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The Deep State Wants
Trump Impeached over Syria
Although we don’t agree with everything in
this article, we believe it is an eye-opener that offers to the reader a plethora of data and a panoramic insight that cannot be found in the mainstream media. – TIA Editor
The foreign policy elites from both major political parties reacted with outrage to President Trump's withdrawal of U.S. forces from the illegal and undeclared war in northern Syria. This was an indication that the interests of the Deep State, especially the CIA, were at stake. What we have discovered is that this area, known to our "allies" the Kurds as Rojava, was being developed as a revolutionary nation state dedicated to "killing the dominant male," in the words of Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) founder and cult leader Abdullah Ocalan.
Keep in mind that Ocalan is the communist leader of the Kurds in the PKK and YPG that President Trump is accused of betraying. The real question is how the U.S. was manipulated – and by whom – into arming and supporting these Marxists.

Abdullah Ocalan, leader of the communist PKK
In his feminist manifesto, Liberating Life: Woman's Revolution, he added, "Indeed, to kill the dominant man is the fundamental principle of Socialism. This is what killing power means: to kill the one-sided domination, the inequality and intolerance."
This may help explain why so many Kurdish fighters featured in the Western media are depicted as ruthless female killers, with some even posing with their weapons for a photo shoot in the Marie Claire fashion magazine.
Some Christian fighters who wanted to fight ISIS discovered the truth on the field of battle. One seven-year U.S. army veteran was going to join a Kurdish YPG unit until he found out they were "a bunch of damn Reds." These "damn Reds" were being armed and trained by Obama's CIA and Pentagon.
Nevertheless, Christian televangelist Pat Robertson actually compared Trump's withdrawal from Syria to Neville Chamberlain's appeasement of Adolf Hitler. And Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, who plays a Trump supporter on television, said that Trump was making the "biggest blunder of his presidency" by pulling American troops back from the conflict.
What's more, so-called "conservative" groups and entities such as the American Enterprise Institute and Foundation for Defense of Democracies savagely attacked President Trump for fulfilling his campaign promise to get out of these endless wars.
Male-powered radical feminism
If you recognize Ocalan's Marxist mumbo-jumbo as rhetoric justifying extreme forms of "women's liberation" and even transgenderism, you're beginning to understand the sheer insanity of the so-called "Kurdish Project" established by the Marxist revolutionaries who ran Obama's foreign policy. This is a scandal that dwarfs anything Trump is accused of doing or saying.

Kurd women fighting against ISIS to establish a new Kurd State, Rojava, which is also terrorist
Those in charge developed a "social contract" or constitution for this region, to be guided by adherence to various United Nations documents. In effect, it was a nation-building scheme, a building block of a New World Order in the Middle East.
One of the best insights into what was happening came in a research paper, "Re-enchantment of the Political: Abdullah Ocalan, Democratic Confederalism and the Politics of Reasonableness," from a 2018 conference funded in part by the Open Society Foundations of George Soros. Whenever Soros money is at work, you know that something sinister is most likely involved.
"Democratic Confederalism stands as a highly salient emancipatory alternative to authoritarian theocracy, statist nationalism, and neoliberal capitalism," said the research paper. The author, an academic lecturer, proudly reported that women's liberation and radical feminism, as well as an "ecologically sound society," were the pillars of this new emerging Marxist state. Much of what was planned sounds like the political agenda of the four Democratic Congresswomen known as the "Squad."
History shows that Abdullah Ocalan founded the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) in order to create "Kurdistan." It was conceived as another Soviet-sponsored "liberation movement." Indeed, Ocalan was named as a KGB-trained agent by dissident KGB officer Alexander Litvinenko, and the Wall Street Journal just recently quoted one expert as saying that the PKK "remains a lever for Russian policy against Turkey given four-decade-old ties between the Russian security elites and the PKK."
Knowing this, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has to understand that his relationship with Russian President Putin is one of mutual suspicion. He was forced to deal with Putin because of the residual effects of Obama's pro-terrorist policy in the region.
Extreme makeover
In order to make this movement more palatable to a Western audience, Ocalan's philosophy was said to have undergone a radical transformation from old-fashioned Marxism-Leninism to this so-called "democratic confederalism." Ocalan explains in a book by that name that he now favors creation of a new society dedicated to ecology and feminism.
What also happened over the last several years was that Ocalan's Marxist followers took advantage of the chaos in the region in order to posture as "allies" of the Americans against the Islamic State, or ISIS. In the process, they established several camps along the Turkish border that they tried to make into a nation state.
Not surprisingly, Turkey took exception to this, eventually announcing the recent border security operation to clean out these camps of Marxist terrorists. Wisely, President Trump decided to get U.S. troops out of the way. He did not want American blood to be spilled in a confrontation between the PKK and the Turkish Armed Forces.

Former Communist Party Angela Davis promotes Ocalan and his Marxist ideals
Ocalan is also being viewed by the global left as some kind of Antonio Gramsci figure, a reference to the Italian communist who promoted a strategy of subverting Christian values and Western institutions. In the previously cited paper from the Soros-funded conference, we are told, "The influence of Democratic Confederalism has also increased in North America and Europe with the spread of radical left solidarity groups."
This is a typical international communist "solidarity" operation, the kind the Kremlin used to sponsor regarding countries like Nicaragua, El Salvador, Venezuela,and even the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico.
Interestingly, the so-called anti-war left came out in support of keeping the U.S. military in northern Syria to protect the region called Rojava, with Chomsky saying the Kurds have "succeeded in sustaining a functioning society with many decent elements" in Syria's north.
The new left-wing state called Kurdistan was on its way to being created until Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan decided he could no longer tolerate terrorist enclaves on his border. Whatever you may think of Erdogan and his involvement with the Muslim Brotherhood, his country has historically been anti-Soviet and anti-communist. He could play the same role today with a friendly American president like Trump in office. But threats against Turkey from the likes of Senator Lindsey Graham make that difficult.
Antifa in Syria
The Kurdish Project has been a magnet for American left-wingers. In fact, members of Antifa from the United States have been heading to northern Syria to fight. A writer for the socialist magazine Mother Jones visited Kurdish fighters and found an American named "Barry" wearing a black and red anarcho-syndicalist patch on the arm of his uniform.
The writer, Shane Bauer, said, "Back in the United States, Barry was part of the Antifa movement. He would brawl with fascists, sometimes carrying a concealed gun to protests 'just in case.' It was in these circles that Barry first heard about Rojava, the semi-autonomous Kurdish region in northeast Syria that has become a cause célèbre in anarchist circles."

Kurd guerilla in Syria armed by the U.S. but fighting for a communist Rojava State
"Today, it is nearly impossible to drive down a street in the Kurdish parts of Syria without seeing Ocalan's face smiling through a bushy mustache. He is stenciled on walls, plastered on billboards, and stuck on cellphone cases. The United States considers his group a terrorist organization, but his image is often patched on the uniforms of the militiamen who guard coalition bases and carry weapons provided by the Americans."
As part of this effort, the so-called "libertarian socialist caucus" of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) had issued a statement of solidarity with the "Rojava Revolution." Another DSA chapter declared Rojava a "revolutionary homeland under the principles of Democratic Confederalism."
Illegal American support for the PKK was somewhat disguised by Obama's Pentagon and CIA routing the weapons through the PKK affiliate known as the YPG. Trump came to realize that the policy he inherited from Obama was getting the U.S. further embroiled in a war that could quickly involve NATO member Turkey. He had his then-CIA Director Mike Pompeo to kill the $1 billion program of arming terrorist groups in Syria, to be followed by the American military withdrawal we have just witnessed.
Now, with sanctions against NATO member Turkey having been lifted, Trump has the opportunity to patch up relations with Turkey that Obama had done so much to disrupt and destroy. Obama was doing what the Soviets/Russians always wanted to do – divide and destroy NATO. The resolution of this crisis is a great victory for Trump.
The CIA destabilizes Turkey
On cue, the Deep State's house journal, Foreign Affairs, a publication of the Council on Foreign Relations, has published an article attacking Turkish President Erdogan. The author, a college professor who serves as an Adjunct Senior Fellow for Middle East Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, denies the charge of participating in a CIA plot to overthrow Erdogan.
He claimed the coup attempt which took place during the Obama Administration appeared to be linked to Fethullah Gulen, a Turkish Islamic cleric who runs a facility called the Golden Generation Retreat and Worship Center in Pennsylvania, the Alliance for Shared Values, and a network of charter schools.
Interestingly, Gulen came to the U.S. for medical treatment and has been here since 1999. He was reportedly given an immigration green card to stay in the U.S. at the request of individuals associated with the U.S. intelligence community.
In order to adjudicate these matters in a court of law and determine whether the CIA was involved in a coup, Turkey has asked that Gulen be extradited to stand trial on sedition charges. For his part, Gulen denies being part of any plot against Turkey.
The pressure is building on Trump to deal with the Gulen presence on American soil. It's safe to say that, until he gets to the bottom of the Deep State's operations in Syria and against Turkey, Trump will not fully understand the nature of the threat to his presidency.
Impeachment now possible
What is also clear is that the withdrawal of American troops from Syria has become the tipping point, the real reason, for Trump's impeachment.

American troops leave Syria
He says, "Stipulate the worst: Trump tried to wheedle some personal political benefit from a foreign leader. Shocked! Shocked! Are we?" Instead, he says, the real issue is Trump's "unreliability as a trigger-puller, his aversion to ordering big military attacks" that makes him vulnerable. He explains, "In the last few months, Trump has made decisions either to reduce U.S. military presence or explicitly not to take military action that was expected and planned."
In this context, a withdrawal of U.S. troops from northeast Syria was seen by the Deep State, as the New York Times put it, as the decision which "touched off a broad rebuke by Republicans, including some of his staunchest allies."
Trump has been firm, and his supporters in the American heartland have strongly applauded his stance. "I campaigned on the fact that I was going to bring our soldiers home and bring them home as quickly as possible," Trump said. "I held off this fight for almost 3 years, but it is time for us to get out of these ridiculous endless wars."
One important question Trump has to answer is why the CIA, whose "whistleblowers" are leading the charge for impeachment, would be supporting Marxists in the Middle East once sponsored by Moscow.
Other questions: Whose side are they on? Why do they want endless wars? And what gives them so much power over Senators Lindsey Graham, Mitt Romney and Mitch McConnell?
This article was first published in Review America on October 24, 2019

Posted October 30, 2019
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