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Church Revolution in Pictures

Photo of the Week

Bishop Pier Giorgio Debernardi 1

Retired Bishop of Pinerolo celebrates Ramadan

The city of Pinerolo, 30 miles southwest of Turin, Italy, had a great inter-religious event this past May and early June when its retired Bishop Pier Giorgio Debernardi attended a Ramadan celebration.

The Muslims of that city are saying their prayers in a gymnasium until they have the means to build a mosque.

Bishop Debernardi went to that prayer center to praise their false god and confirm those persons in their religious errors. It is quite the opposite of what Our Lord Jesus Christ told the Apostles to do.

There is nothing surprising in this news, since the Conciliar Church's goal is to get rid of everything that recalls the Catholic Faith and replace it with a Pan-religion that conforms to the One World Order.

Bishop Pier Giorgio Debernardi 1

Photos from Catapulta


Blason de Charlemagne
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Posted June 30, 2019

Our Lady of La Salette,
 restore the Holy Church.