What People Are Commenting
The Vatican II Cult
Dear TIA,
Thank you for this article on the suppression of many traditional Catholic feasts after Vatican II. Personally, I always go by the traditional Roman Rite calendar of holy days. There are many on the Internet, and here is a very beautiful version.
It is a very difficult situation, to accept the presence of a modernist Pope, but at the same time to reject the Vatican II cult. It is important to stay within the Church, because it can only be rebuilt and cleansed from within.
Peace of Christ,
Frank M. Rega
Thank you for this article on the suppression of many traditional Catholic feasts after Vatican II. Personally, I always go by the traditional Roman Rite calendar of holy days. There are many on the Internet, and here is a very beautiful version.
It is a very difficult situation, to accept the presence of a modernist Pope, but at the same time to reject the Vatican II cult. It is important to stay within the Church, because it can only be rebuilt and cleansed from within.
Peace of Christ,
Frank M. Rega
Overtones of Hollywood
TIA, (from Facebook)
Re: Crazy Rich Asians
I saw the movie and well as to be expected, it abounded with all of the overtones of Hollywood fanfare. Which is contributing towards the moral erosion of our society. Feminism, homosexuality, promiscuity, hyper sexual imagery, ostentatious display of wealth and unnecessary revelry.
Re: Crazy Rich Asians
I saw the movie and well as to be expected, it abounded with all of the overtones of Hollywood fanfare. Which is contributing towards the moral erosion of our society. Feminism, homosexuality, promiscuity, hyper sexual imagery, ostentatious display of wealth and unnecessary revelry.
The Result of Indoctrination
TIA, (from Facebook)
Re: Nuns Close Doors to New Applicants
So horrifyingly tragic!
This is the result of especially powerful indoctrination decades ago. They got lied to, and then embraced the lies. Those that fought the lies were lonely indeed, what a martyrdom for those few.
There is also another terrible secret hidden from most - it's not only the clergy that demonstrate perversions, but also some of these dying orders. There is a dark story of a local Benedictine school that was forced to close down the boys school for terrible reasons dating back to the ‘50s, ‘60s and ‘70s. At this point, it is an exceedingly progressive bunch with butchy style such as your picture here, the 'way-out' group still exists as a girls school - when it should have been burned to the ground.
Research the Devils of Loudun, a whole convent turned into a brothel by a wizard-priest [burned at the stake for witchcraft], and it is not hard to imagine that similar activity is widespread today in some remaining nuns and sisters.
FYI the remaining histories of the Devils of Loudun are mostly slanted Protestant propaganda, denying the Church's version, so you have to read between the lines - or find the original Church documents in French or Latin.
Re: Nuns Close Doors to New Applicants
So horrifyingly tragic!
This is the result of especially powerful indoctrination decades ago. They got lied to, and then embraced the lies. Those that fought the lies were lonely indeed, what a martyrdom for those few.
There is also another terrible secret hidden from most - it's not only the clergy that demonstrate perversions, but also some of these dying orders. There is a dark story of a local Benedictine school that was forced to close down the boys school for terrible reasons dating back to the ‘50s, ‘60s and ‘70s. At this point, it is an exceedingly progressive bunch with butchy style such as your picture here, the 'way-out' group still exists as a girls school - when it should have been burned to the ground.
Research the Devils of Loudun, a whole convent turned into a brothel by a wizard-priest [burned at the stake for witchcraft], and it is not hard to imagine that similar activity is widespread today in some remaining nuns and sisters.
FYI the remaining histories of the Devils of Loudun are mostly slanted Protestant propaganda, denying the Church's version, so you have to read between the lines - or find the original Church documents in French or Latin.
St. Stephen’s Good Inheritance
TIA, (from Facebook)
Re: St. Stephen, King of Hungary, Saint of the Day
Some historians consider him intolerant and hard-hearted, something out of context. All he did is to defend the faith and put a brake on the pagans, as well as defend against those who attacked the Kingdom. Because he had a deep-rooted notion in the irreducible defense of the Truth.
He left an indelible mark in Hungary, which still has important features in present-day Catholic Hungary, contrary to communism, immigration, birth control, eugenics, euthanasia, abortion and gender ideology. “What a good vassal I would be if I had a good lord to serve.”
Re: St. Stephen, King of Hungary, Saint of the Day
Some historians consider him intolerant and hard-hearted, something out of context. All he did is to defend the faith and put a brake on the pagans, as well as defend against those who attacked the Kingdom. Because he had a deep-rooted notion in the irreducible defense of the Truth.
He left an indelible mark in Hungary, which still has important features in present-day Catholic Hungary, contrary to communism, immigration, birth control, eugenics, euthanasia, abortion and gender ideology. “What a good vassal I would be if I had a good lord to serve.”
Saints & Vatican II
TIA, (from Facebook)
Re: Blessed John Felton, Saint of the Day
It is a pity that all that the Saints died for and believed in is all in vain, as far as Vatican II is concerned.
Re: Blessed John Felton, Saint of the Day
It is a pity that all that the Saints died for and believed in is all in vain, as far as Vatican II is concerned.
I Am Much Better
TIA, (from Facebook)
Re: Historical Precedents for Lay Celibacy
I just spent almost 3 hours reading this and past entries. I am much better for it.
May this author and all the authors who contribute to this counter revolutionary apostolate be blessed and endowed with the necessary graces to continue.
Re: Historical Precedents for Lay Celibacy
I just spent almost 3 hours reading this and past entries. I am much better for it.
May this author and all the authors who contribute to this counter revolutionary apostolate be blessed and endowed with the necessary graces to continue.
‘Hook up Culture’
TIA, (from Facebook)
Re: Historical Precedents for Lay Celibacy
Most priests are completely unaware of today's "hook up culture" and hypergamy.
I have a girlfriend but many men out there are involuntarily single. Some men (especially those born on the autistic spectrum) simply don't have a chance because they were born with the wrong genes and women are conditioned into wanting other men. This isn't a question of manning up, having confidence, or having something to offer women.
I see today's women ignoring good men and choosing to be with homeless meth addicts who don't own a car and smoke weed and play video games all day and they have 5 domestic violence convictions. What exactly do these guys have to offer?
The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
Re: Historical Precedents for Lay Celibacy
Most priests are completely unaware of today's "hook up culture" and hypergamy.
I have a girlfriend but many men out there are involuntarily single. Some men (especially those born on the autistic spectrum) simply don't have a chance because they were born with the wrong genes and women are conditioned into wanting other men. This isn't a question of manning up, having confidence, or having something to offer women.
I see today's women ignoring good men and choosing to be with homeless meth addicts who don't own a car and smoke weed and play video games all day and they have 5 domestic violence convictions. What exactly do these guys have to offer?
The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
Freemasonry in the 16th Century
Regarding your question about when FreeMasonry began and how Our Lady of Good Success could have spoken about it in the 1600s, here is more evidence that in fact it existed "underground" already in the time of King Philip II.
In his work War of Anti-Christ with the Church and Christian Civilization, Msgr. George Dillon writes:
The uprise of Protestantism in the 16th century rent the unity of the Mystical Body of Christ. Chapter XVI of William Thomas Walsh's splendid work, Philip II, is entitled "Freemasonry in the 16th Century" and shows that there was already at that time some sort of secret organization engaged in working for naturalism against ordered submission to Christ the King.
He adds, "It is no longer debatable that, if the false leaders of the Jews did not originate the secret societies to cover their own anti-Christian activities and to influence credulous members of the Christian communities, they had a great deal to do with the business. The degrees and ritual of Freemasonry are shot through with Jewish symbolism: the candidate is going to the East, towards Jerusalem, he is going to rebuild the Temple (destroyed in fulfillment of the prophecy of Christ) …
"The Grand Orient and Scottish Rite lodges, sources of so many modern revolutions, are more militant, more open and apparently more virulent than some of the others whom they are leading into a single world-organization by gradual steps." (Philip II, pp. 308-309)
From what we know today, we can conclude that something very much like modern Freemasonry, surely in spirit and probably to a great extent in form … existed in the lifetime of Philip II (1527-1598).
What we see, then, in the years following 1717 is rather the emergence into fuller light of a secret organized Force aiming at enrolling and forming groups of adepts to work for Naturalism, that is, for the denial of the Supernatural Life and the elimination of membership of Christ from society. (Foreword, pp. 13-14)
BTY, great site and work on the Council.
Viva Cristo Rey!
Regarding your question about when FreeMasonry began and how Our Lady of Good Success could have spoken about it in the 1600s, here is more evidence that in fact it existed "underground" already in the time of King Philip II.
In his work War of Anti-Christ with the Church and Christian Civilization, Msgr. George Dillon writes:
The uprise of Protestantism in the 16th century rent the unity of the Mystical Body of Christ. Chapter XVI of William Thomas Walsh's splendid work, Philip II, is entitled "Freemasonry in the 16th Century" and shows that there was already at that time some sort of secret organization engaged in working for naturalism against ordered submission to Christ the King.
He adds, "It is no longer debatable that, if the false leaders of the Jews did not originate the secret societies to cover their own anti-Christian activities and to influence credulous members of the Christian communities, they had a great deal to do with the business. The degrees and ritual of Freemasonry are shot through with Jewish symbolism: the candidate is going to the East, towards Jerusalem, he is going to rebuild the Temple (destroyed in fulfillment of the prophecy of Christ) …
"The Grand Orient and Scottish Rite lodges, sources of so many modern revolutions, are more militant, more open and apparently more virulent than some of the others whom they are leading into a single world-organization by gradual steps." (Philip II, pp. 308-309)
From what we know today, we can conclude that something very much like modern Freemasonry, surely in spirit and probably to a great extent in form … existed in the lifetime of Philip II (1527-1598).
What we see, then, in the years following 1717 is rather the emergence into fuller light of a secret organized Force aiming at enrolling and forming groups of adepts to work for Naturalism, that is, for the denial of the Supernatural Life and the elimination of membership of Christ from society. (Foreword, pp. 13-14)
BTY, great site and work on the Council.
Viva Cristo Rey!

Posted September 19, 2019
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Thank-you for the article "The Seven Sorrows of Our Lady," by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira.
You were right in thinking your readers would benefit from this writing (at least this reader).
In these end times especially, each day is a spiritual battle and it can be easy to forget that these sorrows, these hardships, are indeed blessings, proof of God's love for an unworthy servant.
Many saints have told us repeatedly that the merits of suffering are so vast that we should be begging for it.
Human beings are naturally fearful of suffering. They tend to avoid it if they can.
Prof. Oliveira's words provided fresh inspiration to pick up the cross, whatever it may be, in a thousand tiny ways and follow the Truth... Our Blessed Lord and His Most Holy Mother.
What a glorious time to be a Catholic.
Vive le Christ Roi!