Errors & Heresies
 | Are ‘Orthodox’ Incorrupt ‘Saints’ in Heaven?
An incorrupt body is not necessarily a sign of sanctity
 | Is It Accurate to Say that Christ Died 'In Accordance with Roman Law'? Yes; it was the decision of Pontius Pilate, the due ruler of Roman law at the time
 | May We Read Books that Were on the Index? The Index was abolished by Paul VI; it is not a sin to do so but it is ill-advised
 | Only Catholics Have True Baptism. Do You Agree? We disagree. The Council of Trent clearly condemns this position
How Can One Defend 'No Salvation Outside the Church'? Using the Bull Cantate Domino of Eugene IV among many documents
The 21 Copts Killed by ISIS in 2015: Are They Saints? No, they are not true saints because they were not Catholic
 | Does 'No Salvation Outside the Catholic Church' Include 'Orthodox'? 'Orthodox' are schismatics & heretics & are outside the Church
 | Why Are You against Buddhism? It confuses God with the universe; Buddhism is condemned as pantheist
Are Not the Spanish Poor Clares a Successful Traditional Order? No, they are Charismatics who serve Progressivism
 | Don't You Know that Russia Has Nothing to Do with the Latin Church? All the religious treasures of Bizantium came from the Catholic Faith
 | Why Do You Call the Copts Monophysites? They Are Mia-Physite. We use the qualification of the Catholic Church, not that of the heretics
 | Did Semi-Arianism & Semi-Pelagianism Follow the Hegelian Dialetic? No, the Semi-Arians & Semi-Pelagians were not
following Hegel
 | What Were the Causes of the Eastern Schism? Here are the causes of the Schism and its main leaders
Catholic Formation
 | How Can I Get My Wife to Become Traditionalist? Try to win graces for her by praying & offering sacrifices
 | Where Can I Receive a Traditional Catholic Orientation? Here are some articles to help you
 | Is My SSPX Marriage Valid? Here are some articles to help you
 | Can You Give Me a Catholic Formation? Yes, we can; send us your questions & read these sections of our site
 | What Masses Can I Attend? Here is a list of valid masses for Traditional Catholics
 | What Seminary Should I Attend? After careful analysis, you should follow your conscience
 | Should I Attend the Novus Ordo to Fulfill My Sunday Obligation? We never recommend attendance at the Novus Ordo. It has the flavor of heresy
 | Should I Reconsider Being a Member of the Knights of Columbas? The noble orders of the Church are all poisoned by Progressivism
 | Is It Sacrilege to Use the Same Hosts for the 'Old' and 'New' Mass? This is a complicated situation; but read here for some clarification
 | Which Pre-62 Missal Should We Use? There are many choices. All pre-1955 missals seem appropriate to us
 | Which Version of the Holy Bible Should I Read? We recommend the Douay-Rheims Challoner edition
 | What Catechism Do You Recommend? Here are four good catechisms
 | Do You Recommend a Book on the Church Fathers? Look for those Fathers who are Saints; avoid progressivist sources on them
 | What Are Good Penances for Americans During Lent? Combat laziness of thinking, vulgarity of language & sloppiness in dress
 | When Is the Right Time During Mass to Go to the Communion Rail? Between Latin and Anglo-Saxon/German countries there are different customs
 | For Women: What is Appropriate Clothing for Lent? If your dressing is sloppy, avoid plain “prairie” clothing. If vain, be less vain
 | What Is the Will of Our Lady? Not just to passively deliver our will into hers, but to give her everything we have
 | May I Take Medicine If I Am Fasting for a Friday? Yes, you may, the rules of fasting are not broken when you take medicine
 | How Can We Possibly Understand Crisis in the Church? It isn't as complicated as you imagine; confide in Our Lady to help you
 | What Is Human Respect? Human respect is a fear of societal pressure prejudicial to the practice of the Faith
 | What Advice Would You Give to Someone Close to Despair? The help of the Sacraments, and a strong devotion to Our Lady of Good Counsel
 | Which Theology of History Books Do You Recommend? Here are 5 good books on Theology of History
 | What Should a Catholic Do When Persecuted by His Family? You should have recourse to Our Lady and the Saints
 | What Is the Point of Marriages between Aged or Barren Persons? Those who cannot maintain perfect chastity, even widows, should marry
 | Where Should We Give Alms? Consider giving to help the counter-revolutionary fight of Tradition in Action
 | Where Can One Find More Information about Lay Celibacy? TIA’s website contains several articles about this important topic
 | What Do You Think about ‘Holy Pride’? It is good. It was taught by St. Jerome
 | Were the Magdalene Laundries Bad? No, they were excellent to do penance. About them, read here and here
 | Is the Tridentine Creed Infallible? Yes, it is
 | Is It Wrong to Attend Pro-Life Events in a Novus Ordo Building? Not necessarily, but be watchful for progressivist infiltration
 | Can I Kill Someone in Self-Defense? Natural law allows this, but check your local laws lest you be jailed
 | Did Pope Pius XII Support the Bombing of Hirshima and Nagasaki? Pre-Vatican II approval on bombs, and speculation on the bomb sites
 | Did Christ Descend into Hell or Just into Limbo?
He went to Limbo & also to Hell to complete His victory over the Devil
 | What Actions Incur Automatic Excommunication? Here is the list taken from the old Code of Canon Law
 | Where - at Age 44 - Can I Be Accepted to Become a Priest? Pray Our Lady of Good Counsel to orient you
I Am Converting from the Schism; Can You Answer My Questions? Yes we can; here are the answers on forms of government and devotions
 | Was My Protestant ‘Believer's Baptism’ Valid? We think not. Read here why
 | Should I Offer Myself as a Victim to Defend My Wife? Yes, you can; but it is better to counter-attack the assailant
Traditions, Devotions & Prayers
 | Why Are Papal Conclaves So Secretive? Secrecy is necessary for the selection of the highest office on Earth
 | Do Privileged Altars Cease to Be Privileged If They are Moved? When moved in entirety, we believe so
 | May I Wear a 3-Inch Crucifix in Public? We think a 3-inch crucifix is too large, except for special occasions
 | Is the ‘Prayer for Persecuted Christendom’ Approved by the Church? Yes, it was approved by Bishop Antonio de Castro Mayer in 1958
 | Are the Christmas Tree and Paradise Tree Related? Both are two names for the same charming Christmas custom
 | Is the Daily Rosary a Guarantee of Salvation? Although it is not a guarantee, it is a good sign
 | Does the Devotion of Divine Mercy Replace the Rosary? No, it does not; pray the Rosary regularly as recomended in this article
 | Is the Divine Mercy Devotion Trustworthy? A sermon from Msgr. Perez condemns the devotion
 | Can You Tell Me More About the Novena to Our Lady of Good Success? Learn more about this popular devotion
 | Why Were the Luminous Mysteries Invented? The Luminous Mysteries are a bad innovation
What Do You Think about the Luminous Mysteries? It is a way to sabotage the Rosary by making it more difficult
 | At the Elevation, Is It Forbidden to Say 'My Lord & My God' Aloud? Dr. Remi Amelunxen suggests audible recitation of this prayer violates rubrics
 | What Is the Blue Scapular? It is the scapular of the Immaculate Conception, read more here
 | Where Can One Find Statues, Pictures & Cords of St. Philomena? Here is the contact information for the St. Philomena Center
 | Can My Five Wounds Chaplet Be Blessed by a Novus Ordo Passionist? Yes, even progressivist priests have retained the power to bless sacramentals
Which Type of Miraculous Medal Should I Wear? Those that hold from a chain around the neck
 | Why Do Churches Face East? Because it is from the east that Our Lord will return
 | Is It Legitimate for Parents to Bless Their Children? Yes, it is. Here are the different kinds of blessings & who may give them
 | How Should We Invoke the Angels? With high respect – and familiarity
 | Do You Have St. Michael Prayer in Latin? Yes, we do; here are the long & short versions
 | Can You Tell Me the Original St. Michael Prayer by Leo XIII? Yes, we can; here it is
 | Do You Have the Original Latin Versions of Your Prayers? Yes, follow these links
 | Is the Rosary Said in Latin More Efficacious? It is more reverent; when it is possible, it is better to say it in Latin
 | Is the Devotion to 1,000 Hail Marys Better than the Rosary? No, it is not; it tends to put the Rosary in the shadow
Why Did Our Lady Say to the Fatima Children: Pray ⅓ of the Rosary? This was just a preparation for them to eventually say the full Rosary
 | How Is It Possible for Us to Console Our Lord 2,000 Years Ago? God sees past & future human actions in a single glance, independent of time
 | What Is Observance of a Religious Rule? Here you have the meanings of order, rule & observance
 | What Was the Rationale
behind Prisons in Convents? They were a tradition in the Church, but have little to do with modern prisons
 | May I, as a Layman, Use Holy Oils? Yes, you may; here are examples of blessed oils laypeople can use
 | Can I Go to a Holy Hour in a Novus Ordo Parish Church? You may go, but make a conditional act of adoration
 | Why Do So Few European Women Wear Veils? Because the priests stop requiring them to do so
 | Is There Any Order of Laywomen Who Wear Veils All the Time? Some Third Orders include the use of veils; contact them
Is Praying the Rosary During Mass Correct? This is a recommended Mass devotion, among others
 | Is It Correct to Pray the Rosary While Driving? It depends on the person: if driving is a second nature for you, pray; if not, don't
 | Is It Correct to Stand before the Exposed Sacred Host? No, the correct position is to kneel; if your priest says otherwise, he is wrong
 | Are Weddings in Ecumenical Chapels Valid? We believe they are valid, but highly inconvenient
 | Should I Consecrate My Son to Mary on His Birthday or Saint's Day? There is nothing wrong in celebrating birthdays; it is choice
 | Is Mustum Valid for Transubstantiation? Historically the Church permitted it in exceptional circumstances
 | Can I Change Rites? Yes – the salvation of the soul must be the supreme law
 | What Is the Difference between Purple & Violet Vestments? Dr. Carol Byrne comments on the use of penitential colors in the liturgy
 | Are Masses without an Altar Stone Still Valid? Although altar stones are important, but the Mass is still valid without it
 | Do You Have Suggestions for Training Altar Boys? Yes, here are some dos & don'ts
 | Aren't You Aware that in Byzantine Churches People Sit in the Floor? Your photo seems adulterated; in Byzantine rites there are pews and benches
 | Why Are You against Married Priests When an Eastern Precedent Exists? The Church only tolerates Eastern married priests; the situation is far from perfect
Last Things
 | Is Going to Heaven Easy? No, it is not easy; whoever teaches you otherwise is wrong
 | What Are the Progressivist Concept of Hell, Heaven & Purgatory? Here are the Catholic & the Progressivist perspectives
 | How Can a Soul Suffer Physically in Purgatory? There is an everlasting fire that burns spirits without destroying them
 | What Are the Gregorian Masses? They are an ensemble of 30 Masses to save the soul from Purgatory
 | Where Can I Request 30 Gregorian Masses? Here is how to request the Gregorian Masses; read also here & here
 | As a Wealthy Person, How Can I Help the Counter-Revolution? Consider bequeathing to TIA, an organization dedicated to fighting the Revolution
How Can I Include TIA in My Will or Other Long-Term Plans? You can contact us with any questions you may have
 | Where Should I Be Buried? In a Catholic cemetery; but first prepare your soul for your judgment
When Should I Remove Life Support? Only when there is no hope of recovery, and after receiving the sacraments
 | Are Aborted Children Saved? No, according to the Catholic doctrine they go to Limbo
 | Are We at the End Times? No, we are preparing for the Reign of Mary
 | Can You Prove Paul VI Said He Sounded the Trumpets of Apocalypse? Yes we can; here is the photocopy of the Jean Guitton's interview to Avvenire
 | Was the Japanese Tsunami a Chastisement? It moved the axis of earth; perhaps it is the start of the Great Chastisement
 | Is the Prophecy of St. Malachi Genuine or Not? The prophecies are only entirely understood after their fulfillment
 | Will the Pope after Benedict XVI Be the Last One? Perhaps. Let us wait and see
 | Are the Prophecies of St. Pius X Authentic? We don't know the prophecies you refer to
 | Is Arch. Lefebvre the Prelate Predicted by Our Lady of Good Success? No, we don't believe he is; here is why
 | Can You Provide the Texts on the Prelate Predicted by Mother Mariana? Yes, here they are
 | Will There Be a Chastisement before the Reign of Mary? It seems there will be. To prepare, you should increase devotion to Our Lady
 | What Should We Do to Prepare for the Chastisement? Increase your devotion to Our Lady & read the Saints of the Day
 | Will Planet X Bring the Chastisement? We don't know; we invite our readers to send in their comments
 | What Is Meant by the Phrase ‘the Days Will Be Shortened’? It refers to terrible material & spiritual punishments
 | Are There Contradictions in the End Times Prophecies? When a contradiction seems to appear, it is due to our poor understanding
Devil's Influence & Possession
 | What Does the Church Teach on the Influence of the Stars? Astrology is right in some things & wrong in others; the Devil can enter easily in it
 | I Am Being Harassed by the Devil. What Should I Do? Stop drinking & listening to rock music; pray Our Lady to help you
 | How Easy Is It to Get Possessed? It is easy; it can happen surfing on the Internet or listening to a rock beat
 | Why Are People Killing Cats at Night? It is a ritual practiced by Satanic groups in the United States