to learn more about Atila’s trip.
In Maria,
Re: Sadness of Our Lady in Quito
Her face looks so different from the way it appeared in 2011.
I was happy to read about how she became so heavy that the SSPX priests could not lift her. I’m eager to learn more about Atila’s trip.
In Maria,
Atila and Salwa,
Re: Two Proofs of SSPX’s ‘Temperance’
I am sure this will have many positive responses.
Salve Maria!!!
Re: Two Proofs of SSPX’s ‘Temperance’
I am sure this will have many positive responses.
Salve Maria!!!
In Defense of Dr. Guimarães and Miss Bachar
Dear Editors,
Re: Two Proofs of SSPX’s ‘Temperance’
Well I must say I read with great interest (and sadness) Dr. Atila S. Guimarães’s eyewitness account at the Convent of Our Lady of Good Success. And then the story got even more interesting!
As you may know, my friend James Larson has organized a wonderful endeavor for the purification of the Church consisting of a wordlwide Rosary for that intention on the very Feast of the Purification – Candelaria or Candlemas Day.
He has also written searchingly of Our Lady of Good Success. So I was, and am, intently following the goings-on there this year, the second of Mr. Larson’s endeavor.
Our Lady’s prophecies there regarding our time of apostasy are right in line with the Third Secret of Fatima, where Our Lady of Fatima unambiguously prophesied the Apostasy in the Church “at the highest levels,” as all eyewitnesses to the several papal readings of the Secret unanimously confirm (here and here).
First, I must state I was very impressed and glad to hear the good Doctor was spending four to five hours a day in silent prayer and vigil before Our Lady of Good Success in the Convent Church. O that we were there!
Second, I was interested because two small informal delegations went to Quito on pilgrimage – unaffiliated with the SSPX but traditional Catholics – from my own parish in New York City, Our Lady of Mount Carmel (which offers the traditional Latin Mass seven days a week, Lord be praised!), led by Fr. Christopher Salvatore, S.A.C. (the Pallottine Fathers), for the Feast Day.
Fr. Salvatore lamented immediately upon his return to East Harlem that the nuns were stuck (my word) with the Novus Ordo rite alone. As confirmed by Dr. Guimarães.
Upon further questioning by me this Sunday, Fr. Salvatore informed me that he felt compelled to celebrate the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the Extraordinary Form of the Tridentine Rite in his hotel room – which I found a scandalous state of affairs, frankly – as he was under the understanding that it was forbidden at the Convent and in fact the entire archdiocese of Quito; and further that special permission would have been required. Once again, in confirmation of the observations of Dr. Guimarães.
Third, the scandal of the child-molesting priest, apparently co-chaplain to the nuns, and the arrest of this priest for wicked predation on an eleven year old child (!!) and a fourteen year old child (!) on or around the day after Candlemas Day itself was shocking and macabre – how could the nuns get saddled with such a miscreant felon! How could such a man be in the holy priesthood of Christ, if there is any truth to the charges! Perhaps another fruit of Vatican II. This sordid tale of the arrest on these grounds is indubitably true, as my wife and I confirmed in the Quito newspapers soon after you brought it to our attention.
We can only lament for the poor Sisters.
Finally, I had to chuckle today at the broadside attack upon you for raising these and other interesting questions. I was surprised to see the attack’s provenance – the very SSPX just returned from pilgrimage.
Vox Catholica is a thinly veiled SSPX propaganda organ; and an SSPX priest, one Fr. B. Haenny who doesn’t reveal himself as such in his heated letter to you. (That he was ordained by the SSPX in 2016 took about a ten-second internet search.)
I also note the error of fact in the good Father’s letter to you, accusing you of a falsehood regarding the Franciscans carrying the statue: That this happened, you do not deny, as Dr. Guimarães clearly states that the Franciscans ultimately carried the Statue down to the Church. What Fr. Haenny skips, however, is the point at issue: whether in fact the SSPX priests tried but could not lift the Lady.
Another crucial and related point, Fr. Haenny also ignores. Videlicet (Namely), whether the old guard of good Quito men was evicted from their traditional duty of carrying the Statue on the Procession on the day of the Feast itself, and other sundry traditional honors affiliated with the Feast.
What a scandal, if so! Could this not be rankest colonialism? – he who has the money calls the tune, aye? Apparently so, that is, if there is any truth to the rumor that these privileges curiously extended to the SSPX alone came for a quid pro quo. If not, how did the SSPX privileges come about? Is one among several perfectly fair questions that Dr. Guimarães raises.
I don’t think that’s how Our Lord did it, by the way – kicking out the poor.
In other regards, I am rather astonished at the good Father's hot response, and its ad hominem tenor, not to mention his failure to reveal straight up that he is an SSPX priest. Ditto, Vox Catholica – on whose behalf it is clearly false to claim no association with any order.
I would prefer to characterize the young Father’s response as excitable rather than “rabid.” That said, I certainly look forward to the return of the Matador to the Ring!
In Corde Christi,
P.S. My thanks to you and Miss Bachar for the good service of bringing this simple account to the attention of the SSPX readership, and others. It presents a question of fact, and raises questions of fact, to which all men have a right to know. I, for one, would be most interested to hear the detailed SSPX response.
Re: Two Proofs of SSPX’s ‘Temperance’
Well I must say I read with great interest (and sadness) Dr. Atila S. Guimarães’s eyewitness account at the Convent of Our Lady of Good Success. And then the story got even more interesting!
As you may know, my friend James Larson has organized a wonderful endeavor for the purification of the Church consisting of a wordlwide Rosary for that intention on the very Feast of the Purification – Candelaria or Candlemas Day.
He has also written searchingly of Our Lady of Good Success. So I was, and am, intently following the goings-on there this year, the second of Mr. Larson’s endeavor.
Our Lady’s prophecies there regarding our time of apostasy are right in line with the Third Secret of Fatima, where Our Lady of Fatima unambiguously prophesied the Apostasy in the Church “at the highest levels,” as all eyewitnesses to the several papal readings of the Secret unanimously confirm (here and here).
First, I must state I was very impressed and glad to hear the good Doctor was spending four to five hours a day in silent prayer and vigil before Our Lady of Good Success in the Convent Church. O that we were there!
Second, I was interested because two small informal delegations went to Quito on pilgrimage – unaffiliated with the SSPX but traditional Catholics – from my own parish in New York City, Our Lady of Mount Carmel (which offers the traditional Latin Mass seven days a week, Lord be praised!), led by Fr. Christopher Salvatore, S.A.C. (the Pallottine Fathers), for the Feast Day.
Fr. Salvatore lamented immediately upon his return to East Harlem that the nuns were stuck (my word) with the Novus Ordo rite alone. As confirmed by Dr. Guimarães.
Upon further questioning by me this Sunday, Fr. Salvatore informed me that he felt compelled to celebrate the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the Extraordinary Form of the Tridentine Rite in his hotel room – which I found a scandalous state of affairs, frankly – as he was under the understanding that it was forbidden at the Convent and in fact the entire archdiocese of Quito; and further that special permission would have been required. Once again, in confirmation of the observations of Dr. Guimarães.
Third, the scandal of the child-molesting priest, apparently co-chaplain to the nuns, and the arrest of this priest for wicked predation on an eleven year old child (!!) and a fourteen year old child (!) on or around the day after Candlemas Day itself was shocking and macabre – how could the nuns get saddled with such a miscreant felon! How could such a man be in the holy priesthood of Christ, if there is any truth to the charges! Perhaps another fruit of Vatican II. This sordid tale of the arrest on these grounds is indubitably true, as my wife and I confirmed in the Quito newspapers soon after you brought it to our attention.
We can only lament for the poor Sisters.
Finally, I had to chuckle today at the broadside attack upon you for raising these and other interesting questions. I was surprised to see the attack’s provenance – the very SSPX just returned from pilgrimage.
Vox Catholica is a thinly veiled SSPX propaganda organ; and an SSPX priest, one Fr. B. Haenny who doesn’t reveal himself as such in his heated letter to you. (That he was ordained by the SSPX in 2016 took about a ten-second internet search.)
I also note the error of fact in the good Father’s letter to you, accusing you of a falsehood regarding the Franciscans carrying the statue: That this happened, you do not deny, as Dr. Guimarães clearly states that the Franciscans ultimately carried the Statue down to the Church. What Fr. Haenny skips, however, is the point at issue: whether in fact the SSPX priests tried but could not lift the Lady.
Another crucial and related point, Fr. Haenny also ignores. Videlicet (Namely), whether the old guard of good Quito men was evicted from their traditional duty of carrying the Statue on the Procession on the day of the Feast itself, and other sundry traditional honors affiliated with the Feast.
What a scandal, if so! Could this not be rankest colonialism? – he who has the money calls the tune, aye? Apparently so, that is, if there is any truth to the rumor that these privileges curiously extended to the SSPX alone came for a quid pro quo. If not, how did the SSPX privileges come about? Is one among several perfectly fair questions that Dr. Guimarães raises.
I don’t think that’s how Our Lord did it, by the way – kicking out the poor.
In other regards, I am rather astonished at the good Father's hot response, and its ad hominem tenor, not to mention his failure to reveal straight up that he is an SSPX priest. Ditto, Vox Catholica – on whose behalf it is clearly false to claim no association with any order.
I would prefer to characterize the young Father’s response as excitable rather than “rabid.” That said, I certainly look forward to the return of the Matador to the Ring!
In Corde Christi,
P.S. My thanks to you and Miss Bachar for the good service of bringing this simple account to the attention of the SSPX readership, and others. It presents a question of fact, and raises questions of fact, to which all men have a right to know. I, for one, would be most interested to hear the detailed SSPX response.

Posted February 19, 2019
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In Haiti 70% of the population are Catholic and 30% Protestant, but 100% practice Voodoo. Perhaps the same occurs is Russia, although it is officially an “orthodox” country, all still practice the religion of Rasputin.
Please, check the photo below, which is from a gathering of Russian witches to officially support Vladimir Putin with their black magic arts.
Red more here – since the original news report is in Portuguese click the Google translator.