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Church Revolution in Pictures

Photo of the Week

Albert Pla Our Lady of the Angels 01

Anarchist singer stands on altar in Catalonia

Two hours after the last Mass was said at Our Lady of the Angels Church in the Diocese of Urgell, Catalonia, Spain, singer Albert Pla was on stage to perform one of his anarchist songs.

The shows was part a music festival promoted by the City Council of Llivia with the due permission of Joan Enric Vives, Bishop of Urgell.

Besides being a scandalous, immoral and shameless singer (two graphic performances with female frontal nudity here), Pla often writes and sings lyrics that make direct attacks against the Catholic Church and her doctrine. See the advertisement for the performance in the last row below.

In his show (September 7, 2019), pictured on this page, he went a step further by entering the realm of public profanation. Indeed, he jumped on the altar of Our Lady of the Angels Church and continued his performance atop it, above.

After a strong reaction of indignation by Catholics, the Bishop issued a note trying to excuse himself, claiming he did not know the contents of the artistic program. He lightly chided the ostentatious profanation as being "offensive and totally inappropriate." And he issued a feeble complaint to the city mayor, as well as a uncertain promise to Catholics that nothing similar would occur in the future.

No public or private act of reparation was considered necessary by the Spanish Prelate...

"Albert Pla Our Lady of the Angels 02\
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Posted September 29, 2019

Our Lady of Good Success weeping

Our Lady of La Salette,
 restore the Holy Church.