Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Muslims break their fast in a Catholic Church in Brussels
On Friday June 17, 2016, the Muslims of the Molenbeek neighborhood in Brussels broke their fast during the month of Ramadan at a meal inside St. John the Baptist Catholic Church.Let us keep in mind that the neighborhood of Molenbeek is the place where the terrorists of the Paris attacks (November 2015) and Brussels (March 2016) resided and made their plans.
Fr. Aurelien Saniko, third row below, third from the left, embracing imans, & fifth row at the microphone offering his church for the event. The meeting brought together 600 persons and was supported by the mosques of Brussels.
The food was provided by mosques and Islamic associations in accordance with the rules of Ramadan – the Muslim month of fasting. Some music performances were presented in the Catholic church by the choir of the local mosque and other Muslim groups.
So, instead of combating terrorism, which is an imperative consequence of the Islamic religion, the Catholic Church is indirectly promoting it. Another example of this encouragement can be seen in the message in which the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue extends warmest wishes to Muslims that they experience "a spiritually rewarding fast" during the month of Ramadan.
Photos from the Eglise St. Jean Baptiste first seen in Catapulta

Posted July 17, 2016