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Miracles in Spain - 8
Jeronimo, the New Bishop of Pavia
Our Lady chooses a Bishop that is of her liking in this miracle faithfully recorded by Fr. Bercero in his 12th century manuscript.
In the city of Pavia, there was a good Christian named Jeronimo. He was a Mass-singer (a priest who says Masses) and did daily service to the Glorious One, day and night, winter and summer.
Jeronimo offered a Mass to Our Lady every day
To a very religious and Catholic man, the Glorious One spoke and said in a vision: "Young man, why are you in such dissension? Give this election to my devotee."
The good man said to Her, "Who are you who speak or who is the devotee?"
"I am," She said, "the Mother of the True God; they call my key-keeper Jeronimo. Be my messenger, take this order: I command you to carry it out quickly. If the council does otherwise they will be badly mistaken. My Son will not be pleased with their action."
She said this and the electors believed it, but who Jeronimo was they did not know. They posted spies throughout the town and even offered a good reward to the identifiers.
Finally, they found Jeronimo, a parish priest, a man without great deeds but who knew little of evil. They led him by the hand to the Cathedral seat, they gave him as his portion the Bishop's throne.

Jeronimo became a beloved Bishop who governed and died well
In fact, he was a very good Bishop and a just Shepherd, a lion to the fierce and a lamb to the meek. He guided his flock well, not like a hireling, but as a firm Shepherd who takes the lead.
God Our Lord guided his works; he had a good life, and a much better death. When he departed this world he went to the greater one; the Glorious One, Mother of the Creator, conducted him there.
Mother so merciful, may She always be praised, may She always be blessed and ever venerated, for She places Her friends in such high regard. Her mercy can never be fully appreciated!

Adapted from Gonzalo de Berceo, Miracles of Our Lady,
trans. by T. Mount and A. Cash, Un of Lexington Press, 1997, pp. 76-78
Posted November 16, 2019
trans. by T. Mount and A. Cash, Un of Lexington Press, 1997, pp. 76-78
Posted November 16, 2019