What People Are Commenting
Mahony's Irreligious Education Conference
Dear TIA,
Regarding the L.A. Religious Education Congress at the end of March 2006, here is a video clip of the closing "liturgy" - replete with scantily clad women holding smoking incense bowls, raucous ear-splitting music, and of course the liturgical dancing girls and boys. Click here to view the video.
It's reminiscent of a Hollywood entertainment extravanganza or drag show, with Cardinal Roger Mahony, sitting in his presider's chair on a dais on the stage, as the number one star.
It's one thing to read about the REC events; another to witness them. Watching this video will give you a flavor of the flagrant apostasy that takes place annually at this Congress.
Mahoney's "Religious Education"
It is well known that Cardinal Mahony's "religious education" congresses have nothing to do with the religion of Catholicism, the one, true faith. Rather, they are exercises in apostasy with forums given to a "who's who" of dissenters from Catholic Magisterial teaching on faith and morals, whereby Catholicism is basically rendered indistinguishable from non-belief.
The end result of these annual travesties are "liturgies" which convey no sense of the supernatural and sacred, but rather are man-centered entertainment where God is relegated to being a bystander replaced by man.
Posted April 15, 2006

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