What People Are Commenting
Lack of Logic & Accuracy
After reading the 7 entries on TIA's site today in the 'hate mail' replies, I really believe they were all written by the same person. They all seem to display a similar lack of logic and accuracy and a serious lack of knowledge.
Perhaps the writer won a prize from his 3rd grade class for getting published on your site.
After reading the 7 entries on TIA's site today in the 'hate mail' replies, I really believe they were all written by the same person. They all seem to display a similar lack of logic and accuracy and a serious lack of knowledge.
Perhaps the writer won a prize from his 3rd grade class for getting published on your site.
Yacy vs Pachamama
Hello TIA,
Just a word about your blog entry regarding the pagan synod.
According to St. Thomas Aquinas on Twitter, those are not Pachamama idols at the Vatican garden.
The larger pregnant idol is Yacy, the Moon Goddess, who does not need a male to generate a baby.
The smaller pregnant idol is Ruda, the Goddess of love. She copulates with Guaracy, the male idol on the blanket (4th picture up I believe) who has an erect phallus. Yup, that was no arm, Austin Ivereigh was lying or incorrect.
Pachamama is "mother earth." Who knew as Catholics we would have to brush up on our pagan idol knowledge to keep up with this demon pope.
They did bow down and worship those idols. He's the pope. He presided AND blessed them and the figures. He's an apostate, an idol worshipper, and probably demon possessed.
May God save the Church and help us.
TIA responds:
Hello K.E.,
Thank you for those details. We are not experts in South American Indigenous idolatry.
When we have some spare time, we will look into it and, if you are correct, we will change our comments accordingly.
TIA correspondence desk
Just a word about your blog entry regarding the pagan synod.
According to St. Thomas Aquinas on Twitter, those are not Pachamama idols at the Vatican garden.
The larger pregnant idol is Yacy, the Moon Goddess, who does not need a male to generate a baby.
The smaller pregnant idol is Ruda, the Goddess of love. She copulates with Guaracy, the male idol on the blanket (4th picture up I believe) who has an erect phallus. Yup, that was no arm, Austin Ivereigh was lying or incorrect.
Pachamama is "mother earth." Who knew as Catholics we would have to brush up on our pagan idol knowledge to keep up with this demon pope.
They did bow down and worship those idols. He's the pope. He presided AND blessed them and the figures. He's an apostate, an idol worshipper, and probably demon possessed.
May God save the Church and help us.
TIA responds:
Hello K.E.,
Thank you for those details. We are not experts in South American Indigenous idolatry.
When we have some spare time, we will look into it and, if you are correct, we will change our comments accordingly.
TIA correspondence desk
Dangerous & Deceitful Policy
Dear TIA,
Greetings from Germany.
Just a quick hello from Germany ;-) I love TIA very much and would like to thank you for your apostolate!
I do, however, disagree with your stand on attending the SSPX-masses: No honest Catholic should attend their masses, in fact, I consider it to be a great obstacle for keeping up the uncompromised Catholic Faith and the spirit of fight against Modernism. The leaders of the SSPX have a dangerous and deceitful policy and they are the worst hypocrites because they pretend to be in line with ABL whereas in reality they are in bed with modernist Rome.
My family was with the SSPX for over 30 years until we discovered in 2012 their dealings with Rome, secret negotiations as part of the GREC-group, their branding, money-making via Krah, etc. etc..
By their masses they get the faithful on the hook only to brainwash them, little by little, putting uncatholic thinking into their minds (the superiors know best, stop criticizing the Pope, focus on the Mass and the sacraments, etc.).
We are not our own theologians, we need true Catholic priests to rely on, not priests who have to eat the bread of the SSPX. I do not doubt their good faith but then I actually could go to the FSSP, too.
Today I came across some news about the newly "consecrated church" of Poing, a small town near Munich, Bavaria. I thought you might perhaps add the pictures of it to your already existing gallery of ugliness and monstrosity:
Special thanks to Mrs. Marian T. Horvat for the youtube series about Our Lady of Good Success (here and here) wonderful!
Viva Cristo Rey!
C.F., Germany
Greetings from Germany.
Just a quick hello from Germany ;-) I love TIA very much and would like to thank you for your apostolate!
I do, however, disagree with your stand on attending the SSPX-masses: No honest Catholic should attend their masses, in fact, I consider it to be a great obstacle for keeping up the uncompromised Catholic Faith and the spirit of fight against Modernism. The leaders of the SSPX have a dangerous and deceitful policy and they are the worst hypocrites because they pretend to be in line with ABL whereas in reality they are in bed with modernist Rome.
My family was with the SSPX for over 30 years until we discovered in 2012 their dealings with Rome, secret negotiations as part of the GREC-group, their branding, money-making via Krah, etc. etc..
By their masses they get the faithful on the hook only to brainwash them, little by little, putting uncatholic thinking into their minds (the superiors know best, stop criticizing the Pope, focus on the Mass and the sacraments, etc.).
We are not our own theologians, we need true Catholic priests to rely on, not priests who have to eat the bread of the SSPX. I do not doubt their good faith but then I actually could go to the FSSP, too.
Today I came across some news about the newly "consecrated church" of Poing, a small town near Munich, Bavaria. I thought you might perhaps add the pictures of it to your already existing gallery of ugliness and monstrosity:
Special thanks to Mrs. Marian T. Horvat for the youtube series about Our Lady of Good Success (here and here) wonderful!
Viva Cristo Rey!
C.F., Germany
Should We Still Convert Others to the True Faith?
Dear TIA Editor,
I have been reading your article entitled Pope embarrassed by Conversions where Dr Marian T. Horvat explains the doctrine “extra Ecclesiam nulla salus.”
I totally agree with all she writes, but to whom or where do you suggest we should advise our friends and relations to go in order to convert to become Catholic since the true Church is in eclipse, we have no true Pope or Hierarchy, all having publicly adhered to the heresies of Vatican II, almost no validly ordained priests left alive since the rites of ordination and consecration of Bishops were changed after Vatican II. Truly we are living in the very last days of the Catholic Church.
I feel that we are now to rely on the promise of Our Lady to St Dominic that one day she would save the world through the rosary and the scapular, this implies that our normal means of Salvation, the sacraments, are not available. Surely all we can do is to say to ourselves and to Almighty God and Our Lady in prayer that we wish to adhere to the faith of the Council of Trent and in this Faith we wish to live and die.
I would appreciate your thoughts on this important matter.
Many thanks
P.M., Great Britain
The Editor responds:
Dear P.M.,
Thank you for your support and confidence.
It is my observation that many persons convert to the Catholic Faith and receive special graces to discern very clearly the crisis Progressivism is causing in the Church. I believe that Our Lady is infusing in their souls a pure matrix of love for the Church and a perseverance that does not rely on the Clergy or the Hierarchy. These converts abandon their errors and become counter-revolutionary Catholics with more ease than many born-and-raised Catholics.
I am not making this up; I am just reporting what I am observing. Based on this experience, I suggest you to continue your normal apostolate to convert others. Our Lady will take care of them.
The Rosary couldn’t be more important in these times, but things are not as simple as you describe. I believe that there are still valid Masses being said, and Sacraments are still available here and there. Please, read the Q&As on these two pages (here and here). I believe they can help you.
Atila S. Guimarães
I have been reading your article entitled Pope embarrassed by Conversions where Dr Marian T. Horvat explains the doctrine “extra Ecclesiam nulla salus.”
I totally agree with all she writes, but to whom or where do you suggest we should advise our friends and relations to go in order to convert to become Catholic since the true Church is in eclipse, we have no true Pope or Hierarchy, all having publicly adhered to the heresies of Vatican II, almost no validly ordained priests left alive since the rites of ordination and consecration of Bishops were changed after Vatican II. Truly we are living in the very last days of the Catholic Church.
I feel that we are now to rely on the promise of Our Lady to St Dominic that one day she would save the world through the rosary and the scapular, this implies that our normal means of Salvation, the sacraments, are not available. Surely all we can do is to say to ourselves and to Almighty God and Our Lady in prayer that we wish to adhere to the faith of the Council of Trent and in this Faith we wish to live and die.
I would appreciate your thoughts on this important matter.
Many thanks
P.M., Great Britain
The Editor responds:
Dear P.M.,
Thank you for your support and confidence.
It is my observation that many persons convert to the Catholic Faith and receive special graces to discern very clearly the crisis Progressivism is causing in the Church. I believe that Our Lady is infusing in their souls a pure matrix of love for the Church and a perseverance that does not rely on the Clergy or the Hierarchy. These converts abandon their errors and become counter-revolutionary Catholics with more ease than many born-and-raised Catholics.
I am not making this up; I am just reporting what I am observing. Based on this experience, I suggest you to continue your normal apostolate to convert others. Our Lady will take care of them.
The Rosary couldn’t be more important in these times, but things are not as simple as you describe. I believe that there are still valid Masses being said, and Sacraments are still available here and there. Please, read the Q&As on these two pages (here and here). I believe they can help you.
Atila S. Guimarães

Posted October 15, 2019
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
I thought your readers might like to see how North Brazilians have devotion to their Patroness, Our Lady of Nazaré. I want to stress that this devotion is a local devotion of the State of Pará and runs for 15 days in its capital city of Belém. This devotion came from Portugal, as well as the name of the city – Belém – and is a homage to an old devotion that comes from the Middle Ages.
Our Lady of Nazaré has made her own way into the hearts of the population of Pará and today her feast day is one of the most attended processions in the world.
It is moving to see the millions who come out for her feast day. The little people still have a devotion to Our Lady, which gives a hope for the future.
I invite TIA readers to watch the procession of October 12, 2019 clicking here. This video was taken Saturday evening on the vigil of her feast day, during the traditional carrying of the Statue from the Basilica of Nazaré to the Cathedral some miles away. The next day an enormous procession brings the Statue back to the Basilica, followed by 15 days of prayers. This whole period is called the Cirio de Nazaré.
The feast of Our Lady of Nazaré falls on the second Sunday of October. The video above shows the night of Saturday, October 12.
On that same day, October 12, all of Brazil was commemorating the Feast Day of Our Lady Aparecida, Patroness of Brazil, whose Sanctuary is in the south of the country in the State of São Paulo.
During this feast day, that Sanctuary receives hundreds of thousands of pilgrims as well. I am posting some pictures taken this Saturday, below.
Perhaps, by watching these manifestations of the Catholic Faith that still exists among the little people in Brazil, some readers may understand what Our Lady of Fatima meant when she said that the Faith would remain in Portugal, which also has a great affluence of people on her feast days.
P.H., Brazil