Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Catholic Church becomes a mosque in Syracuse
The Catholic Church of the Holy Trinity in Syracuse, New York, was sold in 2014 to Muslims, who transformed it into a mosque in June 2015. Above top, you can see a photo of the final Mass during which Bishop Robert Cunningham announced the church would close and merge with St. John the Baptist Church. Above bottom, a photo of what it became...Holy Trinity Church was founded in 1891 to host German and Italian immigrants who inhabited the North Side of the city. As you can see by the first photo, there was always a large congregation. The plan to close / sell / transform this Church into a mosque was duly approved by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops. The faithful led by Anna Giannantonio, fourth row below, appealed to the Vatican, but all their efforts were to no avail.
As soon as the Muslims were approved by the Syracuse Landmark Preservation Board, they removed the six large external crosses and took out the more than 10,000 internal crosses carved or painted, as well as got rid of all the other religious symbols.
The Muslim community in Syracuse has increased largely due to the financial support of Catholic Charities under the pretext of helping refugees. Taxpayer money is helping with the reforms. Any opposition to the growing Muslim immigration in Syracuse is promptly suppressed by those subsidized by George Soros' groups.
In short, you have Vatican II religious authorities promoting the profanation of the Catholic churches. Another sad example of auto-demolition.
More information here.
Photos from the Internet, first seen in Agere Contra

Posted September 6, 2015