Our Lady of Good Success
Pray the Novena to Our Lady of Good Success
To commemorate the miraculous making of the statue of Our Lady of Good Success and its christening with holy oils on February 2, 1610, a special novena is made each year in the Conceptionist Convent in Quito beginning January 24 and ending on February 1.
 During the novena, the statue is over the main altar for the public to venerate |
Then on February 2, the feast of Our Lady of Good Success, the miraculous statue is carried in procession from its place in the choir loft, where she reigns over the convent, and is enthroned in the sanctuary above the main altar of the church for public veneration. This ceremony has been carried out each year continuously since 1611. In 1991, a special ceremony took place with a canonical coronation of Our Lady of Good Success as Queen of Quito.
Many persons through the centuries have received the special favors they sought from the Queen of Heaven through the invocation of Our Lady of Good Success through this highly efficacious Novena.
We have a special reason to invoke Our Lady under this consoling title of Our Lady of Good Success because she said that she would hear the requests of those who invoked her in the difficult days beginning in the mid-20th century when Hell would be unleashed and many souls lost because of the crisis in the Church and society. By means of this devotion, she promised that Our Lord would work great miracles, spiritual as well as material, first for her community, and second, for the devout faithful in Ecuador and throughout the whole world who would have need of her special assistance.
These were her words to Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres on February 2, 1610, when she appeared to her to insist that the statue be made:
"This knowledge [of the apparitions and many prophecies to Mother Mariana] will only become known to the general public in the 20th century.
"During this epoch the Church will find herself attacked by terrible waves of the Masonic sect, and this poor Ecuadorian land will be agonizing because of the corruption of customs, unbridled luxury and extravagance, the impious press and secular education. The vices of impurity, blasphemy, and sacrilege will dominate in this time of depraved desolation, with the one who should speak out being silent.....
“The simple, humble faith in the truth of my apparitions to you, my chosen child, will be reserved for humble and fervent souls who are docile to the inspirations of grace, for our Heavenly Father communicates His secrets to the simple of heart, and not to those whose hearts are inflated with pride, pretending to know what they cannot or infatuated with empty knowledge.”
She then promised to give her good success to all those who invoked her under this title and helped to spread this devotion in these times – our times.
TIA invites you to say the special Novena written for the Convent by Fr. Joseph Urrate in 1941. Each day of the novena TIA will post the day’s prayers.
Click here for the Introduction to the Novena
that tells the origins of the devotion to Our Lady of Good Success in Spain, and how it developed in the New World.

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