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Nuns Join the Feminist Strike
This Friday, March 8, is International Women’s Day, and to commemorate this revolutionary event, a feminist “strike” has been called in Spain. TIA has already documented in various places
(here, here and here) how Spain, once known for its virile spirit of combat and faith, has become the opposite under the influence of Vatican II: Today it is known for its feminism and pacifism.
Here we have another blatant and sickening consequence of the feminism that has invaded Spain: an open declaration of Dominican nuns, supposedly speaking on behalf of all the religious women in the Order, entering the feminist strike and giving it their full support.
The Dominicans are the Order of Preachers founded by St. Dominic de Guzmán, the strong promoter of the Rosary. But these nuns have moved far from the spirit of their Founder. Instead of promoting the Rosary and prayer, they interpret their vocation as a call to add – via Twitter – their “grain of sand“ to the ocean of feminism that has entered the Church since Vatican II.
In a March 6 tweet they announced: “The nuns are also joining the March 8 feminist strike.” The tweet is accompanied by a short video, which I found on Infovaticana, a Spanish site that reports Church news.
The video begins with a very ambitious title that reads: “The nuns are also joining the 2019 feminist strike,” with this small group of Spanish nuns assuming the role of spokespersons for all the religious.
The first modern nun appears wearing a T-shirt upon which you can read “Slavery must also end in domestic employment.“
Then, our sad-faced first nun announces her strike is “for the end of violence against women and the poverty of women inside and outside the Church.’” She ends by exclaiming “Support this feminist strike!”
Act Two is a cropped hair religious in another black T-shirt, this one condemning “institutional racism against women.”
This nun reminds everyone that religious women have already participated in the last year’s First International Feminist Day strike and that they will participate this year and each year afterwards “until institutional racism against women ends.“
Behold one of the new goals of Catholic religious: strikes and protests and action for the rights of women. Nothing about the practice of virtue, the conversion of sinners, and prayer or penance as we enter the Season of Lent.
The next nun appears without any identifying mark as a religious, not even the black T-shirt with the slogan, which seems to be the new “habit” for the modern Dominican demonstrators.
This bitter-faced woman affirms she has joined the strike “so that violence against women’s bodies ends once and for all.”
“Every March 8 there are nuns who also join the feminist strike,” says the next Dominican white-haired nun. Her strike is “concrete and violet,” the color of the scarf she wears, which appears to be the trademark color of the strike. That scarf proudly bears the feminist circle symbol, the circle representing women.
This feminist nun, who is clearly adapting to the modern world with her makeup and earrings, states that the nuns will “continue to demand equality without glass ceilings, inside and outside the Church, and will continue to constantly affirm with ever greater insistence that there should be no more violence against women.”
The last striker begins by saying that “she is a nun,” but she feels the need to clarify this title by explaining that she is striking “as a woman and feminist.” Anyone who sees her can recognize that she correctly bears a right to the latter titles, but no one would ever guess that she is a Catholic religious woman.
She is striking because “she wants to end the unjust system that is patriarchy” and because she wants “a more egalitarian world” where the rights of women are respected and “no woman is abused either inside or outside the Church.”
“As religious we join the feminist strike,” this Vatican II nun declares. “And we will continue to do so until the dignity and equality of women in all areas is recognized,” she adds as the video trails off.
These religious women are realizing the “Church of the Future” predicted by Vatican II Moderator Card. Leo Suenens, who played an active role in the modernization of religious life for women.
As we read in Animus Delendi I by Atila Guimarães, Suenens declared that the Council would “free the Church from the burden and customs of another era that need to be buried.” (p. 65). The "burden and customs" of the Dominican habit, Rule, and spirit of prayer and contemplation have certainly all been buried by these Spanish nuns.
Here is a small sample of how the Conciliar Church has “renewed herself,” a renewal that in fact points to death and destruction.

The Dominicans are the Order of Preachers founded by St. Dominic de Guzmán, the strong promoter of the Rosary. But these nuns have moved far from the spirit of their Founder. Instead of promoting the Rosary and prayer, they interpret their vocation as a call to add – via Twitter – their “grain of sand“ to the ocean of feminism that has entered the Church since Vatican II.
In a March 6 tweet they announced: “The nuns are also joining the March 8 feminist strike.” The tweet is accompanied by a short video, which I found on Infovaticana, a Spanish site that reports Church news.

‘Slavery must also end in domestic employment’
The first modern nun appears wearing a T-shirt upon which you can read “Slavery must also end in domestic employment.“
Then, our sad-faced first nun announces her strike is “for the end of violence against women and the poverty of women inside and outside the Church.’” She ends by exclaiming “Support this feminist strike!”

This nun reminds everyone that religious women have already participated in the last year’s First International Feminist Day strike and that they will participate this year and each year afterwards “until institutional racism against women ends.“
Behold one of the new goals of Catholic religious: strikes and protests and action for the rights of women. Nothing about the practice of virtue, the conversion of sinners, and prayer or penance as we enter the Season of Lent.

Above, striking to end violence against women's bodies, below, demanding equality

This bitter-faced woman affirms she has joined the strike “so that violence against women’s bodies ends once and for all.”
“Every March 8 there are nuns who also join the feminist strike,” says the next Dominican white-haired nun. Her strike is “concrete and violet,” the color of the scarf she wears, which appears to be the trademark color of the strike. That scarf proudly bears the feminist circle symbol, the circle representing women.
This feminist nun, who is clearly adapting to the modern world with her makeup and earrings, states that the nuns will “continue to demand equality without glass ceilings, inside and outside the Church, and will continue to constantly affirm with ever greater insistence that there should be no more violence against women.”
The last striker begins by saying that “she is a nun,” but she feels the need to clarify this title by explaining that she is striking “as a woman and feminist.” Anyone who sees her can recognize that she correctly bears a right to the latter titles, but no one would ever guess that she is a Catholic religious woman.

“As religious we join the feminist strike,” this Vatican II nun declares. “And we will continue to do so until the dignity and equality of women in all areas is recognized,” she adds as the video trails off.
These religious women are realizing the “Church of the Future” predicted by Vatican II Moderator Card. Leo Suenens, who played an active role in the modernization of religious life for women.
As we read in Animus Delendi I by Atila Guimarães, Suenens declared that the Council would “free the Church from the burden and customs of another era that need to be buried.” (p. 65). The "burden and customs" of the Dominican habit, Rule, and spirit of prayer and contemplation have certainly all been buried by these Spanish nuns.
Here is a small sample of how the Conciliar Church has “renewed herself,” a renewal that in fact points to death and destruction.

Posted March 8, 2019
![]() Volume I |
![]() Volume II |
![]() Volume III |
![]() Volume IV |
![]() Volume V |
![]() Volume VI |
![]() Volume VII |
![]() Volume VIII |
![]() Volume IX |
![]() Volume X |
![]() Volume XI |
![]() Special Edition |