What People Are Commenting
Clarity, a Great Help
TIA, (from Facebook)
Re: Amazonian Rite & Other Synod Requests
I appreciate the clarity in these matters. Having the current events/documents broken down as this author habitually does is a great help.
Re: Amazonian Rite & Other Synod Requests
I appreciate the clarity in these matters. Having the current events/documents broken down as this author habitually does is a great help.
Maintaining House & Yard Well
I remember reading somewhere that we have a duty grounded in justice toward our neighbor to maintain the exterior of our home and yard in good condition.
I have unsuccessfully tried to find this principle stated online as well as in an old Catholic manual I have.
Can you give me any guidance regarding the Church's position on this?
Thank you,
TIA responds:
Hello M.J.,
Thank you for your consideration.
We Catholics should live always before God, His Angels and Saints. St. Paul says that “we are made a spectacle to the world, to angels and to men” (1 Cor 4:9) Consistent with this principle, we should have not only our souls in order, but also care for our external appearance and dress according to our dignity and social status.
The same applies to our house and yard. As long as we have the means and leisure to do it, they should reflect our position in society and the dignity of our lives.
Once we admit that we should present ourselves well - as well as our house/yard - because we are always in the presence of God, a necessary consequence is that this will also act for the benefit of our neighbors. They will see in the dignity and good disposition of our material goods a reflection of our Faith.
It is an extraordinarily efficient way of making an apostolate with others. It is the good example of our personal lives.
TIA correspondence desk
I remember reading somewhere that we have a duty grounded in justice toward our neighbor to maintain the exterior of our home and yard in good condition.
I have unsuccessfully tried to find this principle stated online as well as in an old Catholic manual I have.
Can you give me any guidance regarding the Church's position on this?
Thank you,
TIA responds:
Hello M.J.,
Thank you for your consideration.
We Catholics should live always before God, His Angels and Saints. St. Paul says that “we are made a spectacle to the world, to angels and to men” (1 Cor 4:9) Consistent with this principle, we should have not only our souls in order, but also care for our external appearance and dress according to our dignity and social status.
The same applies to our house and yard. As long as we have the means and leisure to do it, they should reflect our position in society and the dignity of our lives.
Once we admit that we should present ourselves well - as well as our house/yard - because we are always in the presence of God, a necessary consequence is that this will also act for the benefit of our neighbors. They will see in the dignity and good disposition of our material goods a reflection of our Faith.
It is an extraordinarily efficient way of making an apostolate with others. It is the good example of our personal lives.
TIA correspondence desk
Daily N.O. Mass or Only Sunday Latin Mass?
Dear TIA,
I have a desire on my heart to attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass every day, and to bring my small children, continuing daily Mass as they grow. However, we do not have a daily Latin Mass anywhere near us (the nearest daily Latin Mass may be about 2 hours away.)
We do have an orthodox priest who says the Novus Ordo Mass (as in, he says it as reverently as possible, he will not preach heresy, he has attempted to move his parish more towards traditional sacraments, etc.) However, the men and women who serve the altar, do the readings, and assist with distributing Holy Communion are elderly people who wear graphic T shirts with jeans and tennis shoes, and I do feel that is giving my children a poor impression of the sacredness of the Mass.
We do have a Sunday Latin Mass.
My question is this - Do you believe it is spiritually beneficial to my children and myself to attend daily Mass and receive the Jesus in the Eucharist, even though it is a Novus Ordo Mass? Or should we limit ourselves only to Sunday Latin Mass?
This is a question weighing on my heart since it potentially affects the sanctity of my children.
TIA responds:
Dear R.M.,
For the good of your soul and your children’s souls, do not go to the Novus Ordo Mass.
Either in the vernacular or Latin, it has a flavor of Protestantism and induces its attendees to accept the torrent of errors of the Conciliar Church – ecumenism, lax morality, modern customs, World Youth Days, new progressivist “saints,” among many others.
Yes, to go just to one Tridentine Mass in Latin on Sunday is better than daily New Masses.
TIA correspondence desk
I have a desire on my heart to attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass every day, and to bring my small children, continuing daily Mass as they grow. However, we do not have a daily Latin Mass anywhere near us (the nearest daily Latin Mass may be about 2 hours away.)
We do have an orthodox priest who says the Novus Ordo Mass (as in, he says it as reverently as possible, he will not preach heresy, he has attempted to move his parish more towards traditional sacraments, etc.) However, the men and women who serve the altar, do the readings, and assist with distributing Holy Communion are elderly people who wear graphic T shirts with jeans and tennis shoes, and I do feel that is giving my children a poor impression of the sacredness of the Mass.
We do have a Sunday Latin Mass.
My question is this - Do you believe it is spiritually beneficial to my children and myself to attend daily Mass and receive the Jesus in the Eucharist, even though it is a Novus Ordo Mass? Or should we limit ourselves only to Sunday Latin Mass?
This is a question weighing on my heart since it potentially affects the sanctity of my children.
TIA responds:
Dear R.M.,
For the good of your soul and your children’s souls, do not go to the Novus Ordo Mass.
Either in the vernacular or Latin, it has a flavor of Protestantism and induces its attendees to accept the torrent of errors of the Conciliar Church – ecumenism, lax morality, modern customs, World Youth Days, new progressivist “saints,” among many others.
Yes, to go just to one Tridentine Mass in Latin on Sunday is better than daily New Masses.
TIA correspondence desk
Sheep Stealing
We see that the Pentencostal Protestants in Africa are repeating what other Protestant sects are doing in South America: Sheep stealing. Read the news report below.
Indeed, taking advantage of the “ecumenism” of the post-Vatican II Catholic Church, which stop attacking Protestantism, these sects are driving Catholic in droves to their false beliefs. This is why Brazil, the country that had largest majority of Catholics - above 90%, is now not quite 70% Catholic. That missing part became Protestant.
Ecumenism: What a great invention… to favor Protestantism!
African bishop says Catholic Church can learn from Pentecostals
YAOUNDÉ, Cameroon - Catholics can learn from the rise of Pentecostal Christian groups in Africa, according to one Nigerian bishop.
In 1970, Pentecostals represented just 5 percent of all Africans, but that figure has now more than doubled to an estimated 12 percent.
Many Catholic leaders have noted these groups aren’t always spreading the Gospel to non-Christians but are “sheep stealing” from the Catholic Church and mainline Protestant denominations.
However, Nigerian Bishop Matthew Hassan Kukah said the Catholic Church authorities “cannot ignore the passion of the Pentecostals and the extent to which they have made the Gospel come alive.”
The Sokoto bishop told Crux “there are lessons for the Catholic Church.”...
Kukah advocated a “robust ecumenism” that respects everyone and how they express their faith.
“For example, in Sokoto where I am, we are surrounded by an over 95 percent Muslim population. We cannot help but share our gifts and stand together. Despite our numerical weakness, we still wield significant power by our presence, and I am very happy about that,” he said.
Original here
We see that the Pentencostal Protestants in Africa are repeating what other Protestant sects are doing in South America: Sheep stealing. Read the news report below.
Indeed, taking advantage of the “ecumenism” of the post-Vatican II Catholic Church, which stop attacking Protestantism, these sects are driving Catholic in droves to their false beliefs. This is why Brazil, the country that had largest majority of Catholics - above 90%, is now not quite 70% Catholic. That missing part became Protestant.
Ecumenism: What a great invention… to favor Protestantism!
YAOUNDÉ, Cameroon - Catholics can learn from the rise of Pentecostal Christian groups in Africa, according to one Nigerian bishop.
In 1970, Pentecostals represented just 5 percent of all Africans, but that figure has now more than doubled to an estimated 12 percent.
Many Catholic leaders have noted these groups aren’t always spreading the Gospel to non-Christians but are “sheep stealing” from the Catholic Church and mainline Protestant denominations.
However, Nigerian Bishop Matthew Hassan Kukah said the Catholic Church authorities “cannot ignore the passion of the Pentecostals and the extent to which they have made the Gospel come alive.”
The Sokoto bishop told Crux “there are lessons for the Catholic Church.”...
Kukah advocated a “robust ecumenism” that respects everyone and how they express their faith.
“For example, in Sokoto where I am, we are surrounded by an over 95 percent Muslim population. We cannot help but share our gifts and stand together. Despite our numerical weakness, we still wield significant power by our presence, and I am very happy about that,” he said.
Original here
McElroy: ‘I Am in Favor of Deaconesses’
San Diego Bishop Robert McElroy is clearly in favor of having the order of deaconate given to women. Read below.
He participated at the Synod and it is a good example of what many other Bishops also think.
As the proverb goes, “The fish rots from the head down...”
On Catholic women deacons, San Diego's McElroy is 'in favor of it'
ROME — San Diego Bishop Robert McElroy said he supports allowing women to serve as deacons in the Catholic Church, in what appears as the first such public disclosure of a U.S. prelate since Pope Francis reopened consideration of the history of women's diaconal ordination in 2016.
In an NCR interview Oct. 27, McElroy said he hoped the pope's surprise decision at the end of the Synod of Bishops for the Amazon to reconvene the Vatican's study commission on women deacons would lead to "a conclusion that it is not prohibited to ordain women to the diaconate."
Asked if he personally had developed an opinion on whether women could be ordained as deacons, the bishop replied: "I'm in favor of it."
"My view on it is [that] women should be invited into every ministry or activity we have that's not doctrinally precluded," said McElroy.
"I've talked with a couple of bishops I know who are very careful on these questions, but have done some research on it, who believe it's not precluded," he continued. "I think if it's not precluded, it would be good to do."
McElroy, one of three U.S. bishops to participate in the Oct. 6-27 Amazon synod, was speaking in a 40-minute interview just hours after Francis formally concluded the event with a Mass in St. Peter's Basilica.
Original here
San Diego Bishop Robert McElroy is clearly in favor of having the order of deaconate given to women. Read below.
He participated at the Synod and it is a good example of what many other Bishops also think.
As the proverb goes, “The fish rots from the head down...”
ROME — San Diego Bishop Robert McElroy said he supports allowing women to serve as deacons in the Catholic Church, in what appears as the first such public disclosure of a U.S. prelate since Pope Francis reopened consideration of the history of women's diaconal ordination in 2016.
In an NCR interview Oct. 27, McElroy said he hoped the pope's surprise decision at the end of the Synod of Bishops for the Amazon to reconvene the Vatican's study commission on women deacons would lead to "a conclusion that it is not prohibited to ordain women to the diaconate."
Asked if he personally had developed an opinion on whether women could be ordained as deacons, the bishop replied: "I'm in favor of it."
"My view on it is [that] women should be invited into every ministry or activity we have that's not doctrinally precluded," said McElroy.
"I've talked with a couple of bishops I know who are very careful on these questions, but have done some research on it, who believe it's not precluded," he continued. "I think if it's not precluded, it would be good to do."
McElroy, one of three U.S. bishops to participate in the Oct. 6-27 Amazon synod, was speaking in a 40-minute interview just hours after Francis formally concluded the event with a Mass in St. Peter's Basilica.
Original here

Posted November 14, 2019
Regarding the request by TIA reader G.M.T in your what people are commenting section, for clarification on Padre Pio's stance on the Novus Ordo, I can offer the following from an article I have written about this.
Padre Pio's reaction to the Vatican II changes in the Church and Mass is best indicated by his actions, rather than by unsubstantiated reports of what he might have said and thought. He was first and foremost obedient to the Church and to the Papacy.
In 1966-67 Padre Pio received permission from the Holy See to celebrate Mass in Latin, and seated. However, the Holy See allowed this under two conditions: that he celebrate facing the people, and that he use the new rite of the Eucharistic Prayer. He fulfilled both of these conditions, as explained and documented in this article.
Peace in the Lord,
Frank M. Rega, OFS