What People Are Commenting
A Well-Written History
Mrs. Judy Mead,
Re: Discovering Our Lady of Bethlehem
A delightful booklet about the establishing of the Missions of California by Fr. Junipero Serra and the significance of the statue of Our Lady of Bethlehem in motivating the Franciscans.
The difficulties of bringing the Catholic faith to the American Indians is evident in this well written history. St. Junipero Serra had to be a priest of strong faith to continue with this endeavor and this was very much the reason for him being declared a Saint in the Catholic Church.
Msgr. E.G.
Re: Discovering Our Lady of Bethlehem
A delightful booklet about the establishing of the Missions of California by Fr. Junipero Serra and the significance of the statue of Our Lady of Bethlehem in motivating the Franciscans.
The difficulties of bringing the Catholic faith to the American Indians is evident in this well written history. St. Junipero Serra had to be a priest of strong faith to continue with this endeavor and this was very much the reason for him being declared a Saint in the Catholic Church.
Msgr. E.G.
Wonderful Role of Our Lady in the Missions
I have just finished reading your little book, Discovering Our Lady of Bethlehem, and found it a delightful read. Thank you!
I know some about St. Junipero from the excitement around the recent canonization and my own interest in these missions, but I didn't have a clue about the role Our Lady played in his evangelization work. Wonderful!
This had led me to ad an item to my 'bucket list' - a pilgrimage along the Camino Real. I wonder if one could walk some or all of it, like the Camino in Spain?
God bless,
I have just finished reading your little book, Discovering Our Lady of Bethlehem, and found it a delightful read. Thank you!
I know some about St. Junipero from the excitement around the recent canonization and my own interest in these missions, but I didn't have a clue about the role Our Lady played in his evangelization work. Wonderful!
This had led me to ad an item to my 'bucket list' - a pilgrimage along the Camino Real. I wonder if one could walk some or all of it, like the Camino in Spain?
God bless,
Pius XII Laid the Ground for Vatican II
Dear TIA,
Re: Pius XII: a Necessary Bridge to Reach Vatican II
Thank you, thank you for covering Pope Pius XII. I have done research on Pius X, Benedict XV, Pius XI and Pius XII.
Much, much more truth needs to be laid bare regarding those years and the ground that was laid for Vatican II.
Re: Pius XII: a Necessary Bridge to Reach Vatican II
Thank you, thank you for covering Pope Pius XII. I have done research on Pius X, Benedict XV, Pius XI and Pius XII.
Much, much more truth needs to be laid bare regarding those years and the ground that was laid for Vatican II.
Pius XII & the Jews
Re: Pius XII: a Necessary Bridge to Reach Vatican II
This article that brings up the position and practice of Pope Pius Xll concerning the treatment of the Jews during World War ll will once again, for the umpteenth time, illustrate what happens to those who try to please the Jews. They wind up with the Pontius Pilate problem. Pilate found out too late that if the Son of God could not please the Jews, neither could he.
The Jews are known to put relentless and constant pressure on those they want something from and find something wrong with whatsoever it is they are after once they get it. The secret archive papers of Pope Pius Xll during the WWll era will be one more classical example of a failure to please these people and will have something wrong with them concerning his dealing with the Jewish problem of WWll.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
Re: Pius XII: a Necessary Bridge to Reach Vatican II
This article that brings up the position and practice of Pope Pius Xll concerning the treatment of the Jews during World War ll will once again, for the umpteenth time, illustrate what happens to those who try to please the Jews. They wind up with the Pontius Pilate problem. Pilate found out too late that if the Son of God could not please the Jews, neither could he.
The Jews are known to put relentless and constant pressure on those they want something from and find something wrong with whatsoever it is they are after once they get it. The secret archive papers of Pope Pius Xll during the WWll era will be one more classical example of a failure to please these people and will have something wrong with them concerning his dealing with the Jewish problem of WWll.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
The Catholic Sex Abuse Crisis Is Global
As the Vatican held its four-day bishops' summit on dealing with sex abuse by priests, this stunning roundup by AP Vatican correspondent Nicole Winfield showed starkly that this is "a global problem that requires a global response":
As the Vatican held its four-day bishops' summit on dealing with sex abuse by priests, this stunning roundup by AP Vatican correspondent Nicole Winfield showed starkly that this is "a global problem that requires a global response":
- Argentina: Pope Francis' home country is beginning to see an eruption of the scandal, with some cases even implicating failures by the pontiff himself.
- Australia: A four-year national investigation found 4,444 people were abused at more than 1,000 Catholic institutions between 1980 and 2015. 7% of Catholic priests in Australia in 1950-2010 were accused of sexually abusing children.
- Chile: Chilean criminal prosecutors have staged a series of raids on the church's secret archives to seize documents. They have opened more than 100 investigations into abusive priests.
- Germany: The German Catholic Church concluded at least 3,677 people were abused by clergy between 1946 and 2014. More than half the victims were 13 or younger and most were boys. Every sixth case involved rape and at least 1,670 clergy were involved. 969 abuse victims were altar boys.
- Ireland: Tens of thousands of children suffered wide-ranging abuses in church-run workhouse-style institutions.
- U.S.: About 70 dioceses and religious orders have released lists of accused priests, according to BishopAccountability.org. Pennsylvania alone found 300 priests sexually abused at least 1,000 children since the 1940s. Prosecutors in more than a dozen states have opened similar investigations.
Lobby Wants to Annul Canonization of John Paul II
Dear TIA,
Salve Maria!
I thought you would be interested in this, even though it comes from a feminist group.
Abuse Lobby Wants to Annul Canonization of John Paul II
The obscure French Comité de la Jupe (Committee of the Skirt) has asked to undo the canonization of Jean Paul II.
On LeMonde.fr, the leading anti-Catholic newspaper in France, two of their members, Christine Pedotti and Anne Soupa, accused the late pope of having created a “debased concept” of “the woman.”
The group randomly accuses priests of abusing women, nuns and children, and even claims that there is a “culture of abuses” in the Church, although statistics show the opposite.
The committee was formed in 2009 after Paris Cardinal André Vingt-Trois had said on radio that “the hardest part is having trained women, it is not enough to wear a skirt, you have to have something in your head too.”
Original here
Do you think they might have a good point, that JPII created a debased concept of women? Theology of the Body, being pornographic in nature, would in fact be such a debasement.
In Iesu et Maria,
TIA responds:
Dear M.J.W.,
Thank you for bringing this news report to our attention.
Certainly to annul the “canonization” of John Paul II is a good idea for the simple reason that he was not a saint. Among other things, he was a morally free Pontiff. His Theology of the Body alone has had so many immoral consequences that this would prevent anyone who preached it from being canonized.
So, you are correct when you believe that the Theology of the Body by itself should be enough to prevent him from being canonized.
Regarding the two journalists who allegedly affirmed that JPII “debased woman,” the news report is too brief to fully understand what their thinking is.
TIA correspondence desk
Salve Maria!
I thought you would be interested in this, even though it comes from a feminist group.
The obscure French Comité de la Jupe (Committee of the Skirt) has asked to undo the canonization of Jean Paul II.
On LeMonde.fr, the leading anti-Catholic newspaper in France, two of their members, Christine Pedotti and Anne Soupa, accused the late pope of having created a “debased concept” of “the woman.”
The group randomly accuses priests of abusing women, nuns and children, and even claims that there is a “culture of abuses” in the Church, although statistics show the opposite.
The committee was formed in 2009 after Paris Cardinal André Vingt-Trois had said on radio that “the hardest part is having trained women, it is not enough to wear a skirt, you have to have something in your head too.”
Original here
Do you think they might have a good point, that JPII created a debased concept of women? Theology of the Body, being pornographic in nature, would in fact be such a debasement.
In Iesu et Maria,
TIA responds:
Dear M.J.W.,
Thank you for bringing this news report to our attention.
Certainly to annul the “canonization” of John Paul II is a good idea for the simple reason that he was not a saint. Among other things, he was a morally free Pontiff. His Theology of the Body alone has had so many immoral consequences that this would prevent anyone who preached it from being canonized.
So, you are correct when you believe that the Theology of the Body by itself should be enough to prevent him from being canonized.
Regarding the two journalists who allegedly affirmed that JPII “debased woman,” the news report is too brief to fully understand what their thinking is.
TIA correspondence desk

Posted March 20, 2019
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Re: Discovering Our Lady of Bethlehem
I finally finished studying Our Lady of Bethlehem. I didn't read but had to study about the history of the statue, Blessed Fr. Serra, the missions, the Indians. The book was a real history lesson for me.
Fr. Serra with his bad leg and the Franciscans did an amazing job of founding nine missions along a 760 mile coast.
I really enjoyed it and learned so much. It was amazing how there were such good records.
Thank you for the book.
God Bless,