Formation of Children
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Statistics Confirm Homo Lifestyle
Is Unsafe for Youth
A recent graphic report from the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) shows that an astonishing 94% to 95% of HIV cases among boys and young men (ages 13-24) are tied to homosexual sex.
Before the “pro-gay” lobbies start screaming that this is another biased report from a conservative think tank, let me stress that the CDC is a quite impartial organization since it funds “gay” activist groups like the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) and the Gay-Straight Alliance Network (GSAN). So their data cannot be dismissed as “biased.” This study reflects data amassed during the period between 2008 and 2011.
First, we see that the incidence of HIV infection is much larger among men than women for all age groups: 77% for males ages 13 to 19; 86% for ages 20 to 24, and 78% for age 25 and older.
Next, what is also of interest and surprising is to learn that among the 13-19 year-old infected population – which is primarily male – the largest percentage of infected youths in this group – 56% – is white, with Hispanics (21%) and blacks (15%) falling far behind. The figures are essentially the same for young adults aged 20 to 24 years of age (57% white, 20% Hispanic, and 14% black).
Now let us go to the next chart, which gives the data on how the HIV diagnoses is being transmitted among adolescent and young adult males. The study shows that by an overwhelming 92.8% majority in the first group and 90.8% in the second, HIV is being transmitted by male-to-male sexual contact. Less than 2% of the infection is made by injection drug use (IDU), contrary to myths spread by pro-homosexual propaganda.
What specifically accounts for this rise among white youths in HIV infections? It seems clear to me that the promotion of homosexuality and lesbian centers in junior high schools and high schools, presenting it as just another “lifestyle,” is increasing this immoral behavior among today’s youth.
It should be expected that persons in authority in the government and the school system who are in charge of the youth's health would not promote the high-risk homosexual, bisexual and transgender lifestyles among impressionable youth. But the opposite is true. They are the ones upholding it in the name of tolerance and liberty of expression.
Making schools “safe zones” for homosexuals
Camouflaging under “anti-bullying” campaigns, groups like the GLSEN are pressuring schools to promote homosexuality and, at the same time, censor anti-homosexual messages. Its propaganda indicates that any anti-homosexual viewpoints and/or data about the dangers of the homosexual lifestyle have no place in our nation’s public schools.

Instead, a different set of alleged “data” is the only one that can circulate. For example, recently GLSEN initiated a campaign to send a booklet titled Just the Facts about Sexual Orientation and Youth to some 16,000 schools. It warns schools against allowing access to viewpoints that differ from GLSEN’s on homosexuality.
The booklet instructs that homosexuality is one of “the normal expressions of human sexuality” and that “experimentation and discovery” are “common” for youth. Messages about leaving homosexuality – or groups promoting this position – are “harmful” to youth, the booklet warns, and should be carefully avoided.
GLSEN also sponsors pro-homosexual events and “celebrations” in schools, such as No Name Calling Week (January), the Day of Silence (April), Ally Week (October), and Transgender Day of Remembrance (November).
The message the youth in public schools is receiving is clear: The only “mortal sin” still stressed in these books is homophobia. It is not correct, the ‘pro-gay’ propaganda declares, to hold a religious position of rejecting the homosexual as sinful. This homosexual message is reinforced by television programs, movies and other promotional material coming from the homosexual network’s strong lobby.
Further, a general aggressive propaganda raised by the media over “bullying” instructs all the students that “bullying” is a consequence of anti-homosexual viewpoints, especially those held by religious conservatives, who spread an atmosphere of hatred and danger. In fact, the real danger – both physical and moral – comes from accepting the homosexual behavior.
It seems hypocritical, then, that recently the CDC – who posted these data on HIV diseases - awarded the GLSEN an annually renewable grant to launch a “Safe Space” initiative in schools to “support the health and well-being of LGBT youth.” I defend that to promote a true concern for the health and well-being of youth, initiatives discouraging homosexual behavior should be launched and encouraged.
Clearly, it is not really the health and well-being of youth that is the ultimate goal of these programs, but rather to promote homosexuality among today’s youth.
First, we see that the incidence of HIV infection is much larger among men than women for all age groups: 77% for males ages 13 to 19; 86% for ages 20 to 24, and 78% for age 25 and older.
Next, what is also of interest and surprising is to learn that among the 13-19 year-old infected population – which is primarily male – the largest percentage of infected youths in this group – 56% – is white, with Hispanics (21%) and blacks (15%) falling far behind. The figures are essentially the same for young adults aged 20 to 24 years of age (57% white, 20% Hispanic, and 14% black).
Now let us go to the next chart, which gives the data on how the HIV diagnoses is being transmitted among adolescent and young adult males. The study shows that by an overwhelming 92.8% majority in the first group and 90.8% in the second, HIV is being transmitted by male-to-male sexual contact. Less than 2% of the infection is made by injection drug use (IDU), contrary to myths spread by pro-homosexual propaganda.
What specifically accounts for this rise among white youths in HIV infections? It seems clear to me that the promotion of homosexuality and lesbian centers in junior high schools and high schools, presenting it as just another “lifestyle,” is increasing this immoral behavior among today’s youth.
It should be expected that persons in authority in the government and the school system who are in charge of the youth's health would not promote the high-risk homosexual, bisexual and transgender lifestyles among impressionable youth. But the opposite is true. They are the ones upholding it in the name of tolerance and liberty of expression.
Making schools “safe zones” for homosexuals
Camouflaging under “anti-bullying” campaigns, groups like the GLSEN are pressuring schools to promote homosexuality and, at the same time, censor anti-homosexual messages. Its propaganda indicates that any anti-homosexual viewpoints and/or data about the dangers of the homosexual lifestyle have no place in our nation’s public schools.

Schools are funded to become 'safe zones' for 'gays'; Below, high school Gay-Straight Alliance groups in Boston host an annual Pride Day and Parade

The booklet instructs that homosexuality is one of “the normal expressions of human sexuality” and that “experimentation and discovery” are “common” for youth. Messages about leaving homosexuality – or groups promoting this position – are “harmful” to youth, the booklet warns, and should be carefully avoided.
GLSEN also sponsors pro-homosexual events and “celebrations” in schools, such as No Name Calling Week (January), the Day of Silence (April), Ally Week (October), and Transgender Day of Remembrance (November).
The message the youth in public schools is receiving is clear: The only “mortal sin” still stressed in these books is homophobia. It is not correct, the ‘pro-gay’ propaganda declares, to hold a religious position of rejecting the homosexual as sinful. This homosexual message is reinforced by television programs, movies and other promotional material coming from the homosexual network’s strong lobby.
Further, a general aggressive propaganda raised by the media over “bullying” instructs all the students that “bullying” is a consequence of anti-homosexual viewpoints, especially those held by religious conservatives, who spread an atmosphere of hatred and danger. In fact, the real danger – both physical and moral – comes from accepting the homosexual behavior.
It seems hypocritical, then, that recently the CDC – who posted these data on HIV diseases - awarded the GLSEN an annually renewable grant to launch a “Safe Space” initiative in schools to “support the health and well-being of LGBT youth.” I defend that to promote a true concern for the health and well-being of youth, initiatives discouraging homosexual behavior should be launched and encouraged.
Clearly, it is not really the health and well-being of youth that is the ultimate goal of these programs, but rather to promote homosexuality among today’s youth.

Groups of GSA students lobby in Sacramento in 2011 for 'pro-gay' issues

Posted September 16, 2013