Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
‘Gay’ couple brings Offertory gifts at Arch. Gomez’ Mass
On February 28, 2016, as the last act of the L.A. Education Congress, Archbishop José Gomez said a Mass. He chose 10 couples representing the Catholics of Los Angeles to bring the Offertory gifts to the altar. Among them was a male homosexual “couple” carrying between them a boy they had adopted. This was the way Gomez found to officialize both homosexual “marriages” and the adoption of children by them.Above, you see Gomez welcoming the homosexual couple at the foot of the altar. Below first row, he blesses the boy, which is an indirect way to bless the “parents” and their anti-natural liaison.
Third row, they climb the steps to the altar, one of them carrying a lemonade pitcher with wine to be consecrated; fourth row, since they were one of the first couples on the list, they wait at the corner of the altar for the others to bring their gifts. Last row, Gomez at the center top of the altar, with the couples, ready to continue the Mass. The homosexual couple is at the bottom left side of the altar.
Some naïve conservatives say that Gomez is acting in opposition to Francis, and, to substantiate their argument, they quote a text of Amoris Laetitia in which Francis lightly opposes homosexual “marriages.”
Don't be fooled! Gomez received the green light to do what he did. We are witnessing a hypocritical Vatican policy where the doctrine does not change, but every moral excess is not only permitted but given official approval in the name of “pastoral,” “love” and “mercy.”
Video available here.
Photos from the video sent by a reader

Posted April 17, 2016