What People Are Commenting
Slain in the Spirit & Eucharistic Flash Mobs
Rosary in Latin
Dear TIA,
If I pray the Rosary in Latin, is it more efficacious than if I were to pray it in English?
Thank you.
P.F., Australia
TIA responds:
Dear P.F.,
Latin is the official language of the Church and is the most solemn language to address God and Our Lady.
For the same reason that we maintain the Mass should be said in Latin and not in vernacular, we should make an effort to learn our prayers in Latin.
If we are not able to do that, however, God and Our Lady will obviously receive our prayers in English well or in any other language.
TIA correspondence desk
Slain in the Spirit
How can you say the Charismatic Movement is not Catholic? I agree that barking like dogs is wrong. The Bible is not a dead letter you know. I spoke in tongues before. It's not a Protestant movement. Charismatics are more traditional than Roman Catholics.
Go back to the Book of Acts, they didn't pray to Mary or saints, they spoke in tongues. I was also slain in the spirit. You are not going to believe it until it happens to you. Both of these manifestations happened to me privately.
I know the devil likes to counterfeit, but Pope John Paul the 2nd said, Long live to Charismatic spiritual gifts, and hoped they would never cease to exist. In the Scripture Jesus said you would do even greater things than him.
Eucharistic Flash Mobs
Have you heard about these Eucharistic flash mobs that are being carried out? One of them can be watched here.
Some of these conservative Catholics are so hard-headed I cannot convince them that, while they are well-intentioned, they are wrong.
Perhaps you would like to do an article on them? I can send you the links and pictures.
R.L., India
TIA responds:
Thank you for the information. No, we had not heard about it yet. We would appreciate any further data you can send us.
TIA correspondence desk
Cancer Cure & St. Peregrine
My name is R.N. of Sacramento, California. My wife was diagnosed with breast cancer in September 2010, had a mastectomy in December; and went through chemotherapy treatment from January to May this year.
For the last 10 years my wife has been devoted to St Peregrine on account of her sister’s breast cancer. We have gone to Portland’s “The Grotto” three times and prayed the devotions to St. Peregrine. We did not know that there is a St. Peregrine’s chapel in San Juan Capistrano until two months ago; and therefore we are planning to visit it.
My question is the schedule of masses: both weekdays and weekends. Will you please provide me with that?
Thank you, I’ll appreciate it so much.
TIA responds:
Hello R.N.,
We are glad you have found St. Peregrine, a patron saint of cancer patients. There are always a multitude of candles burning in his chapel at San Juan Capistrano. We pray he will help your wife to be cured, as he has helped so many others.
We are unaware of the schedule of the Masses you asked for. You may contact the Mission site directly for the information here.
TIA correspondence desk
Sede-Vacante Temptation
Dear TIA Friends,
Thank you for your reply to my comments. I wasn’t looking for one, but am very grateful for your insights as to my doubts about sede-vacantism and the current Catholic Church being the real Church that it was prior to Vatican II.
I deeply trust you and will continue to pray to God that He grant me stronger faith. In the meantime, I will bear this cross as best I can.
Keep up your great work and God bless!
Neo-Catechumenal Way
In this article you wrote: “We can see that he covered his head with a prayer shawl like the ones rabbis wear, and he also placed a seven branched menorah candelabra in the center of the table.”
The use of the tallith (shawl) is not restricted to rabbis in Judaism. It's worn by all pious Jewish men and some Jewish women during prayer.
Besides, where do you think the stole came from?
And the 7 branched menorah is not exclusively Jewish either. Eastern Churches, especially of the Byzantine tradition, have always had one on - or properly, behind - the altar.
What you remember of Pre-V2 Latin uses is NOT the totality of Catholic tradition, or even the standard.

Taiwan Needs Help
Dear TIA,
Praised be Jesus Christ!
I agree with you and Mr. Lloyd Evans that it is the duty of the United States and every nation that is opposed to Communism to support and defend Free China from Chinese Communist attack.
The political philosophy of the Chinese Nationalist Party (Gwomindaang) is not Catholic, but it is a lesser evil compared to the Chinese Communist Party. Had the U.S. not betrayed and abandoned Chinese President and Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek in spite of his issues and controversies, Mainland China would not have fallen to Mau Tzedong's Communists in 1949.
Offering my consideration and esteem, I remain,
J.C.C., Philippines
Book of Enoch
You wrote in the article Mysterious Links between Socialism, Zionism and Satanism:
“In the end, however, the question remains: How does one explain that the founder of Zionism was a Satanist? Certainly it was not the true God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob whom he invoked and who helped him to realize his plan.”
The answer you seek is found in the Book of Enoch. Elizabeth Clair Prophet has a translation of the book called 'The Origins of Evil.' In the Bible, when Jesus confronts the Pharisees ... it is edited. The Book of Enoch clarifies his speech, “You are not of my father's children. You and your evil empires oppress my people in usury and seek to drink of their blood. There are those of you who follow Abraham's father, a living God' and those of you who follow Baal, son of Beor the Watcher (i.e. a fallen angel.) Jesus speaks to a division within the Jewish community itself, those that follow the God of Abraham and those that follow Baal ... or Satan as some call him.”
Hope this helps you,
Posted August 9, 2011

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do not necessarily express those of TIA

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