Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Church in Montreal supports LGBT
Every August, St. Peter the Apostle Church in Montreal hosts10 days of celebrations of homosexuality in parallel with the “gay pride parade,” which in Montreal is in August.Wide sashes of colored fabric fall from the gothic walls of the stately church to attach to a central chandelier in the presbytery, giving the effect of two inverted rainbows covering it as well part of the church. The whole creates an ambience of an apotheosis for the vice against nature, above, first and second rows below.
In the side Chapel of Hope, dedicated to those who have died of AIDS, one sees an effeminate Christ wearing a rainbow sash and crowned with lotus flowers. He rises from the waters, like the sun behind him, as if he himself were a lotus flower, third row.
In the fourth row is a poster advertising 10 consecutive days of organ concerts for August 2018. The ensemble is titled “Rainbow - the Organ Festival of Pride.”
For this coming August of 2019, more festivities are expected to commemorate the 50 years of the Stonewall riots in New York, which are considered the start of the “LGBT rights” movement.
Photos from Eglise Saint Pierre Apotre, Montreal & Internet

Posted March 10, 2019

Our Lady of La Salette,
restore the Holy Church.