What People Are Commenting
Homo Syphilis, Satan & ‘Saint’ Roncalli
CDC's Priorities
Regarding your article Statistics Confirm Homo Lifestyle Is Unsafe for Youth.
It is absolutely amazing to me that most people believe the CDC holds the welfare of the citizens as its #1 priority. Clearly, the priority of the CDC has the best interests of the drug manufacturers and the "healthcare" system as its highest priority. How much more blatantly obvious can it get??
Thank you for this article,
E.S., Ph. D.
Regarding your article Statistics Confirm Homo Lifestyle Is Unsafe for Youth.
It is absolutely amazing to me that most people believe the CDC holds the welfare of the citizens as its #1 priority. Clearly, the priority of the CDC has the best interests of the drug manufacturers and the "healthcare" system as its highest priority. How much more blatantly obvious can it get??
Thank you for this article,
E.S., Ph. D.
Public Worship of Satan
Dear TIA,
I want you and your readers to know that Stan is been proposed to be publicly worshipped at the Oklahoma State Capitol. Indeed, a group of Satanists is trying to get permission to erect a statue of Satan outside the Oklahoma Statehouse.
I believe we must keep on eye on this case to protest against it if this will find any support among the Oklahoma politicians.
It is seems a first step toward the public worship of Satan by a civil order that is increasingly rejecting God.
Read more on this topic here.
God bless,
I want you and your readers to know that Stan is been proposed to be publicly worshipped at the Oklahoma State Capitol. Indeed, a group of Satanists is trying to get permission to erect a statue of Satan outside the Oklahoma Statehouse.
I believe we must keep on eye on this case to protest against it if this will find any support among the Oklahoma politicians.
It is seems a first step toward the public worship of Satan by a civil order that is increasingly rejecting God.
Read more on this topic here.
God bless,
Pro-life March
Dear TIA,
Tell your readers to march pro-life on January 22.
If they have any doubt, let them watch this video [10 minutes] in which a 12-years-old girl says what many adults do not have the courage to say.
Keep up the good work.
Tell your readers to march pro-life on January 22.
If they have any doubt, let them watch this video [10 minutes] in which a 12-years-old girl says what many adults do not have the courage to say.
Keep up the good work.
Throw Roncalli in the Tiber!
I recently read your write up on John XXIII (here & here), and couldn't agree more with your comments. Roncalli is hardly a Saint. He is not even a Catholic!
Between himself, Paul VI, JPII, and B16, these culprits have single handedly destroyed the Church. The message of La Salette and the 3rd secret of Fatima are coming true:
God Bless,
P.Z., Croatia
I recently read your write up on John XXIII (here & here), and couldn't agree more with your comments. Roncalli is hardly a Saint. He is not even a Catholic!
Between himself, Paul VI, JPII, and B16, these culprits have single handedly destroyed the Church. The message of La Salette and the 3rd secret of Fatima are coming true:
- "Rome will lose the faith and will become the seat of the Antichrist",
- "A great apostasy will enter the Church and it will become an eclipse".
God Bless,
P.Z., Croatia
Bees & Barberinis
Great site!
Regarding this article on bees as a symbol of the Church, I think the bees in St Peter's are from the Papal shield of the Barberini Family…
Great site!
Regarding this article on bees as a symbol of the Church, I think the bees in St Peter's are from the Papal shield of the Barberini Family…
Novena to Our Lady of Good Success
Dear Sirs, Dear Madams,
Great site!
Please allow the following questions:
We are interested to know more about the Novena to Our Lady of Good Success in Quito before the 2nd of February (Purificationis B.M.V.) Could you inform us about the exact beginning of the novena, please? Could you also inform us about the organizing staff of this novena? The participants are coming all from Ecuador (and the U.S.)? Would you tell us an address (or website), if it would be possible?
Thank you very, very much for an answer.
B. & K.L., Germany
P.S. Interestingly you show Charlemagne and Roland on the first page of your website … The two words “munjoie renuvelent” of our e-mail-address are taken from the Old-French “Chanson de Roland”, in translation: “the mountain of joy is renewing [the call of the crusaders]: Mons gaudii [mountain of (our) joy, i.e. Jerusalem]”
TIA responds:
Dear B. & K.L.,
We are pleased to see your interest in Our Lady of Good Success and desire to spread it in Germany.
The novena to Our Lady of Good Success that precedes the Feast of the Purification of Our Lady on February 2 begins on January 24. There is a short and long version (here and here) Also, you can find some commonly asked questions and responses on the page with the short novena. The origins of the Long Novena can be read about here.
We will begin to post links to the Long Novena daily on our UPDATES page beginning January 23. We hope you can follow along, and direct others to our site, which you should be able to do using the Google translate page.
Each year, Excelsior Tours organizes pilgrimages to Quito to honor Our Lady of Good Success and see other Catholic churches and sites.
Thank you very much for the information on the words of the call of the crusades. We did not know that montjoie means Jerusalem.
TIA correspondence desk
Great site!
Please allow the following questions:
We are interested to know more about the Novena to Our Lady of Good Success in Quito before the 2nd of February (Purificationis B.M.V.) Could you inform us about the exact beginning of the novena, please? Could you also inform us about the organizing staff of this novena? The participants are coming all from Ecuador (and the U.S.)? Would you tell us an address (or website), if it would be possible?
Thank you very, very much for an answer.
B. & K.L., Germany
P.S. Interestingly you show Charlemagne and Roland on the first page of your website … The two words “munjoie renuvelent” of our e-mail-address are taken from the Old-French “Chanson de Roland”, in translation: “the mountain of joy is renewing [the call of the crusaders]: Mons gaudii [mountain of (our) joy, i.e. Jerusalem]”
TIA responds:
Dear B. & K.L.,
We are pleased to see your interest in Our Lady of Good Success and desire to spread it in Germany.
The novena to Our Lady of Good Success that precedes the Feast of the Purification of Our Lady on February 2 begins on January 24. There is a short and long version (here and here) Also, you can find some commonly asked questions and responses on the page with the short novena. The origins of the Long Novena can be read about here.
We will begin to post links to the Long Novena daily on our UPDATES page beginning January 23. We hope you can follow along, and direct others to our site, which you should be able to do using the Google translate page.
Each year, Excelsior Tours organizes pilgrimages to Quito to honor Our Lady of Good Success and see other Catholic churches and sites.
Thank you very much for the information on the words of the call of the crusades. We did not know that montjoie means Jerusalem.
TIA correspondence desk
Wild Beast of Freemasonry
Dear Dr. Horvat,
I very much appreciate your analysis of Our Lady of Fatima and Our Lady of Good Success. It is very insightful. The only important detail you seem to have omitted is the part of Mother Mariana's biography in which Our Lady shows her the wild beast of Freemasonry which enters the beautiful vineyard of the Church, leaving it in ruins.
I point this out because I think it supports your assertion that both apparitions reveal a corruption from within the Church that many people do not want to acknowledge.
I very much appreciate your analysis of Our Lady of Fatima and Our Lady of Good Success. It is very insightful. The only important detail you seem to have omitted is the part of Mother Mariana's biography in which Our Lady shows her the wild beast of Freemasonry which enters the beautiful vineyard of the Church, leaving it in ruins.
I point this out because I think it supports your assertion that both apparitions reveal a corruption from within the Church that many people do not want to acknowledge.
Pascua Pilgrimage 2014
Hi Everyone,
Last year 13 people attempted and completed the entire 6 days over 100 mile Pilgrimage – From Sanford to Nombre de Dios in St. Augustine. It seemed a little crazy but the graces, Catholic fellowship and response from the people on the street were amazing! More people joined us as we neared St. Augustine.
So, this year we have planned the 2nd Annual Pascua Pilgrimage. Over 20 brave souls have already signed up for the entire pilgrimage and many more are making plans to join in at the end.
Attached is a Families Point of Access that breaks down how individuals or families can participate if the 100 miles seems a bit much! Click here and here.
You are welcomed to attempt the entire Pilgrimage – support people will give you a ride to the next campsite if needed.
The price for the entire Pilgrimage may seem a bit steep but it does include all your meals, camping fees, entrance fees, etc. and we have people that may help sponsor a Pilgrim if finances are keeping someone from coming.
Please forward the information to anyone you think might be interested. Feel free to call me or email me if you have any questions.
Visit our website – you can view a movie that shows the highlights of last year’s pilgrimage! http://pascuapilgrimage.com
Viva Cristo Rey!
Janie Alf
Last year 13 people attempted and completed the entire 6 days over 100 mile Pilgrimage – From Sanford to Nombre de Dios in St. Augustine. It seemed a little crazy but the graces, Catholic fellowship and response from the people on the street were amazing! More people joined us as we neared St. Augustine.
So, this year we have planned the 2nd Annual Pascua Pilgrimage. Over 20 brave souls have already signed up for the entire pilgrimage and many more are making plans to join in at the end.
Attached is a Families Point of Access that breaks down how individuals or families can participate if the 100 miles seems a bit much! Click here and here.
You are welcomed to attempt the entire Pilgrimage – support people will give you a ride to the next campsite if needed.
The price for the entire Pilgrimage may seem a bit steep but it does include all your meals, camping fees, entrance fees, etc. and we have people that may help sponsor a Pilgrim if finances are keeping someone from coming.
Please forward the information to anyone you think might be interested. Feel free to call me or email me if you have any questions.
Visit our website – you can view a movie that shows the highlights of last year’s pilgrimage! http://pascuapilgrimage.com
Viva Cristo Rey!
Janie Alf
Ecological Balance
Elaine Jordan has an article the Legend of Dogwood.
I would like to use excerpts from it in a book I hope to write.
I am working on a book for wood lot owners to bring their wood lots back in balance with nature. Many of us wood lot owners over the years selected for only a few crop trees.
We did not consider the under story. That in many cases is now invaded by invasive species which have diminished the food sources for wildlife. Dogwood is a woody plant which can provide feed for birds and butterflies as well as smaller animals and even deer.
Jim Conlin
TIA responds:
Mr. Conlin,
You are welcome to use excerpts from Elaine Jordan’s article in your upcoming publication as long as you credit her for the work and include a reference to the TIA website.
TIA correspondence desk.
Elaine Jordan has an article the Legend of Dogwood.
I would like to use excerpts from it in a book I hope to write.
I am working on a book for wood lot owners to bring their wood lots back in balance with nature. Many of us wood lot owners over the years selected for only a few crop trees.
We did not consider the under story. That in many cases is now invaded by invasive species which have diminished the food sources for wildlife. Dogwood is a woody plant which can provide feed for birds and butterflies as well as smaller animals and even deer.
Jim Conlin
TIA responds:
Mr. Conlin,
You are welcome to use excerpts from Elaine Jordan’s article in your upcoming publication as long as you credit her for the work and include a reference to the TIA website.
TIA correspondence desk.

Posted January 21, 2014
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Here is another article for your homosexual statistics, showing the high rise in STD cases in the last year, almost entirely among homosexuals.
Gary Morella
Ryan Bomberger
A news report shouldn’t typically evoke laughter, especially if it’s not meant to be funny. Bloomberg news reporter, Elizabeth Lopatto’s take on the CDC’s latest, and alarming, report on escalating STDs is not meant to make anyone laugh. But the typical liberal approach to facts has gotten to be absurd.
The CDC’s 2012 report (just released on January 8, 2014) indicates that syphilis, which can lead to blindness and strokes, has risen 11.1% in one year. All of these cases are among men, and mostly homosexual males who comprise 75% of all syphilis cases. Gonorrhea has increased as well since 2011 by 4.1% and disproportionately among homosexual men. Since 2009, the nation’s gonorrhea rate has increased, with a current total of 334,826 cases reported in 2012. Contracting STDs also make sexually active individuals, especially homosexual males, far more prone to HIV infection.
Here is where the “humor” comes in. Both the reporter and the CDC blame these drastic increases in STDs among homosexual men on… drum roll please… homophobia! Never mind our culture has hurtled toward a bizarre hypocritical environment that demands tolerance and the embrace of homosexuality.
So as societal acceptance of homosexuality has increased, the CDC and Bloomberg insist that gay men with STD infections are less likely to seek medical treatment? No one, whether homosexual or heterosexual, likes to seek treatment for STDs. There should be a stigma…to behavior that is unhealthy. The CDC does list “individual risk behaviors” as a contributing factor in these STD disparities, but that’s thrown to the wind when you make up a word and a condition to deflect responsibility.
Read more here