What People Are Commenting
Hungary, Santiago’s Order & Ferocious Fellay
Order of Santiago
Dear Sir/Madam,
I found your article on the Order of Santiago. I was curious if you can assist me with my research. Are there any resources you can think of that would list the names of the Orders' members?
Thank you,
TIA responds:
Dear M.W.,
You can enter into contact with the Orden de Santiago in Spain to find out if they will give you the list of its members.
Its website is here.
TIA correspondence desk
I found your article on the Order of Santiago. I was curious if you can assist me with my research. Are there any resources you can think of that would list the names of the Orders' members?
Thank you,
TIA responds:
Dear M.W.,
You can enter into contact with the Orden de Santiago in Spain to find out if they will give you the list of its members.
Its website is here.
TIA correspondence desk
So Beautiful !
Beautiful art and beautiful singing! Enjoy it and pass it on to your readers.
Video here.
Beautiful art and beautiful singing! Enjoy it and pass it on to your readers.
Video here.
An Inquiry on Masses
Dear TIA,
Please advise whether or not the Latin Masses listed at the Ecclesia Dei website are to be avoided. I am under the impression that the Masses listed use the 1962 Missal and, therefore, are not free of the changes made in the Liturgy in the 1950s.
Thank you,
TIA responds:
Dear W.M.,
The Masses said according to the 1962 Missal, although far from being perfect, are valid. So, the question of whether they should be avoided becomes a matter for the individual to decide.
If he has other options within his reach that are better, he can avoid them; if he does not, these Masses allow him to fulfill his Sunday obligation, and, therefore, he should attend them.
Particular problems such as the priest is compromised and gives long bad sermons should also be evaluated with regard to the options he has at hand. Again, if he has no other option, it is better to bear a long sermon than commit a sin.
Should one who is in mortal sin not go to confession because the priest smells bad? Of course he should go. To have to bear the poor hygiene of the priest becomes part of his deserved penance. The same principle applies to Masses said by priests we do not like for just or unjust reasons.
TIA correspondence desk
Please advise whether or not the Latin Masses listed at the Ecclesia Dei website are to be avoided. I am under the impression that the Masses listed use the 1962 Missal and, therefore, are not free of the changes made in the Liturgy in the 1950s.
Thank you,
TIA responds:
Dear W.M.,
The Masses said according to the 1962 Missal, although far from being perfect, are valid. So, the question of whether they should be avoided becomes a matter for the individual to decide.
If he has other options within his reach that are better, he can avoid them; if he does not, these Masses allow him to fulfill his Sunday obligation, and, therefore, he should attend them.
Particular problems such as the priest is compromised and gives long bad sermons should also be evaluated with regard to the options he has at hand. Again, if he has no other option, it is better to bear a long sermon than commit a sin.
Should one who is in mortal sin not go to confession because the priest smells bad? Of course he should go. To have to bear the poor hygiene of the priest becomes part of his deserved penance. The same principle applies to Masses said by priests we do not like for just or unjust reasons.
TIA correspondence desk
Blind Pope
Dear TIA,
There is war all over the world but the Pope just does not get the solution. He should do as Our Lady asked: Consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart.
God bless,
There is war all over the world but the Pope just does not get the solution. He should do as Our Lady asked: Consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart.
God bless,
Good Health Manual
The Regimen Sanitatus Salernum was the Middle Ages' most famous health manual. How does it hold up?
Read this interesting article showing how this diet still works well today.
The Regimen Sanitatus Salernum was the Middle Ages' most famous health manual. How does it hold up?
Read this interesting article showing how this diet still works well today.
Original Copy of Prophecies
Dear Tradition in Action,
I was wondering if you know where one can find a copy of the prophecies of Our Lady of Good Success that predates 1854.
I am trying to verify the legitimacy of the prophecies regarding the reign of Pope Pius IX.
Thank you for your assistance on this matter.
TIA responds:
Dear D.M.,
We posted an article here that responds to your question.
TIA correspondence desk
I was wondering if you know where one can find a copy of the prophecies of Our Lady of Good Success that predates 1854.
I am trying to verify the legitimacy of the prophecies regarding the reign of Pope Pius IX.
Thank you for your assistance on this matter.
TIA responds:
Dear D.M.,
We posted an article here that responds to your question.
TIA correspondence desk
Serious Malady
Dear Catholic Friend,
I've not been able send updates on a regular basis over the past few weeks because of a long illness that was both incapacitating and painful. It also backed up my work. Suffice to say the malady was/is serious.
I am happy to relate that thanks to a gifted and reputable natural path doctor, I seem to be on the mend (as of this week).
I hope to produce more videos and send more updates over the next few weeks. In the meantime, I am sending a reminder about a new course on the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass that, I'm glad to say, is being well received. It is designed for both homeschool high-schoolers and adults. Perhaps you'll find it of interest.
Thank you for your kindness and your prayers.
John Vennari
I've not been able send updates on a regular basis over the past few weeks because of a long illness that was both incapacitating and painful. It also backed up my work. Suffice to say the malady was/is serious.
I am happy to relate that thanks to a gifted and reputable natural path doctor, I seem to be on the mend (as of this week).
I hope to produce more videos and send more updates over the next few weeks. In the meantime, I am sending a reminder about a new course on the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass that, I'm glad to say, is being well received. It is designed for both homeschool high-schoolers and adults. Perhaps you'll find it of interest.
Thank you for your kindness and your prayers.
John Vennari
There are new steps in the Fellay drama (a tragedy that is becoming a comedy) with the Vatican. Last week he played the ferocious lion for a moment to please the grassroots at the annual meeting of the SSPX superiors. He said "Absolutely no" to any compromise with the Vatican. This week he returned to be a humble little pet eating from the Vatican’s hand.
Please read the news below that says it all.
Vatican Continuing Talks with SSPX
July 04, 2016 – The Vatican remains actively involved in talks aimed at regularizing the status of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), the secretary of the Ecclesia Dei commission reports.
Last week Bishop Bernard Fellay, the leader of the traditionalist group, said that the SSPX is no longer focused on gaining canonical recognition, but gives its top priority to "the denunciation of errors" being made and/or encouraged by Church leaders including Pope Francis.
But Archbishop Guido Pozzo, who has represented the Vatican in talks with the SSPX, said that quiet negotiations are continuing. Archbishop Pozzo said that Bishop Fellay's latest public statement "does not say anything new" regarding the stand taken by the breakaway group. He added that canonical recognition would be "essential" to any move toward reconciliation of the SSPX.
Original here.
There are new steps in the Fellay drama (a tragedy that is becoming a comedy) with the Vatican. Last week he played the ferocious lion for a moment to please the grassroots at the annual meeting of the SSPX superiors. He said "Absolutely no" to any compromise with the Vatican. This week he returned to be a humble little pet eating from the Vatican’s hand.
Please read the news below that says it all.
July 04, 2016 – The Vatican remains actively involved in talks aimed at regularizing the status of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), the secretary of the Ecclesia Dei commission reports.
Last week Bishop Bernard Fellay, the leader of the traditionalist group, said that the SSPX is no longer focused on gaining canonical recognition, but gives its top priority to "the denunciation of errors" being made and/or encouraged by Church leaders including Pope Francis.
But Archbishop Guido Pozzo, who has represented the Vatican in talks with the SSPX, said that quiet negotiations are continuing. Archbishop Pozzo said that Bishop Fellay's latest public statement "does not say anything new" regarding the stand taken by the breakaway group. He added that canonical recognition would be "essential" to any move toward reconciliation of the SSPX.
Original here.

Posted July 5, 2016
Thought you would like to know that, Hungary's rightist president Victor Orban called for a referendum on Oct. 2 on whether to accept any future EU quota system for resettling refugees. Last year, when hundreds of thousands of refugees from the Middle East and Africa crossed Hungary en route to northern Europe, Orban's government courageously took an anti-immigrant stand and erected a razor-wire fence on the country's southern border to keep them out.
Hungary is already fighting an EU relocation scheme established during the height of the crisis last year, which will set quotas for each EU country to host a share of the migrants over two years. Along with Slovakia, Budapest has launched a court challenge against the plan.
Antal Rogan, Orban's cabinet chief, said the flow of migrants had to be stopped. "The Hungarian government asks Hungarian citizens to say no to mandatory resettlement and to say no to the immigration policy of Brussels," Rogan told reporters. "Only Hungarians can decide with whom we want to live in Hungary."
If this healthy reaction grows in Europe, I guess we can expect a WWIII, as you note in your article.