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Pact of the Catacumbs 1

Pact of the Catacombs for a Tribal Church

On October 20, 2019, at the Catacombs of St. Domitilla in Rome, 40 Bishops attending the Amazon Synod signed a commitment to transform the Catholic Church into a Church with an "Amazonian face." The full name of the signed document is: Pact of the Catacombs for the Common House - For a Church with an Amazonian face, poor & servant, prophetic & Samaritan

The Pact of the Catacombs was inspired by an analogous Pact signed by Bishops attending the Second Vatican Council - The Pact for a Servant and Poor Church. In 1965, that Pact was to transform the Catholic Church into a "Poor Church for the poor."

Among the promoters of that 1965 initiative was Helder Camara, aka the Red Archbishop. He was Archbishop of the sister-cities Olinda and Recife in Brazil. Todays' Pact was made under the initiative of Card. Claudio Hummes, retired Archbishop of São Paulo, Brazil, and the president of the Church network in charge of acting in the Amazon - REPAM (Rede Eclesial Pan-Amazonica - Pan-Amazonian Ecclesial Network).

On the photos of this page you see Bishops and religious men and women signing the second Pact of the Catacombs at the exact same place where the first one was signed, the Catacombs of St. Domitilla, fourth row below.

In the third row is Card. Hummes, who said the Mass. He was wearing the stole of Arch. Helder Camara; afterward, he passed that stole to Bishop Erwin Krautler, an Austrian missionary Bishop in Amazonia, as a symbol of the continuity of the same revolutionary fight.

These two Pacts of the Catacombs are good examples of how the ideals of Miserablism and Tribalism are being spread in the Catholic Church. If you were one of those who did not believe that this kind of semi-secret commitments exist, this evidence should change your mind.

Read the full text on the Pact of the Catacombs for a Tribal Church here.

Pact of Catacumbs 2 - Catacumb Pact

Photos from the Internet, first seen in Catapulta


Blason de Charlemagne
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Posted November 3, 2019

Our Lady of Good Success weeping

Our Lady of La Salette,
 restore the Holy Church.