What People Are Commenting
Churches, Charismatics & Faith in Portugal
Trashing Traditional Churches
I have heard of a lot of very sad stories concerning the trashing of traditional churches, of which St. George Lithuanian was one example. In the late 19th and early 20th century, when these often beautiful churches were built, there was much sacrifice involved. The recent women immigrants would scrub floors for nickels and dimes to help pay for the construction of a new church. If that was not enough, they would give to the banks the deeds to their houses in order to secure a loan.
Then in the Vatican II age, hundreds and hundreds of these churches were sold for a nickel on the dollar or even less to protestants or non-Catholics for their services. This is quite a testimony of two different kinds of faith, loyalty, and trust in God.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us,
Sad & Appalling
My dear late grandmother, a good Catholic lady of humble NY-Irish stock, was baptized, raised, and had her First Communion, etc. in St. Bernard's Church on 14th Street in NYC - a Keely Church, which fortunately is being saved and its interior was recently repainted or cleaned. When it came time to marry my grandfather, also a good Catholic who was from Italy, they were married in St. Francis Xavier Church on 16th Street (also a Keely Church) because she liked the building: she said it reminded her of St. Patrick's Cathedral.
This church had become very run-down lately, but recently went through a glorious major restoration the results of which are shown on the Keely Society website. Let's hope that some day the religion being taught there also goes through a similar restoration.
Let's hope that some day our Church leaders not only return to valuing their religious heritage, but their architectural heritage and our patrimony as well - while some of that is still left. The sale and destruction of many historic and architecturally significant Catholic Church buildings here in the Northeast - many with details or craftsmanship which couldn't be replicated today for any price - has been very sad and appalling.
Charismatic or Elephant Show?
If one lives in Asia one can sympathize with the views of F.J. Not only members of the Charismatic renewal, but also so many regular members of the Conciliar Church attend its services with devotion and decorum. And the priests as well, do not give one any grounds for complaint.
Tradition in Asia has been served for several years by a well known Traditionalist group. Unfortunately, this territory has over the years been used by this Society as a dumping ground for unwanted European and North American priests. The fruit of this deliberate policy is a declining interest in Tradition even among the few faithful.
May I ask what is worse, a Charismatic Renewal meeting or a ridiculous shindig held by Traditional Catholic priests, where an elephant is hired for the occasion at a cost, it is said, of nearly $1,000?
From Slovakia, a Doubt
God bless you,
I am from Slovakia, and I attend charismatic movement in our small town Humenn. I am playing guitar in charismatic meetings. I am Catholic. A few days ago I found your website Tradition in Action. I am surprised by news that you write on your site about the charismatic movement.
My deep desire is to live life according God's will. I thought that if I want to love God more, I can express that in the charismatic movement. Moreover, I have got two children, and I want to make them good Christians.
Now, I want to know more arguments about defectiveness of charismatic movement. Some of your explanations are good, but some things are still not explained. For example:
- Word of God, that in last times God will pour out his spirit on every soul. Joel 3,1-2
- The word about charismas - 1 Cor 12, 8-10. Where are these charismas in the traditional Church? Where is the healing...
- Raising hands - Psalm 63,5
- Ecstasy and music - 1 Sam 10, 5-7 etc...
I am interested in the book Close-Ups of the Charismatic Movement by John Vennari.
Maybe I can find answers there to my questions and another good explanations. Is this book made in pdf or any other electronic form? Can you send me this book through e-mail?
My situation does not allows me to order and pay for the book. Indeed, if it is possible...
Many thanks,
V.S., Slovakia
TIA responds:
Thank you for your honest comments and inquiry. Today it is not common to find persons who are open to change their lives to follow the truth.
Instead of disputing about charismas in the Scripture and how they apply to our days, we suggest that you read John Vennari's book. After that, we may discuss these topics.
It is not available in any electronic form. If you will send us your address, we will be pleased to mail to you one of our used copies, which is almost sold out.
TIA correspondence desk
The I.M.A. Acronym
When a nun signs any form or letter and prints the letters Ima at the end of her name, what do the initials stand for?

TIA responds:
The initials behind the religious names of men and women signify the order to which they belong. You can find a list of the more well-known orders at the end of this article: 'How to Address Priests and Religious: Titles and Signs of Respect.'
A longer list of men and women orders can be found here.
The initials I.M,A. signifies that the woman religious belongs to the Society of Apostolic Life International Medical Association - I.M.A.
TIA correspondence desk
Faith in Portugal
Dear TIA,
As a strongly traditional Catholic I try to be up on my apologetics. Here is a question I can't solve. How does this occurrence and the general decline of Faith in Portugal jive with statement in her 4th - which is probably the beginning of the real 3rd - secret: "In Portugal the Dogma of the Faith shall always be preserved.."?
"In 1943, after having been asked by Bishop da Silva to write down the text of the Third Secret, Sister Lucy was finding the task difficult. She declared to the bishop that it was not absolutely necessary to write out the text, "since in a certain manner she had said it." Sister Lucy was very likely referring to the additional phrase she had inserted into her fourth memoir, "In Portugal, the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved, etc." [From: http://www.fatima.org/thirdsecret/realthirdsecret.asp]
It seems obvious that the Dogma of the Faith has NOT been preserved in Portugal, which now appears as godless as any European State. How does one explain this and still hold to the Fatima Prophecies, approved by Holy Mother Church?
Yours in Christ,
TIA responds:
Dear C.W.B.,
We understand your problem, especially given that Portugal as a State now allows abortion and homosexual
However, we still believe that the words of Our Lady of Fatima apply. You may find our reasons here and here.
TIA correspondence desk
Posted June 8, 2010

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting -
do not necessarily express those of TIA

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