Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
New Bishop of Pinerolo celebrates Ramadan
The new Bishop of Pinerolo, Italy, Derio Olivero, who replaced Bishop Pier Giorgio Debernardi in 2017, also attended the local celebration of Ramadan this past May and early June 2019.Above, we see Olivero delivering his ecumenical greetings to the Muslims of the city. The Bishop, seated with the local authorities, below first row (see red arrow), respectfully listens to the mufti's speech and the common prayers, second and third rows.
This set of photos, added to those of the last week, are proof that, in the small city of Pinerolo, ecumenism has become a "tradition" since the Conciliar Revolution. Indeed, the latter preaches the heresy of universal salvation, that is, that all religions – Islam included – lead to eternal happiness. This teaching is precisely the opposite of what the Catholic Church used to preach until Vatican Council II.
There is nothing surprising in this fact, since the Conciliar Church's goal is to get rid of everything that recalls the Catholic Faith and replace it with a Pan-religion that conforms to the One World Order.