What People Are Commenting
Francis, the Ecological Martyr
Dear TIA,
Re: The Pope’s War
That is going to trigger a war! There is no way I would let Russia/China in there.
Worse, I think the Holy Father might be assassinated over that... and that turns him into a martyr, and we do not need him as a martyr...
Re: The Pope’s War
That is going to trigger a war! There is no way I would let Russia/China in there.
Worse, I think the Holy Father might be assassinated over that... and that turns him into a martyr, and we do not need him as a martyr...
Spellman & Sheen
God bless you, TIA,
In 1964-5, I taught music at Nazareth Academy (the Catholic girl’s school), and Aquinas Institute (the Catholic boy’s school), in Rochester, New York. The nuns told me that Fulton J. Sheen was bishop at that time, but I never went to the Diocesan Office to meet him. Cardinal Spellman had put him out to pasture, because Sheen was becoming more famous than Spellman. Spellman had no humility because of Sheen’s ability. It is just as well, in retrospect.
TIA is especially admirable, when I consider that the Vatican has taught a new religion for half a century. Most of the true Catholics have died in those tragic years. The flock is scattered.
Young people today, touched by the Holy Ghost, must begin at Square One, just because of the selfish apostasy of their “leaders”, who have not taught them, because their master Satan forbade it.
Mercifully, Our Lord created TIA.
In Jesus and Mary,
J.S., Ph.D.
In 1964-5, I taught music at Nazareth Academy (the Catholic girl’s school), and Aquinas Institute (the Catholic boy’s school), in Rochester, New York. The nuns told me that Fulton J. Sheen was bishop at that time, but I never went to the Diocesan Office to meet him. Cardinal Spellman had put him out to pasture, because Sheen was becoming more famous than Spellman. Spellman had no humility because of Sheen’s ability. It is just as well, in retrospect.
TIA is especially admirable, when I consider that the Vatican has taught a new religion for half a century. Most of the true Catholics have died in those tragic years. The flock is scattered.
Young people today, touched by the Holy Ghost, must begin at Square One, just because of the selfish apostasy of their “leaders”, who have not taught them, because their master Satan forbade it.
Mercifully, Our Lord created TIA.
In Jesus and Mary,
J.S., Ph.D.
Praying for Seas & Oceans
Pope Francis ended August with another spectacular gesture. He asked his audience to pray – not for the conversion of heretics (as you know, they have already been granted their eternal salvation) or pagans (God will have mercy on them because He saves everyone who is not a traditionalist). He asks for prayers for the politicians to take care of the oceans and seas…
This is the new ecological religion that is replacing what was left of the Catholic Church after 57 years of the Conciliar Revolution.
Below is the full text of his address.
Oceans contain the bulk of our planet’s water supply, and also most of the immense variety of living creatures, many of them are threatened for various reasons.
Creation is a project of love given by God to humanity.
Our solidarity with the “common home” is born from our faith.
Let us pray this month that politicians, scientists, and economists work together to protect the world’s seas and oceans.
Now, you know: Put away your Rosaries and your concern to follow the Ten Commandments. What counts is: Don’t throw plastic bags in the ocean and take up the fight for the preservation of whales, sharks and sardines.
Pope Francis ended August with another spectacular gesture. He asked his audience to pray – not for the conversion of heretics (as you know, they have already been granted their eternal salvation) or pagans (God will have mercy on them because He saves everyone who is not a traditionalist). He asks for prayers for the politicians to take care of the oceans and seas…
This is the new ecological religion that is replacing what was left of the Catholic Church after 57 years of the Conciliar Revolution.
Below is the full text of his address.
Oceans contain the bulk of our planet’s water supply, and also most of the immense variety of living creatures, many of them are threatened for various reasons.
Creation is a project of love given by God to humanity.
Our solidarity with the “common home” is born from our faith.
Let us pray this month that politicians, scientists, and economists work together to protect the world’s seas and oceans.
Now, you know: Put away your Rosaries and your concern to follow the Ten Commandments. What counts is: Don’t throw plastic bags in the ocean and take up the fight for the preservation of whales, sharks and sardines.
Shamans & Priests at the Amazon
Hello TIA,
There is an interesting article on LifeSiteNews about the Amazon Synod from which I quote an excerpt [bold added].
It says it all. Read it below.
Keep up the good work.
Fr. Justino works as an indigenous priest in the São Gabriel da Cachoeira diocese in the northern province of Rio Negro close to the Colombian border. He explained that here, an indigenous movement “works with the theme of self-determination, the strengthening of languages, cultures, the revitalization of these traditions. The Church, the diocese of San Gabriel, which is growing with other congregations and there many indigenous in universities, studying various courses. All this shows that the Church needs to be different.”
In the Upper Rio Negro region, he added, there are “people with academic training ... many indigenous organizations, young people, women, leaders, shamans.” He called it a sign of “vitality” and “dynamism.” “That is why I told Bishop Monsignor Edson, who is bishop of our diocese, to have the strength, the courage to be the voice of the indigenous peoples of Rio Negro, twenty-three peoples. We will build this bridge during the Synod,” said Sarmento.
Putting people with university training on the same level as shamans is in itself problematic, and it is even more so when considering that the shaman is a tribal healer who can act as a “medium” between the visible world and the spirit world, given that voluntarily seeking contact with the spirit world is as dangerous as it is sinful from the Catholic point of view.
“For all the gods of the pagans are demons,” said the Psalmist, and Saint Paul repeated: “That what they sacrifice, [they sacrifice] to demons” (1 Cor. 10:20). Such is the object of the pagan cults.
Full text here.
There is an interesting article on LifeSiteNews about the Amazon Synod from which I quote an excerpt [bold added].
It says it all. Read it below.
Keep up the good work.
Fr. Justino works as an indigenous priest in the São Gabriel da Cachoeira diocese in the northern province of Rio Negro close to the Colombian border. He explained that here, an indigenous movement “works with the theme of self-determination, the strengthening of languages, cultures, the revitalization of these traditions. The Church, the diocese of San Gabriel, which is growing with other congregations and there many indigenous in universities, studying various courses. All this shows that the Church needs to be different.”
In the Upper Rio Negro region, he added, there are “people with academic training ... many indigenous organizations, young people, women, leaders, shamans.” He called it a sign of “vitality” and “dynamism.” “That is why I told Bishop Monsignor Edson, who is bishop of our diocese, to have the strength, the courage to be the voice of the indigenous peoples of Rio Negro, twenty-three peoples. We will build this bridge during the Synod,” said Sarmento.
Putting people with university training on the same level as shamans is in itself problematic, and it is even more so when considering that the shaman is a tribal healer who can act as a “medium” between the visible world and the spirit world, given that voluntarily seeking contact with the spirit world is as dangerous as it is sinful from the Catholic point of view.
“For all the gods of the pagans are demons,” said the Psalmist, and Saint Paul repeated: “That what they sacrifice, [they sacrifice] to demons” (1 Cor. 10:20). Such is the object of the pagan cults.
Full text here.

Posted September 5, 2019
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
I have a question concerning the two ways to say the Credo in Latin.
Here are two versions of the Credo in Latin. One is without accents; another with accents.
In France, if we do not put in the accents, it is not pronounced correctly. Is it the same in Latin?
Of these two, which is the best one?
My attention was brought to the differences, and I gave up because there are too many differences! I am used to saying the first one, but I wish to know why so much difference? I still do not know it perfectly by heart. I am making myself a little Latin book of prayers, but I must say, I am disappointed to encounter all the changes. Between these two, there is MUCH difference!
TIA responds:
Our answer to your question can be divided into two:
You ask: Which is the best one? We do not believe we should choose one or the other. One does not exclude the other. Normally a Catholic says the short one at the beginning of the Rosary and the long one at Mass or on solemn occasions. Both are very beautiful when said aloud or sang.
With this presupposition, the second Credo you sent us with accents is correct. That is, the accents are placed on the right syllables to allow a good pronunciation. If you are French and accustomed to say the Credo in Latin, your pronunciation should be the same as this correct one. If not, you should correct your pronunciation, even if it takes some effort.
You ask: Why so many differences? We guess that is caused by the tendency of the French-speaking people to always emphasize the last syllable. This makes it difficult for them to pronounce Latin well
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